Deep in the slums, there is a house that doesn’t look too special.

Instantly, the sunlight enters the room, and what comes into view is another world that is completely different from the appearance of the house, with flowers, green leaves, a few butterflies dancing, and white doves lazily combing their feathers.

There is no anxiety, no machinery and numbness in the modern world. This room seems to be a world of its own, full of a kind of quiet and vibrant beauty, like a special little world full of vitality.

An old woman, at this time, was hunching her waist, carefully watering a potted plant, with a plain but sincere smile on her face.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open with force, and a familiar figure appeared at the door.

The old woman touched her glasses lightly, and when her presbyopia became clearer, the old woman smiled and said,”It’s Little Red Riding Hood, why are you back?”

Little Red Riding Hood looked at the familiar yet strange old woman in front of her with an extremely complicated look.

“Grandma, why is it you?”

The old woman rubbed her ears and said in a somewhat awkward tone:”Little Red Riding Hood, what are you talking about? Sorry, my eyes are blurry and my ears are not working well.”

“By the way, Little Red Riding Hood, I have prepared your favorite snacks. Come on, go and eat them.”

Little Red Riding Hood did not move, and continued to stare at the old woman.

“Grandma, you know my character. I am not the type who procrastinates or is careless. When I want to know the answer, I must know it!”

After these words came out, the atmosphere began to become a little silent, and the warm and kind smile on the old woman’s face gradually became a little stiff.

After a moment, the old woman sighed:”Okay, come with me, I’ll tell you all the answers.”

As she said that, the old woman turned around. Little Red Riding Hood hesitated for a moment and followed her. The natural trust made it impossible for Little Red Riding Hood to completely kill her trust in the old woman even if she had doubts.

The two of them walked one after the other, crossing one room after another, and finally came to a locked door in the deepest part.

Looking at the door in front of her, Little Red Riding Hood showed a hint of astonishment:”Is this the little house that you, grandma, have always kept me from touching?”

The old woman nodded, walked forward, took out a key, and easily opened the lock on the door.

A small wooden door was opened, and what came into view was a small room, a very small room, very old, old cabinets, old beds, old everything. Such an arrangement can no longer be seen even in the slums. This is more like a residence in the last century.

The moment she saw this room, Little Red Riding Hood’s face changed. She covered her head, and countless pictures seemed to flash in her mind.

“It looks so familiar. What on earth is this…what on earth is this?”

“This is our former home.” The old woman said in a complicated tone

“Our old home?” Little Red Riding Hood murmured, looking a little dazed.

“Yes, my previous home is also a place full of painful memories.”

“Once upon a time, there was a little girl in a small town who liked to wear a red hat. People called her Little Red Riding Hood. She lived with her grandmother until one day, a talking wolf……”

The old woman told the story. If there were outsiders here, they would find that what the old woman told was the original story of Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood listened quietly, and before she knew it, she was already in tears.

“Why, why?” She didn’t know what she wanted to ask, but she just wanted to ask, very eagerly.

“Why?” The old woman looked nostalgic.

“Maybe it’s because of disgust.”

“A story that is not funny at all, an experience that is repeated again and again, the whole world is like a circle, and when you reach the end, everything will return to the beginning.”

“Repeating again and again, rotating again and again, why, I also want to know why!”

“Why does the damn wolf appear every time? Why does it eat me and you every time!”

“Although I won’t die, the feeling of being swallowed by a wolf, the feeling of being instantly swallowed by the ruthless darkness, the feeling of fear, repeating over and over again, why! Why did you and I have to go through that! Why did it have to be us!”

“I was tired of the repetition and the unfunny story, until one day, I was lucky enough to touch God!”The old woman’s original look of nostalgia instantly turned into endless enthusiasm.

“I connected to God, God gave me power, and God changed everything!”

“There is no talking wolf, no repetitive everything, high-rise buildings, second world, nanotechnology.……”

“Little Red Riding Hood, what’s wrong with this world now?”

Little Red Riding Hood looked at the person in front of her with a complicated expression. The familiar face was now filled with endless strangeness.

“Grandma, if you originally wanted to change bad luck and everything in the past, then you were right, but why, new wolves appeared! And werewolves and those beasts!”

“Don’t tell me that these have nothing to do with you!”

The old woman was silent and fell into a long silence.

“That’s because your grandmother doesn’t have the willpower to match her abilities.”A sudden voice came from behind.

Little Red Riding Hood and the old woman looked over subconsciously and saw Rock leaning against the door.

“After all, you are just a frightened old lady from an ordinary family.”

“You escaped from the order that you originally hated. The initial idea was good, but as time went by, without enough wisdom and thoughts, you began to feel empty and numb, and began to question the authenticity of this world that can be changed at will.”

“At this time, the original experience has become the most real and profound template in your life memory.”

“So, you unconsciously reshape everything, the Wolf Society, werewolves, everything, is born from this”

“Seeing the werewolf wantonly killing the girl, you feel heartbroken and anxious, but you also unconsciously feel some excitement. You gradually become addicted to that excitement, and you are also addicted to the intoxication of being in control of everything behind the scenes. That feeling makes you feel euphoric.”

“In fact, when it comes down to it, you are the only one who is so numb that you can’t tell the difference between reality and illusion.

Silence, a long silence

“It turns out that I am the one who is truly numb!”

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