Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 231 Back to New York!

The advantage of magic is that it can be performed anytime, anywhere. It does not require a gas stove to ignite, just snap your fingers.

In the past, it was necessary to make a plane to travel, but now you only need to use magic to teleport, and it only takes a few minutes to go from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western Hemisphere, and you can replace it with traditional means of transportation.

It is estimated that it will take a few hours. Is it good to have this time to drink tea and chat, squatting on the street with a bottle of Coke and watching beautiful women?

In the early morning of the next day, leave some notes on the experience of learning magic

Jiang Yifu opened the portal and returned to New York. At the moment when Jiang Yifu left, Ophelia was a little reluctant

. My husband is not destined to be-

, all you have to do is to support him silently behind you!

She opened her eyes and looked at her man

Back in a Brooklyn apartment

, it's still clean.

People come and go outside the window, everyone is in a hurry, the war in Europe has made the economy recover again

America, which earned the war dividends from the First World War, has a chance to rise, and now the Second World War is here again

Another chance to make a fortune!

Jiang Yifu came to Planet Media's own office and read the latest news papers and news, some of which were not published in the newspapers.

It seems that the time has advanced a lot! Is this the butterfly effect? The Soviet-Finnish war should have started slowly in October, so why did it start now! The Nazis attacked Norway?

Did the year just start?

What he did before, plus various invention patents, plus being used by the German Nazi war madmen, the current Nazi strategic layout has accelerated a lot.

The speed of progress has increased a lot! Poland has not been able to hold on for two days, and even the political center Warsaw has collapsed!

It was a real frontal attack. In addition to the blitzkrieg, frontal combat was also a good show for the Nazi army. A borrowed Warsaw was directly defeated by the front! created two

Contributing to a national feat in one day, it is no wonder that Nazi Field Marshal Dönitz would express dissatisfaction when attacking the Netherlands and Denmark later.

Even so, it's shocking! Terrified England rushed to transport troops to France

, ready to unite the French army to defeat the Nazi infantry in one fell swoop. at sea

The confrontation between the two has never stopped. England did not dare to attack easily, because although the Nazi's naval power is not good, there is no aircraft carrier, but it can't stand the submarine.

If you don't pay attention, it will blow up.

The Nazi navy did not dare to move, because it lacked the main aircraft carrier to attack the fortress, and only relying on submarines, at most, only had the ability to protect itself. It is still relatively difficult to advance!

The situation at sea was deadlocked, and the decisive battle was on dry land. Judging from the news, the British and French coalition forces seem to be still preparing to follow the old routines of the First World War.

Like relying on Zhan Ting to block the Nazi attack,

It seems that there is an inexplicable confidence in the war port battle! Although the newspapers have published the new tactics of blitzkrieg

Lancy's side is still building the Maginot Line, and seems to be ready to shrink to the end.

, Resolutely don't take a step out of the line of defense! Ahem, I feel a little bit of a rogue.

Jiang Yifu put away the newspaper and tapped his fingers back and forth on the table, making a thoughtful gesture, "The Nazis attacked Norway, which means that Red Skull has set his sights on

On Norse Mythology, there is something like a Rubik's Cube! But if there is a Rubik's Cube, there should also be a mother box. The mother box should be a little more powerful than the Rubik's cube.

Try to analyze the current situation, how to fish in troubled waters and maximize the benefits! The first is the transformation of the serum of the United States captain Steve, where there will be a team of stills

Unused serum! At that time, HYDRA's agent will come out to make trouble. Well, at that time, I secretly hid the serum and blamed the HYDRA agent.

! Perfect, the skill of throwing the pot is top-notch!

The second is the Dunkirk retreat! Wherever the Nazi navy and air force will have a tragic Armageddon with England. You can't fight it, because it's close to 400,000

the army,

, If you don't retreat, it is estimated that there will be no Normandy landing in the future.

Besides, that battlefield was when Wonder Woman appeared, um, it seemed necessary to go there. But to be honest, Jiang Yifu is not very happy to be on that kind of battlefield.

Because the decisive battle of millions of people is definitely not as simple as seen in the movie.

Bullets flying, artillery bombing, in the frontal battlefield, except for Superman or Destruction Day

What Spider-man, Iron Man,

Batman will be smashed to scum everywhere, right?

But thinking of Wonder Woman's pretty face and her long legs, Jiang Yifu's Kou water is about to flow out, Diana is a top girl, she is beautiful.

The words are nice, they can fight and resist, and the most important thing is that they are very good at protecting their husbands, smack tsk, such a perfect object, um, can't miss it!

Jiang Yifu, this little fox and little bastard, promised Syndra yesterday that he would not provoke women casually, and he forgot about it in a blink of an eye. He is simply a typical bastard. Ah,


Suddenly decided what to do next, then you have to do something to prepare, I don't know if you will meet the guy Ares, the god of war, that is a Greek myth.

The gods, um, although Jiang Yifu doesn't believe in gods or gods,

But a guy who can be so arrogant,

There must be two brushes (Wang Qianhao), well, I just don't know

Is it a toothbrush or a shoe brush! Maybe it's a toilet brush! Mmmm, really fragrant warning!

Weapons, ammunition, medicines! And all kinds of chemical raw materials,

Yuike Ike Flight Backpack! Prepare enough supplies first, who knows if the war will start the next moment!

I inadvertently saw the corpse of the demon general who had been dead for a long time in the corner, still maintaining the appearance of being frozen, not eating or drinking, and also being eliminated from hell

Well, it's hard not to die. The key is how to deal with this thing, alchemy has not made any progress. Only alchemy has an experimental match on a demon corpse that can be used

Fang, to talk about alchemy,

The most powerful are the necromancers from Eastern Europe. Those guys can be said to be scientists in the magician. It seems that there is nothing that cannot pass alchemy.

Made it!

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