Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 797: Reduce the temperature


After hearing what Steelbone said, the Flash and Clark couldn't help looking at each other, and both saw some embarrassment in each other's eyes.

"Sure enough, this kind of thing must be handed over to professionals."

And after Clark heard Steel Bone say that it is not impossible to use freezing breath to cool the nuclear reactor, but a certain temperature is required, and he feels very helpless in his heart.

Sure enough, this kind of thing can only be solved as soon as possible by letting professional personnel guide them.

If it is normal, such a thing will not happen naturally.

With the help of the two big tech giants, Steel and Batman, Clark and the others estimated that this nuclear reactor that was about to explode would have been prevented long ago.

Unfortunately, in this situation, when they didn't expect that the Flash could give others the ability to move quickly, naturally they couldn't get the help of the two.

Therefore, in order to prevent the explosion of the nuclear reactor, they can only use what they think is feasible to prevent the explosion of the nuclear reactor.

Unfortunately, their method is not wrong in theory, and it can indeed prevent the explosion of a nuclear reactor.

However, these methods are not used casually to achieve the desired results.

It is not that after use, it can easily prevent the explosion of a nuclear reactor!

It requires accurate calculations and then accurate plan implementation to achieve the desired results.

For the Flash and Clark, these are naturally relatively complicated, and they simply have no way to perform such accurate calculations.

Fortunately, now with the help of the steel frame, they only need to perform normal operations according to the results calculated by the steel frame!


Although they said that their actions could not prevent the explosion of the nuclear reactor, the steel bones still admired the two in their hearts.

Therefore, at this time, he did not mean to blame the two, but just explained that their previous actions did not achieve the desired effect.

Soon, several people came to the nuclear reactor that was about to explode again.

At this time, the light emitted by the nuclear reactor has become even more dazzling.

A group of dazzling silver energy light group contained the aura of fear that could destroy everything.

Just standing a few meters away from the nuclear reactor, you can feel a palpitating breath.

It seems that even steel bones cannot survive a nuclear reaction explosion!

At the same time, they can also feel that a scorching temperature is sweeping towards the surroundings.

It's just that temperature transmission takes a certain amount of time, so when this kind of time is a little frozen, the terrifying temperature in the central area has not been completely transmitted to the surroundings.

When the terrifying high temperature in the center of the dazzling light cluster like a small star completely spreads around it, it is also when the nuclear reactor explodes and produces huge destructive power.

Therefore, everyone present felt the situation at this time and understood that time was not enough.

Although the time was slow, the explosion process of the nuclear reactor was prolonged indefinitely.

But after all, it was a nuclear reactor explosion, and the terrifying heat generated in it was enough to incinerate everything including steel.

If at this moment they do not think of a way to stop things from continuing, then there is no need for a complete explosion of the nuclear reactor.

Even this kind of terrifying temperature conduction can cause everything around you to be directly destroyed in an instant!

So the situation at this time is very serious and they cannot tolerate their carelessness.

"The situation is more serious than I thought!"

The steel frame used his eyes to observe the nuclear reactor before. At this time, when he really felt the nuclear reactor, the expression on his face became a little serious.

The matter is more serious than imagined by the steel frame. Judging by the temperature at this time, I am afraid that the explosion of this nuclear reactor has already reached a more critical stage.

It is undoubtedly difficult to prevent a nuclear reactor from exploding.

But if it must be prevented, then it is natural to stop it at the time of the explosion reaction in the nuclear reactor, which is the easiest time.

And the farther behind, the difficulty in stopping the explosion will also climb straight up at a terrifying speed.

At this moment, the situation of this nuclear reactor is also the same. Compared with the initial situation, the situation today has undoubtedly increased the difficulty of stopping a lot.

However, fortunately at this time, it is not completely impossible to stop it.

Moreover, with Clark's existence, the method of prevention can continue normally!


"Clark, the situation looks a bit serious at this time, and I'll rely on you next!"

"However, you just need to do what I said."

While Steel Bone was doing a lot of calculations in his mind, he said to Clark next to him.

"I understand, tell me, what do I need to do now!"

Clark naturally did not reject the steel frame. He directly ignored the terrifying high temperature released by the nuclear reactor in front of him, and the radiation that seriously harmed the human body, and stepped closer to the nuclear reactor.

Then he spoke firmly to Steel Bone, saying that he could listen to Steel Bone's command.

"Now It is impossible to directly prevent its explosion. What we can do at this time is to reduce the intense high temperature!"

"So now, we can only use the method you used before to cool it down!"

Steel Bone spoke slowly and said to Clark!

"However, we can't release too low temperature in an instant to lower the temperature of the reactor like you did before."

"So, Clark, you follow my instructions. Start with a slightly higher low temperature and gradually reduce the temperature, and slowly let the temperature of the reactor cool down."

"Wait until the temperature of the reactor drops, then use the main prevention plan!"

Soon, the calculation of steel frame has got accurate results.

Then he told Clark to start releasing his freezing breath at a constant low temperature.


And Clark did not hesitate, took a deep breath, and then blew directly at the nuclear reactor in front.

In an instant, a silvery-white mist visible to the naked eye formed in front of Clark. With Clark's blow, the cold mist instantly enveloped the nuclear reactor.

Because the steel frame had to be ordered, Clark did not directly use the colder breath at the moment, but accurately controlled the temperature of the frozen breath according to the temperature said by the steel frame!

The effect at this time is completely different from last time.

After suffering from the freezing breath released by Clark, the nuclear reactor did not seem to have a violent reaction.

From the observation of the steel frame, it can also be found that the temperature of the nuclear reactor at this time is slowly decreasing.


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