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[ps: The mechanic’s power system is out. How it came to know is known. I won’t say more! 】

Wang Wei, who secretly rubbed his hands, directly began to sign in!

“Ding, congratulations to the host, get a nano core technology tree!”

As the sound of this system fell, another scientific and technological tree rose directly in Wang Wei’s spiritual world.

Hear about the rewards of this system.

Wang Wei’s face became slightly strange.

Nano Core Technology Tree.

This kind of thing, Wang Wei is not familiar with it at all!

Or maybe I haven’t heard of it!

“Let’s take a look before we talk!”

Wang Wei, who sighed slightly, directly opened the nano-core technology tree to watch.

After Wang Wei’s browsing.

For this nano core technology tree, Wang Wei also has some slight definitions in his heart!

OK, the corresponding technology of the nano core can only be regarded as the icing on the cake for Wang Wei.

It is not enough to bring about a large increase in qualitative change.

After all, the nanocore technology also needs a group of excellent people to use.

After thinking about it, Wang Wei directly printed the nano core technology tree through the void engine.

Just like the space capsule technology, IS mecha technology and so on.

These things were all thrown by Wang Wei in that school city.

“Next, take a look at the check-in!”

For the arrival of the nano core, Wang Wei did not have many ripples in his heart.

Unless it is possible to extract the technology that can conduct operations in the starry sky. Or it can make personal greatness reach the level of star destruction.

Otherwise, the combat level of the surface would really be difficult for Wang Wei to form enough icing on the cake.

“System, continue to check in!”

Wang Wei, who put the nano core technology tree aside, whispered to the system again.

With Wang Wei’s order, the monthly signing system signed in again!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the machinist career inheritance!”

As the sound of this system falls. Wang Wei’s face was a little strange, and he directly clicked on the professional inheritance of this mechanic to watch.

Drawings, mechanic skills, and an endless sea of mechanical soldiers.

All kinds of knowledge points appear directly in the head!

“Isn’t this special with the mechanic Binghai, one of the novels in the previous life?”

Seeing the professional heritage of this mechanic, I really don’t know what to say.

A mechanic can be regarded as an alternative cultivation system similar to the cultivation system in the supergod universe.

The profession of mechanic is roughly divided into large types, virtual mechanic, mechanical warrior, and mechanical manufacturer.

Well, three categories.

I have three major categories of your sister!

The more he looked at this mechanic’s profession, the more Wang Wei felt that this profession had a little familiar feeling.

It’s like, it’s like a novel of mechanical flow that I’ve read.

The big guy who cuts leeks!

“What kind of thing is this!”

Watch the legacy of this mechanic’s profession.

Wang Wei’s whole face became strange.

Wang Wei has established a magic city to inherit most of the magical knowledge points he has acquired.

In this magical city, because of the existence of a special building such as the city hall, many citizen students are enrolled to learn magic.

Among them, there are several excellent magic students, and their strength has reached the combat power of quasi-annihilation stars.

And Wang Wei also directly transmitted a large amount of magic technology to this magic city.

It can be said that in addition to some magic that can destroy the world and destroy the world, the magic that destroys the galaxy.

Basically, Wang Weidu entered into the largest magic hall in the magic city.

And now there is another machinist career legacy!

“Fortunately, you were able to pass it on. Otherwise, you will be blind if you lose this profession into my hands!” ”

Wang Wei, who had a slight corner of his mouth, flashed directly to this academy city.

Now Zhang Ya and Zhang Yu have completely separated to manage the Umbrella World and the Red Alert Planet.

The chief of the Red Alert Planet is none other than someone else. It was Zhang Yu, the little girl.

When Wang Wei came to this academy city, he directly talked to Zhang Yu.

In this college city, a place has been carved out.

It was regarded as Wang Wei’s mechanic college.

For the profession of mechanic, Wang Wei is also quite optimistic!

If nothing else, virtual mechanics are combined with those intelligent AIs that have just been born.

Then Wang Wei’s Umbrella Army is in the virtual network, and this piece has sufficient capabilities for defense and offense.

If you rely solely on intelligent AI, the attack is insufficient and the defense is more than enough.

It’s a very embarrassing situation!

“I don’t know if it’s a situation where the skill tree is crooked, but the virtual aspect in the supergod universe directly began to explore the void aspect! This virtual mechanic directly creates another shortcut and mixes with the path of intelligent AI! ”

While muttering, Wang Wei entered his knowledge about this virtual mechanic into the library of this mechanic academy.

In addition to virtual mechanics.

Whether it is a mechanical warrior or a mechanical manufacturer, Wang Wei also values it a little.

If the virtual mechanic is an auxiliary person in the space fleet who steals intelligence, controls information, and dispatches in the fleet.

Then this weapon warrior is a special attacker.

Left-handed energy cannon, right-handed electromagnetic catapult cannon, with a nuclear reaction backpack on his back. Straight to you a true Terminator series!

It’s a berserker in the scientific and technological civilization!

However, Wang Wei liked it.

It only takes some resources and some equipment to create a weapon warrior whose combat effectiveness has reached the quasi-annihilation level.

As long as the Psychic has sufficient combat ability, it is transforming the Psychic. _

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