Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1434: Body of law

The neuron structure is an important cell structure in the biological brain that can support the transmission of information between each other.

The situation at this time, although not exactly the same as the real neuron cell structure.

But there are some similarities.

All the power of Li Yue's mind and spirit is transformed into a special energy signal, and important information is conveyed among the light groups of the power of law.

Therefore, at this moment, in this special dimensional space, a special structure is formed that is similar to the growth of branches and interacts with each other.

And this special structure is the key that can promote the power of many laws to merge with each other.

With Li Yue's mind constantly shuttled through the light group of all the power of laws.

More and more light groups of the power of the law, the light of the power of the law began to slowly change.

Although, even after the change, the colors still did not become similar among the light clusters of the power of law.

But it gives people a very harmonious feeling.

As time goes by.

This inexplicable sense of harmony has become stronger and stronger.

Until a certain moment, Li Yue had been able to clearly feel that among the many different law power light clusters, the link with other law power light clusters had been completely established.

The power of all laws is no longer the power of absolute rejection of different laws.

This means that Li Yue's plan has been completed less than a half from true success.

There is already a certain kind of special bond between the power of many different laws at this time.

And it is Li Yue's mental energy that has been initially integrated and assimilated with all the powers of the law that builds this kind of bondage.

Although before that, if the forces of different laws meet, it will be like the collision of atoms, instantly generating extremely huge energy, causing devastating disaster.

But at this moment, Li Yue has the power of mind to connect them in advance, and build a stable and harmonious special structure in it.

So now, just in contact with each other, the power of different laws will not burst out with terrifying energy instantly as it was at the beginning.

The power of different laws also has the possibility of coexisting in harmony with each other.


However, it is not Li Yue's ultimate goal at this time to allow all the power of the law to coexist in harmony with each other.

Li Yue's ultimate goal is to dominate his position with the power of his own mind.

And the power of many laws is assisted, and they can be integrated and symbiotic, and can even complement each other's defects.

Eventually condensed into a new body led by Li Yue.

And this body is formed by the fusion of a total of 108 laws.

Waves can cause laws to converge, condense the power of laws, and manipulate the power of various laws in the world at will.

Compared with those powerful physiques described in some fantasy novels, it is even more abnormal.

Even, if it can really condense such a powerful body.

Perhaps in the end, just relying on this body's ability to manipulate the laws of the world at will, it is already stronger than most multiverse powerhouses.

In other words, only with the body that has just been condensed, Li Yue, the conscious clone, can even directly surpass the body that has billions of cells as the energy source and is even stronger.

Of course, the difference between the two is the differentiation of consciousness.

There is no difference from each other.

Therefore, even if this body cast by the power of many laws, after being condensed, has the power to surpass the body, it will not cause any bad effects on the body.

Because Li Yue had already planned that when the new body really merged successfully, and when he left here and returned to the body, he would directly begin to merge with the body.

At that time, not only can you retain the body of the power of the law, but also the ability to control the power of many laws at will.

It can even merge with the billions of cell universes owned by the ontology and achieve each other.

At that time, the strength of Li Yue's body may also make tremendous progress in an instant.

It even directly crosses the level of the multiverse to reach the level of the almighty universe, omniscience and omnipotence, above all things.

At that time, not only the barriers between the multiverses, but for Li Yue, it is completely like a plastic film, which can be easily pierced.

He can even change the reality of many multiverses at will, easily destroy countless multiverses, and even merge different multiverse realities together.

In short, Li Yue, who possesses omniscience and omnipotence, can completely override everything, control everything, and rewrite reality.


Of course, these are just some of Li Yue's fantasy, and they have not really been realized.

However, Li Yue at this time is also working hard to achieve this goal.

At this time, the power of mind and spirit has been used to establish a corresponding connection between the power of all laws.

And the next step is to enlarge this special connection infinitely, until it is sufficiently stable, you can proceed to the final step, fuse all the powers of the law, and condense the body of the law.

Time is passing by as Li Yue continues to strengthen the connection with the power of his mind.

As for the outside world, the process of the girl condensing the golden core is also the same as Li Yue, falling into a strange state.

The normal process of condensing the golden core is a huge test for the cultivator, second only to Heavenly Tribulation.

Countless cultivators must make complete preparations before preparing to form a pill.

Find a place where the heaven and earth are full of spiritual energy, and even prepare some special pill, so as not to be unsustainable when the golden pill is condensed.

There are even some core disciples of the sect with excellent aptitude, who have superb elders to protect the law when forming pill formation.

In order to avoid some special accidents in the process of forming alchemy, causing the failure of alchemy, affecting his own excellent qualifications.

And at this time Although the girl did a lot of preparations before she formed her pill.

But she just found a secluded place for herself. Not only did she lack the guardian of the seniors, she didn't even prepare the elixir for replenishing spiritual energy consumption.

However, although it sounds like the girl's pill formation process is a bit shabby.

But in fact, she is more fortunate than all other cultivators.

Because from the beginning to the end, there were almost no cultivators at all. During the process of condensing the golden core, they could obtain the fruits of the power of taking the law and the opportunity to help condense the core.

And at this moment, what helped the girl's pill formation the most was actually the golden-yellow fruit of the power of law.

Because it not only contains the huge energy needed to support the girl's pill formation, but also contains a certain special ability that can enable the girl to master new magical powers.

Moreover, because the process of condensing the golden core and comprehending the new supernatural powers is carried out together, the girl can gain unexpected benefits in this!


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