Minato thought Zhang Ming's words made sense. There were no men who were afraid of their wives, only men who respected their wives.

Although he was indeed afraid of his wife, it did not prevent him from echoing Zhang Ming's words to comfort himself.

Mark 38 was extremely powerful and used his body to hold up the iron plate weighing dozens of tons. A Flying Thunder God Kunai flew past Mark 38.

After a golden flash, Mark 38 disappeared from the spot, and the iron plate that it had been holding fell down.

""Damn it!" Tony rolled over and barely avoided it, but was almost crushed to death.

The Mark 25 Raider is good at using heavy weapons. It stood in front of Rhodes and smashed it hard on the floor, knocking several Karami away.

A Karami hugged him and wanted to expose himself.

Swish~ After a golden flash, Mark 25 disappeared, leaving Karami with a confused look on his face.


Karami blew himself up.

Rhodes reacted and ran to Tony,"Tony, it's the golden flash, what does he want to do?"

"He listened to Zhang Ming. It must be Zhang Ming who ordered him to steal my Mark armor again. Damn it!"

Tony was so angry that he gnashed his teeth. It would be fine if he came to steal his things, but he didn't even help to eliminate the enemy.

At this time, Mark 33 fell from the sky. Tony opened his hands and quickly put it on. However, after a golden flash, Mark 33 disappeared from the spot, leaving only Tony with a confused face.

Fortunately, Captain America and Bucky appeared in time at this time.

Captain America fell from the sky and threw out a shield in mid-air.

After hitting an enemy, the gold shield bounced back to another enemy, and finally returned to Captain America's hand.

A set of movements flowed like water, and he dealt with two enemies as soon as he appeared.

Bucky is also not weak, and his arms made of steel are also Although it was not as powerful as the Vibranium Arm he got in Wakanda, it was equally powerful and did not even give the enemy a chance to self-destruct.

As time passed, the enemies were eliminated one by one by Captain America and Buggy.

Those Mark armors flying everywhere were also stolen one by one.

After Minato sent the armor to the Hydra base, he would dismantle the reactor as soon as possible, and then use the Flying Thunder God Technique to come back and continue stealing.

In the end, apart from the fallen enemies, there was only a Mark 42 armor left standing alone in front of Tony.

Minato really left him a set of Mark 42 armor. Tony was crying!


Just when everyone was relieved, a flaming hand suddenly attacked Tony.

Bucky immediately stepped forward to push Tony away, but he was pierced through the shoulder by the hot arm. The temperature of more than a thousand degrees cut off Bucky's entire hand.

Bucky could have been Yang Guo, but now he has no hands.

"Bucky……"Captain America immediately stepped forward to help Bucky up.

Bucky ignored Captain America and looked at Tony,"Tony Stark, I'm sorry!"

Tony looked at Bucky with complicated eyes, not understanding why this long-haired iron-armed man who he had never met before wanted to save him?

"Why? Why are you saying sorry to me? You lost your arm saving me, I should be the one saying sorry to you"


""That's enough, Bucky. The most important thing for us now is to eliminate the enemy."

Captain America interrupted loudly. He really didn't want Tony to know the truth, otherwise he would be sorry for Tony for Bucky.

After handing Bucky to Rhodes to take care of him, he picked up the shield and stared at Killian with resentment,"I want you to die!"

Tony also reacted, put on Mark 42, and was also ready for battle.

However, Killian didn't take Captain America seriously. The purpose of his coming here in person was to seek revenge on Tony from beginning to end.

Zhang Ming in the distance was stunned when he saw Killian who suddenly appeared.

"Why was Killian here? Wasn't he supposed to be in the lab?"

"He promised us that he would not come over. Do we need to rescue him?"

Minato doesn't think Killian can beat Tony and Captain America together.

"Forget it, since he doesn't listen, let him be!"

Zhang Ming thought that Maya Hansen was enough. Killian's research and development capabilities were not as good as Maya Hansen, let alone Tony.

In fact, Killian's template is very inspirational. When he was down and out, he was looked down upon by Tony, a tall, rich and handsome man.

Then, thirty years later, he came back with his research results to take revenge, defeated the tall, rich and handsome man, married a white, rich and beautiful woman, and reached the peak of his life.

Unfortunately, he was not the protagonist, but a terrorist, so his fate of failure was doomed.

The result is self-evident. Killian was beaten up by Tony and Captain America in a mixed doubles match, and was literally blown up.


The TV signal was still live.

With the president being killed, Tony and Captain America defeated Killian, and the whole of America became free all of a sudden.

Especially those black people, their black president was killed by Tony, that's too much, they must use zero-dollar purchases to show their determination.

Hermes, Chanel, Apple mobile phones, gold shops... these stores in the whole of America were bought by countless black people at zero dollars at the same time.

The American government immediately issued a statement saying that the murderer who killed the president was a terrorist, not Tony.

However, the black brothers didn't care who killed the president, Tony or the terrorists, they just wanted to have the largest zero-dollar purchase wave in history, whoever stopped them would die.

This chaos is an opportunity for some politicians.

Especially for King Dong, he and Zhang Ming were originally in the same group.

With the support of SHIELD on the surface and the help of Hydra in secret.

King Dong acted brazenly and joined SHIELD in a short period of time to strike several terrorist dens in a high-profile manner. The media reported it one after another, and he also gave speeches on various occasions.

During the live TV broadcast, Trump stood in front of the camera and began his eloquent speech without a speech script.

"I'm sorry that our president was killed some time ago. I will continue to fight with Obama's will. I don't need the protection of so-called superheroes.

No one knows superheroes better than me. They only know how to fight and don't care about the lives of civilians. I think superheroes should be controlled. No one knows how to fight terrorists better than me.……"

It must be said that Comrade Chuan Jianguo's method of calming people's hearts is quite good, and he also stepped on the superheroes.

After a few days of busy work, Tony finally cleared the suspicion of killing the president. He angrily brought Natasha, Steve, and Barton to SHIELD.

He came here to ask for punishment.

When he arrived at Zhang Ming's office, Tony pushed the door open and walked in.

"Zhang Ming, shouldn't you explain to me how Minato stole my armor?"

Zhang Ming cursed his bad luck. He rarely came to SHIELD, and when he did, he ran into Tony who came to question him.

But facing the angry Tony, Zhang Ming remained calm.

"I didn't even knock on the door. Tony, is this how you usually do things?"


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