Marvel: I Can Control Metal

Chapter 258: Zhi Yanxia

"No, within three minutes, S.H.I.

Skye controlled his excitement, looked at Miles and said.

With only a pair of underwear left, Miles got up from the bed with a disappointed look, and kicked while looking at the lamp that fell on the ground.

But he still held Skye's hands and said, "I'm sorry, Skye, if I get into trouble, I'm really sorry, I miss you so much."

Skye heard it and looked at Leiden a little moved, "Me too."

"But we discussed it before I went to Los Angeles. This is my opportunity."

"Don't touch SHIELD, okay?"

"Well, at least tell me how it feels, you are going deep into the enemy army!" Miles asked Skye, looking at him.

"Unexpectedly... friendly, and the people I work with are great people."

"There are still some wonderful stories?" Miles looked at Skye expectantly.

There was also a smile on Skye's face, "Myers, you can't imagine it, but that's all confidential information."

"I can't believe you actually said this, Ce, you have to tell me something!" Miles said incredulously.

"Maybe later!"

"If they can let you take a vacation or something, tell me, I will open a suite and wait for you, find a high-end hotel with a suite, you can tell me the story naked." Miles looked at the excellent Skye Said.

"Suite? Are you? That's funny."

Skye looked at Miles and smiled, "But if I don't find the top quickly, I won't have any vacation."

As he said, they opened the bedroom door, and May and Leo stood at the door generously.

Leo handed over the clothes, "Your shirt, here you are."

Mei still had a cold expression, but her eyes became colder.

Skye's pupils dilated a little in an instant, and he never thought that the two of them were standing outside the door, and their minds flashed instantly, thinking of the possible consequences of this incident.

Eyelashes flickered, and his arms trembled and took Leo's clothes over.

At this time, she was unable to say anything.

Mei didn't say anything, and walked in strode, put Miles in, and copied it.

Leo looked at the sluggish woman in front of him and shrugged.

"Think about how to explain to Colson later, he believes you very much, alas, but I guess he won't listen."

Skye sat on the sofa in a daze, silent.

But a few minutes later, Coleson walked in with all the other players.

Ward glanced at Skye and began to search for clues in the room.

Fitz and Simmons also opened the computer to search for relevant information.

Mei was the guard of Miles, who was already dressed, and took him to another room for questioning.

Coleson looked at the information in his hand with a serious face, without the gentle smile he had before.

Skye was silent for a while, but couldn't help but raise his head to close to Coleson, "I know this looks..."

Coulson put a finger up to stop Skye's words without even looking at Skye.

After that, I closed the information, turned around very formally, looked at Skye, "How long have you been in contact?"

"I contacted once the day I joined and told him that I was fine, and then earlier today." Skye said, his voice getting smaller and smaller.

"You brief the suspect." Coulson said.

"It’s not what you think, Miles and I... When we met, the situation was worse, no, he was worse, I was very bad, but we always took care of each other, so I gave him Mind you, not because we are accomplices, but because we are...friends."

Coleson silently watched Skye finish the long sentence, still frowning.

"I am really sorry."

Coleson frowned coldly and said, "I see."

"If it's not you, who is Mr. Layden working with."

"No one, he is an idealist, he advocates freedom of information." Skye said immediately.

"This information caused a man to lose his freedom, and you destroyed our chances of remedy." Coulson said solemnly.

"No, I'm here to find out how much Miles knows Chen."

"and then?"

"Knowing nothing, getting nothing, Miles is not a threat." Skye looked at Coleson and said.

"It depends on the situation." Coleson turned around.

"Really, I intended to find all the clues to help you, I just don't think... I can't confess everything to you." Skye said frankly.

"I know, that's why I asked May to follow you. It doesn't seem to be nothing." Coleson looked at Skye.

Skye was also a little ashamed not to look directly at Coleson.

Leo walked to Fitz's side, "How is it, did you find anything?"

"No, the computer is very clean, we can't find anything, to be honest..."

"Myers' computer skills are much better than ours." Simmons answered Fitz's words.

"It's okay, I have already caught Miles."

"Leo, why would Skye treat us this way for him? I wonder why he is a friend." Fitz said.

"I think she is, Fitz, but he is obviously more than a friend." Simmons also said.

"But we have experienced so much together, she didn't even tell us that she has a boyfriend."

Leo glanced at the two of them, "Who knows what they have experienced together again?"


Chen Haoran woke up on a big soft bed.

"Good morning, Mr. Chen."

Lena, who was still wearing a floral dress, stood by the bed and said.

Chen Haoran jumped out of bed with some horror, and looked around vigilantly. After all, the last scene in the coma was a big foot kicking in his face.

"What the hell?" Seeing that there was only Rena around, he asked directly.

"I apologize for what happened last night. I must bring you here without being discovered." Rena said softly.

"Hell, S.H.I.E.L.D., tell Agent Guan that he doesn't need to remind me of the broken agreement. It was just a street performance, and I didn't light anyone." Chen said angrily.

"I am not from SHIELD, I am your friend."

"Although English is not my mother tongue, that word doesn't mean the same as you think." Chen exaggerated.

"I can understand your but I believe you have talent. If you want, I am willing to help you cultivate this talent. I can strengthen it. Then, everyone will pay attention to you."

Lena still said softly, her voice seemed to be magical, calming Chen's anger, and aroused him.

"Strengthen my ability? Why, what is your purpose."

"I want to do some tests." Rena said without hiding.

"This is your purpose." Chen said, "Are you going to let me go or kill me."

Chen left angrily, and Lena's voice came out.

"If you leave now, everyone will forget you. If you stay, you can stay in history and enjoy the world."

Chen stopped and turned to look at Lena.

"Do you want Chen Haoran to be famous?"

"No, you need a simple, more dynamic name, for example, Zhi Yanxia."

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