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Although some of the people who led the team were not from the military. But also understand this!

“It doesn’t matter. But if I knew, someone was secretly making small movements. Colluding with aliens and plotting against Blue Star. Or try to stir up some panic on the blue star, create a war or something! Don’t blame my men for being ruthless! ”

“Want, war. I’ll take you to fight aliens! Want technology. Come to me for a military merit exchange. Even if you want to colonize. As long as you have the ability to fight down alone. That’s yours! ”

“I don’t care about so many of your previous rags. But Bluestar. I don’t allow something to happen, just don’t allow it! ”

His face sank. Wang Wei spoke directly to the people present.

And these five temporary staff officers in front of Wang Wei directly saluted respectfully and said!

“We may not be able to guarantee that it will not be as you think, sir. But we will definitely strive to win the opinion of the head of the state, and stand on the same front as you, sir! ”

At this moment, not only the five temporary staff officers in this command room, but even the hundreds of generals who were watching the situation in the command room through one screen after another in the conference room, the leaders of the team stood up and saluted Wang Wei respectfully.

Although Wang Wei’s behavior has the meaning of meddling in Blue Star.

But for all those present, those who understand the vastness of the universe.

Blue Star, I really need such a character who can intervene in Blue Star like a word.

“Okay, don’t be so serious. That’s just what I’m saying. Turn back and give to your leaders, to your leaders. Explain what should be explained! ”

“I don’t care if you understand or not. As long as Blue Star is not messy, let it be! ”

“I welcome those who want to join me in the conquest of cosmic civilization. If you don’t want to, I don’t force it! ”

Wang Wei, who stretched out, leaned on the sofa so comfortably and said slowly.

Once upon a time, Wang Wei himself did not dare to think that he could just lie on the sofa like a salted fish and decide the fate of this blue star.

But now this situation is a matter of fact!

“We, understood, sir!”

Admiral Xu, who nodded, also agreed with Wang Wei’s thoughts.

As long as Blue Star is not messy, everything is easy to say.

What I am afraid of is that Blue Star is messed up.

But this time more than thirty countries. Even if it doesn’t work, the vast majority of this joint crusade army will agree.

In addition to the military power of the Umbrella Army, the countries behind this joint crusade have the power to suppress all the rest of the countries.

This is it, confidence!

“That… I would like to ask. Sir, in the future, we people will still be able to follow the Umbrella Army to conquer the universe? ”

Remembering one of Wang Wei’s previous words.

Admiral Xu directly grasped another problem point.

United Crusade Army.

Just now, Wang Wei’s meaning was obvious, and he did not say that there would be no need for a joint crusade army after this time. Instead, he said that he wanted to continue the conquest with Umbrella’s army, and he welcomed it.

That’s interesting!

“Hmm. I said it. However, the specific situation depends on the results of your 30,000-strong joint crusading army, battle losses, and military merits! ”

“If the result is very unsatisfactory, then I can only choose to refuse!”

“After all, I was able to do biochemical experiments with these aliens. But let me take so many fighters as cannon fodder. I am vulnerable to conscience condemnation! ”

Wang Wei, who did not have the slightest blushing behavior, explained directly to Admiral Xu with a smile.

You must know that when the Umbrella Group was just opened, Wang Wei did not use the humans of the Marvel world as piglets and became the experimental products of the biochemical system.

Now he is talking with a righteous face, feeling sorry for the humans on this blue star.

Hey, politicians.

For Wang Wei’s remarks, it was not only these five temporary staff officers who were moved. Even the generals in the conference room were moved.

Good man.

This is the real big brother! This is the real boss!

Mr. Wang, who has the power to destroy the entire Blue Star in an instant, not only did not interfere in all the military and political affairs of Blue Star, but was only a request to stabilize the situation. Do not go to war.

They are even willing to help them develop some trainees in their own countries. Although these people all need military merit in exchange.

It also allows military merit to be exchanged for a technology tree.

There are also concerns about the excessive level of battle damage of their elite soldiers.

Big brother, from today onwards, you will be our real big brother!

For some of the thoughts in the heads of these guys. Wang Wei didn’t know at all.

Even if Wang Wei knew, he just smiled.

Train students?

That’s no problem. Anyway, what has been cultivated is basically the same level as the Escia civilization fleet.

No matter how strong you are, can you be as strong as that?

Anyway, you will always be beaten by yourself.

As long as I maintain a situation that can be crushed and beaten, then these guys will honestly work for me as a part-time worker.

Want to redeem Tech Tree? Redeem some technology?

No problem!

I can give it to you. But exchanging military merit for these things is very consuming.

Let’s come out with sufficient military merit first.

In a word. Wang Wei will not buy and sell at a loss.

Because of this, Wang Wei is very unconcerned about some of the things these guys think!

As for talking nonsense with your eyes open? Is that called nonsense? That’s just not mentioned!

Anyway, it doesn’t matter if these guys recognize it or not. Wang Wei thinks so!

When Wang Wei communicated these things with Admiral Xu.

Although the battle situation on the Sandstone Star is more intense than that of the Wood Vine Star. _

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