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Some of the generals under Ronan’s command began to fight back.

But to their disappointment, each of these guys who attacked had the combat power of destroying stars.

This kind of combat power, with the level of Kerry and battleships, cannot deal effective damage at all.

Damn it!

“How many are the opponents?”

Hearing that the other party filmed some strong people whose personal greatness has reached the extinction star or above.

Ronan’s brows furrowed directly.

A guy whose personal greatness has reached the level of Star Destroyer. It’s not a safe lord. These people, none of them are easy to deal with!

“The number of opponents is around a hundred!”

Information was collected through the data system on the Kerry and the battleship. In the end, these generals nodded seriously at Ronan and said!

“The special attack team sent me all out!”

As Ronan. Kree and Ronan, one of the successors of the future emperors of the empire.

There are also some guys who have reached the extinction star with personal greatness.

And these guys, under Ronan’s ruthless training. Directly became a member of the special attack team.

“Yes, General!”

With Ronan’s instructions given!

On several warships near the flagship of this Kerry and the fleet, nearly two hundred or so members of the Kerry and special combat teams flew out directly!

“The other party has released about seventy percent of their personal mighty members!”

“Among them, the number of individual great powers of star extinction is thirty-five, and the power of quasi-star extinction is one hundred and seventy-two!”

“The first squad, entangle the opponent’s star destroying personal might, the second squad, the third team, give me the quasi-extinction star personal power that entangles the other party!” The remaining six squads. Give me the fastest speed to wipe out this fleet! ”

On a meteorite, the Angel Legion leader stood beside Wang Wei and directly turned on the dataization function.

The entire battlefield was laid out.

And beside Wang Wei, in addition to the leader of this angel legion, there is also an angel squad.

“Understood! The first squad is about to entangle the opponent’s star-destroying personal might! ”

“Understand, the second squad and the third squad have already come into contact with the opponent’s quasi-extinction star personal mighty!”

“The fourth squad to the ninth squad, hoping to obtain strategic capability permissions!”

With the order of the Angel Legion Commander!

The nine angelic ladies who were in the battleship of Kerry and the battleship moved one after another

Among them, the first squad with the strongest individual combat effectiveness directly attacked the opponent’s thirty-five Kerry and special combat teams whose personal greatness had reached the extinction level.

For these angelic ladies, it doesn’t matter if they kill each other. The important thing is to drag these guys away from this battlefield!

As the angel ladies of the first squad wielded the Flame Sword in their hands, the thirty-five Kerry and the members of the special attack team who had reached the level of annihilation felt a little bad.

If you want to get away from the attack of these angelic guys, an angel will beat himself back on the spot. But if they do not break away, these angels only fight with themselves and others. If the individual breaks away, these guys who have reached the level of personal greatness are not the opponents of these angelic sisters.

Bad, thirty-five personal mighty in the star destroying these special attack team members really feel very bad.

They were surrounded by ten guys of equal strength. Not only surrounded, but also took them out of this battle circle!

If these guys who are saying that their personal power is destroying stars is a bad feeling.

Then those personal greatness in the quasi-star Kerry and the special combat team courtyard gate. It’s just holding back!

Twenty people from the other side directly surrounded themselves with more than 100 quasi-star team members.

These angelic ladies are taking a siege hunt against these guys!

Any quasi-extinction star powerhouse who escaped the encirclement of the angel ladies would be hunted by those angel ladies on the spot!

“Ask permission!”

He glanced at Wang Wei, who was a little silent in the entire battlefield beside him.

The Angel Legion leader responded indifferently to the angels from the fourth to the ninth squad.

Some strategic attacks at the strategic level.

Approval is generally required, and this approval is the need to mobilize some of the energy stored in the dark matter dimension of their angelic civilization.

And these energies are the proportions of energy that their angel legion can have.

Without the backing of angelic civilization, the energy extraction and storage of dark matter is not a pleasant thing.

But for victory in the war.

Use it first!

“Understood! Strategic-level attacks begin! ”

After hearing about attacks that allow the use of strategic. The remaining six squads began to scatter.

Directly formed a trend of encirclement between this Kree and the fleet.

Although there will be some warships outside this surrounding, but now there are not so many of them!

“Is this a strategic-level attack?”

Seeing that in each of those squads, several angelic sisters were mobilizing the dark matter through the sword of flame, and some other angelic sisters were protecting these little sisters who mobilized dark matter. Wang Wei’s eyebrows raised slightly!

“Yes, Lord of Angels. Now it’s a four-level strategic attack! ”

The Angel Legion Leader who nodded said seriously to Wang Wei!

“Level 4 strategic attack?”

Hearing this, Wang Wei was a little confused.

Is this legion of angels in the super-god universe so fierce?

“Yes, Lord of Angels!”

“In the Angel database, those who need to be mobilized are divided into strategic and tactical levels. Each level is further divided into five levels. Among them, the tactical level is basically a battle against the surface of the planet. And the strategic level is the battle against the stars! ”

After nodding slightly, the young lady of the Angel Legion leader explained seriously to Wang Wei! _

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