Saying this, Rocket Raccoon has already taken out its last treasure.

A doll with little appearance.

It is shaped like a tanuki and has a huge tail.

“Wouldn’t you be summoning a doll too?”

His face froze slightly, and the American team also took out a blonde doll in time.

“Hey, hey.”

Smiling proudly, the rocket raccoon shouted very loudly:

“My doll is different from yours, not only can last ten minutes, but also the size is quite huge, compared to your three-minute doll, the durability alone is not a grade.”


There was a rare silence, and the corners of the US team’s mouth twitched.

Ten minutes…

It has to be said that this sensitive number has touched him.

You know, his relationship with Olmet is not generally good now.

When two righteous and quite optimistic people meet, there is always something big to talk about.

Unfortunately, Olmet’s duration in this world is only three minutes.

Often as soon as they had a chat, Olmet smiled and waved goodbye.

“It’s a little uncomfortable.”

The rare face darkened, and the American team silently put away the blonde doll.

However, just when the rocket raccoon was very proud, a faint voice suddenly sounded in the air:

“For ten minutes, gee, such a long time, I don’t think this guy will be better than that guy from Olmet.”


With wide eyes, the rocket raccoon also pulled his gaze in the direction of the sound source.

For a moment, looking at Dr. Banner the Hulk with a hint of teasing at the corner of his mouth, the rocket raccoon raised his eyebrows:

“How is that possible? How can Olmet’s small man be stronger than my big man. ”


The corner of his mouth grinned, and Hulk Banner also showed a rare serious look, and said in a deep voice:

“Olmet is the strongest human I’ve ever seen, none of them.”

Iron Man Tony: “…..”

Thor: “…”

Rocket Raccoon: “…”


In the collective silence, several people looked at each other.

To be called the ‘strongest human’ by the current Hulk Dr. Banner is a bit excessive.

However, unexpectedly, in this collective silence, no one refuted.

Even in this piece of combat power, Thor, the most proud thunder god, did not speak.

Just because, by chance encounter, he did find that the very optimistic blond man was indeed very strong, strong and could even be said to be ‘incredible’.

A very ordinary human being can be so strong that it is terrifying.


At this time, the rocket raccoon’s face was also slightly stiff.

Although it didn’t know how strong Olmet was, looking at everyone’s faces, it also had a good idea.

“You can’t really do Olmet, do you?”

“Don’t tell me, the longer the summoning, the more powerful it is.”

Rare heart spit, rocket raccoon is also a burst of suspicion.

Just for a moment, frantically shaken his head, and the corner of the rocket raccoon’s mouth is also pulled:

“Won’t you know if you try it?”

Saying that, the rocket raccoon also threw the doll in his hand towards the sky.

However, at the moment when the doll flew into the sky, as if something was discovered, the faces of a group of people changed greatly.

“Groove, what a joke.”

“It’s really a behemoth.”

“I’m afraid this size can catch up with a building.”


In the midst of the exclamation, Team America, Natasha and the others all looked at the sky in disbelief as a giant shadow that had enveloped everyone.

And, even more shockingly, this terrifying shadow appeared.

The whole sky is windy and cloudy, and there is even wild sand upside down.

In terms of momentum, I don’t know how much stronger than Olmet.

“I, I know, my doll, must be the strongest.”

“I know.”

In a rare pride, the rocket raccoon’s whole person jumped up.

However, before the rocket raccoon was proud, a very crazy voice suddenly echoed in the sky:

“I’m finally out.”

“Ahahahaha, no one wants to trap me, no one thinks.”


This is accompanied by such a sharp hiss.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

High in the sky, countless wild sand spread out.

What is even more frightening is that a wild sand turned into a python and rushed towards the earth.


In just a few breaths, the entire Avengers were like setting off a big earthquake, shaking again and again.

Moreover, what is even more confusing is that countless sands continue to spread in all directions as if they have been given life.

“Groove, what did you summon?”

The rare face changed slightly, and the thunder god Thor also showed a solemn face.

“It’s unpleasant to hear this sound alone.”

Rubbing his fists, Dr. Banner of the Hulk also flashed a fierce light in the depths of his eyes.


As if he had discovered something, a huge eye like a red lantern was revealed in the wind and sand.

However, at this time, this behemoth seemed to have discovered something interesting, and the depths of his eyes were actually playful.

“I didn’t expect that it wasn’t that group of damn ninjas.”


With a frown, Natasha also stepped out and said:

“Your Excellency, we are not ninjas, and now we summoned Your Excellency only so that you can help us and become part of our combat power.”

“Help you?”

As if hearing something ridiculous, this voice suddenly rose, and then did not wait for everyone’s reaction.

With a “boom”, the wild sand like a tide has swept towards everyone.

At the same time, there is also a sharp roar:

“To die, to die, and to use me.”

“You guys… All damn it. ”


“I know that this ferocious beast has no way to be reasonable.”

His face turned cold, and Thor also ran.

“Then subdue it.”

Rubbing his fists, Dr. Banner the Hulk also shook his steps, and in an instant turned into an off-string arrow, straight towards the sweeping sandstorm.


And at this time, the most proud rocket raccoon, his face has long frozen:

“I said, did I do something wrong?”

“Don’t worry, you don’t know.”

Taking the initiative to comfort her, Natasha glanced at the surrounding buildings destroyed by the wild sand, and also twitched the corners of her mouth, reminding:

It is estimated that you will be compensated later, and you are indispensable.


The cheek twitched fiercely, and the rocket raccoon was also like a frosted eggplant, and decisively went down.

It’s not scientific.

Team America can summon Olmet, why he summons a disobedient and brutal monster.

And, more importantly, things don’t seem to be good.

Because, Dr. Banner the Hulk and Thor, who rushed into the wild sand, have not come out until now.

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