Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 506 Visit the Vampire Empire!

Rest in Ursula's villa for one night, and return to Queen's Isle through the portal the next day. Jiang Yifu is going to visit the Vampire Empire after finishing his business, um

Since yesterday, Dottie and Karina have been busy promoting Sorcerer Supreme's great record in Kamar-Taj

If it is ugly, it is to collect protection fees.

Then let the intelligence personnel send the record to the various forces as a warning and deterrent. Tell them not to make a fool of yourself, this Sorcerer Supreme is not easy to mess with,

The peace policy pursued during the period of inauguration was different.

A fresh sea breeze blows on the blue Caspian Sea

Since most of the time atlana is here to deal with marine matters, anything about polluting the ocean is put to an end,

Harmful Jiang Yifu also had to manufacture many waste water and waste gas waste processors to treat domestic waste to avoid polluting the Caspian Sea.

The Caspian Sea is an independent huge inland lake, because its area is too large,

formerly part of the Mediterranean

, so it is called the Caspian Sea,

It has the exact same marine ecosystem

environment of. In addition to the absence of whales, there are a lot of other marine life. The only connection to the outside world is the Don River in the north, only there can pass ships, and the rest are small in size.

Each entry point has a strict high-tech pollution processor 873.

There are hundreds of rivers,

The work of maintaining the environment is always tiring,

, but it's worth it, at least the current living environment is already very good,

, and only Paradise Island can match,

if the future

If Poison Ivy was added, well, it would be perfect. Especially in terms of defense mechanisms,

Poison Bear Girl is a cruel woman,

A terrifying woman who can even be poisoned by Superman.

, enlisting Raul to join his country,

- A combination of high technology and magic

Ophelia has seen magic,

After seeing the high-tech brought by the fluorostars again

Stand up dry-

country, follow the advice of the little husband, first develop the invisible barrier function,

Like Wanda, it has the function of shadow detection. There is also a defense function, when a paradise.

After the ore collected in the dark dimension has the effect of removing corrosion,

: After throwing it to Chief Scientist Raul, Jiang Yifu opened the portal again and returned to Kamar-Taj,

to suck

In the case of the Goblin Empire, it is better to bring the Ancient One.

- What's going on with Ancient One, she has lived for thousands of years, there is nothing in Midgard that she doesn't know, she only cares if she wants to

Or ask -


When I came to Katai Wedding, Ancient One walked leisurely on the martial arts field with a small fan. More than 20 magicians were practicing magic on the martial arts field, or fighting in pairs.

sparring. After all, their job is to fight demons, not to stay in the lab and fiddle with alchemy. "Everyone, take a break, I have something to talk about with the Ancient One magician!


More than 20 magicians suddenly stopped, bowed and bowed politely, and then exited the martial arts field slowly and orderly.

very orderly,

no reason why

" Jiang Yifu

Very well managed.

What do you say, the girl of blood and electricity and Danica have any treasures? they invited me over

It would be a bit of a waste to bring something back.

At the moment is like a place that collects protection fees, that rogue temperament doesn't look like a righteous Sorcerer Supreme!

Ancient One also rolled his eyes a little speechlessly. This guy is really a bastard as always. He was quite honest at first, and now he starts to collect protection fees. Although he is speechless,

Still conscientiously said, "Vampires don't have many treasures.

Not even as good as our instruments, they are of no use to you, but their wealth is astonishing,

Two pure vampires are running the business,

The only thing to watch out for is Degu, the vampire king

have ten

Almost all over the world. In addition, their combat power is average

, not high-end,

He is relatively capable of fighting, but he is still sleeping in the desert. If there is no accident, it will take at least two or three hundred years to wake up.

"Hey? That family has such a long life? Apocalypse in North Africa has lived for thousands of years, right? Do bad people live so long? So I want to be a bad person too! Good people don't live long

The scourge lives for a thousand years! "Jiang Yifu forcibly said something wrong,

Being a good person in history is really not his hobby and ambition.

(bfaf) "They spend most of their time dormant, which is the same as the longevity of stinky dings. In fact, they use secret methods to prolong their lifespan, but the secret is better.

Apocalypse, on the other hand, is less humane.

' explained Ancient One.

"Hey? Odin's Sleep? Did you get some sleep?

Then the strength becomes stronger, and the lifespan also increases? Wouldn't it be possible to live without limit? " Jiang Yifu knows

Speaking of 500,000 years, this is really,

- All races have a lifespan,

Even Apocalypse Yes Darkseid

, it's just a matter of time. Odin's sleep is not unlimited

He will not do it easily now, because it will consume his energy,

There are also limits.

, which is related to his lifespan, so for the last thousand years, his son Thor

don't say it,

, lest anyone hear it and have a good guess, Asgard is powerful, and it is of great benefit to us.

expedition abroad. It's good that you know this,

at least not

will be invaded by actual danger. " Ancient One said with a smile,

Still so elegant, she seems to be more attractive after having blonde hair.

"Hey, the actual danger is the real fight? The supernatural danger is the dimensional invasion? Well, it's not a solution for those guys to hide all the time,

. have to protect them

to dig it out,

. When it's time to fight, throw it out as cannon fodder.

Humph, if we beat them to death, they can hide and destroy everywhere, how can there be such a good thing! "Jiang Yifu finally

Qian said the point,

Thought is very simple. It's just difficult. Blessed he enjoys himself

Now that I know that vampires are not only rich,

If there is nothing else, then there is nothing to rob, just pay the money and hand it over to someone. Oh, by the way, we have to sign an agreement

, ask them to pay

As a guarantee, that is to allow them to continue living in the world.

With a move of his mind, he put on the special magic robe of Sorcerer Supreme, improved his big, ahem, it was his image, and then opened the portal and came to an ancient castle in Europe.

There is also a small town built around this castle. It was established by vampires and has human life, but all of them are vassals of vampires. After all, vampires cannot appear from the sky.

Which one belongs to see the light of death.

"Help! Ah!

"Suddenly a voice came from the alley outside.

- a cry for help,

followed by a scream

Xuan rushed over in a dark combat uniform, holding a specially made silver sword,

"Damn vampires, killing humans again! Well, it's you!

At this time a

Faith! Sunshine to death!"

Bang bang bang! There was a loud fighting sound from the box, and it seemed that a guy similar to a vampire hunter had fought with a vampire! This is what happens when you go out! Hey

But it seems to be able to watch the fighting drama, stop by and see how the vampire's skills are!

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