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The two people couldn’t help but look slightly happy!

“Professor, you made a move!”

Those figures are none other than others.

Exactly the people from the security department of the Umbrella Group!

This Umbrella security department people, how strong is it. Both Mary Jane and Peter Parker are very clear.

It’s just that the only pity is that these security personnel in Umbrella are not very concerned about maintaining law and order.

Just pay attention to whether this Umbrella will be threatened.

Otherwise, as long as someone from the security department of the Umbrella Group is present. No matter how many villains there are, they can be cleaned up in an instant!

“Hmm. After all, eating, you also need a good mood! ”

“I don’t want to be in a good mood, just get messed up by this guy!”

While speaking, Wang Wei shrugged indifferently!

After all, eating is a mood. If the good mood is disturbed by such a person.

Then this meal is considered uneatable!


After seeing that the people from the security department of the Umbrella Group directly and quickly disposed of the mutant.

Mary Jane looked at Wang Wei’s eyes with a touch of indescribable feeling!

Therefore, women are wolves, don’t give women a chance!

Under this gaze of Mary Jane, Peter Parker really sat like a needle.

Walk and can’t go. Where Wang Wei was blocking.

If she didn’t leave, Mary Jane’s eyes stared at herself!

Peter Parker at this moment really just wants to say one thing. Dude, I’m so hard!

It doesn’t matter if this Peter Parker is difficult or not!

Wang Wei finished this lunch with a happy face!

As for Mary Jane and Peter Parker, they are a little uncomfortable.

Mary Jane, who was thinking about getting along alone with Wang Wei, did not find a chance.

And Peter Parker, who was on the side, was under the gaze of Mary Jane. The whole person is facing a collapse situation.

Sister, please spare your life!

After Wang Wei left, Peter Pa was a little speechless!

However, Wang Weicai didn’t care about him in this matter. , at the expense of you alone. How good it is to fulfill me!

The days passed day by day between Wang Wei’s progress.

Wang Wei also had intimate contact with the young ladies he recruited.

Take Icarus and the others around today.

Tomorrow, with the brilliance, come to see the penguins on the blue star.

The day after tomorrow, I will take the cold black lotus and the hip-hop Tanya to admire the cherry blossoms in the mountains!

In two days, Wang Wei took a group of angel ladies directly to the panda base to see those little cuties!

Before leaving, Wang Wei was also given two red pandas.

Well, a pair of little cute dango.

These two black and white balls were abruptly impressed by these few angelic ladies.

The two red pandas have directly become the pets of this Umbrella Angel Legion!

Anyway, this recent period. Wang Wei didn’t do much research.

I didn’t do much about it.

Basically on this blue star, today a little sister, tomorrow a soft girl like a soft girl to take these people around!

And the United Crusade Army organization was officially established!

Finally, at the behest of Wang Wei, the joint crusading army organization was renamed as the joint organization.

And Wang Wei sent several generals and officers who graduated from the officer academy to this joint organization, as well as a little manpower.

Directly did not care about this joint organization.

After the formal establishment of the joint organization, Wang Wei automatically became the joint chief officer of the joint organization.

Secondly, the three big hooligans were called the joint deputy officers.

The rest of the group is called a part of the association.

The Blue Star Base Camp of this joint organization is not somewhere else, it is the military exercise island before that!

With the birth of the United Organization.

Wang Wei was also very indifferent, and directly transferred a dozen or so old Ethiopian colony-level warships to open the vicinity of the moon.

It borrowed some technology to build a small space port above the moon.

The joint forces of the joint organization are stationed in this spaceport.

Every day, Wang Wei’s ten or so old Ethiopian colonial warships are leased to train the combat effectiveness of these troops!

There are not many people.

Within the limit of the number of people given by Wang Wei.

300,000 people!

These 300,000 people, basically every army is the most elite force on the Blue Star!


Impossible things. The members of this joint organization will not be disarmed if they are killed. Not only will it not disarm, but it is also necessary to increase the recruitment of this source of troops!

On a small military exercise island, about 3.5 million troops were stationed.

These forces directly filled the military exercise island!

And those combined forces above the spaceport near the moon are adapting to the way they fight in the universe.

The members of the joint organization above Blue Star are all grinding their fists. Prepare for a new round of cosmic crusade!

“Finally, finally got these guys together!”

At this time, Yuri, who was near the broken star passage, was tired!

After several months, Yuri spent several months finally brainwashing those dozens of guys whose personal greatness had reached the level of star destruction. _

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