Marvel: I Have Reality Gems!

Chapter 308 Qi Jun shot?

Skye and others were ignorant of the reports of the Interstellar battlefield reporters who were broadcasting live.

Although the mental power communication system is famous, it is actually very limited, and it can't monitor the news on the cosmos star network.

You must know that the cosmic star network can make all the places within the known range of the entire Marvel universe connect to the Internet in real time at any time, which is not something that ordinary black technology can do.

The Cosmic Star Network is jointly created by all the top scientists in the universe. It uses a communication system called 'space particles'. It can be said that as long as it is still in the same universe, it doesn't matter where you are, as long as you can accept it. The device of 'space particles' can be connected to the cosmic star network.

There is no way to send people to any corner of the universe at any time, can't it be enough to send a message? - Announced by the Marvel Universe Scientist Group!

Whoa, whoa, far away~

Don't say that Bruce Banner and others don't know about the universe star network.

Likewise, Thanos—the other of the warring parties—is also unaware.

Although Thanos has been staying in his battleship holy place after being 'mistreated' by the 'kites' before.

But Thanos didn't have the habit of those in the Nova Corps command center after all. During the war, he still had to log in to the Universe Star Network to watch the 'news'.

Well, in fact, in the operation of linking the universe star network in the combat command center, except for Skye and others, it is impossible for anyone else.

As a Nova Empire that has at least been famous in the universe for thousands of years, Nova Corps has no such rules.

Both sides of the war do not know the 'lively' on the universe star network, which can naturally make both sides highly concentrated.

To be honest, when Bruce, the fire demon hunter, Banner hit the rain cover of the holy place with one blow, Thanos was shocked.

However, as the Titan Star Master, he has the experience of fighting for many years, and he was shocked. At least from the surface, Thanos did not react at all.

Definitely, except that Thanos used Mind Gem to activate a new layer of energy shield.

Except when attacking Skye and others, Thanos will not waste energy to put a protective cover on the holy place number. You must know that the holy place number originally had a protective cover, okay?

It's not that Thanos is reluctant to give up that little energy, Mind Gem is one of the Infinite Gems, and infinite energy is standard!

The reason why Thanos only put shields on the holy place during the war is because he doesn't seem stupid to put a shield on a battleship all the time?!

Even though Mind Gem can supply energy all the time, isn't it tiring for Thanos to control it all the time?

・・・・Seeking flowers・

You know, Thanos is not Qi Jun and has full control over Infinite Gems.

Knowing how to use Thanos can only be regarded as mastering how to use it, but the kind of operation Qi Jun can directly set the rule to make the Infinite Gems last forever, Thanos can't do it.

If he can do it, it can't be just Level God Father.

If he could control Infinite Gems, Thanos would have advanced to Level Single Universe strength long ago.


Even if I didn't cultivate it myself, after I took control of Infinite Gems, I kept giving feedback, and I would have already pushed the master to Level Single Universe~


"Looks like I still have to make a move~"

'Look' Thanos activated the Mind Gem, and Qi Jun shook his head.

Don't look at Bruce Banner's Forbidden Technique, the protective shield of the holy place was instantly blown off, and it even took a while to recover.

But after wearing the Mind Gem shield, let alone a Bruce Banner, even if they all add up, they can't break it. Even if it breaks, it will be repaired instantly, meaningless.

Infinite Gems, in this Marvel universe, it's just so 'unsolved'!

(To be continued) on.

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