Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 102 Just an ordinary person

In the Hokage office, Sarutobi Hiizan nodded after listening to Kakashi's mission report.

"Kacha" Naruto split the disposable chopsticks in half, with stars in his eyes, suddenly clasped his hands together and shouted, "I'm starting!"

"OK, just a second"

Luo Bing frowned. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't want to get angry about this kind of thing.

Definitely this is only one aspect, this drug has more research value.

Even if his name is reported, few people know him!

"Boss, four big bowls of ramen!" Naruto shouted loudly Roar.

"It's oddly dressed, and he doesn't have chakra on his body. His clothes are a bit like some new clothes that are popular recently, but they are better than those clothes." Hiruzen Sarutobi knocked on the table.

Therefore, Luo Bing followed the person in front of him and went deeper and darker.

"The noodles are here, please enjoy~"

"Then definitely, this is the best ramen in the world." Naruto nodded in satisfaction.

Besides, this is Naruto's village, and it would be rude to get angry casually.

"That subordinate will retire first." Kakashi nodded and disappeared in place in an instant.

"Someone wants to see you, please come with me 793"

"Are you the outsider?" Danzo sat high on the throne and looked at the person in front of him with contempt.

The owner of Yile Ramen Shop is an uncle whose eyes will be fascinated when he smiles, and he looks very friendly.

In fact, from a certain point of view, it is really prosperous here, but for Luo Bing, who is a good young man in the 21st century, the biggest feature of this time besides the antique charm is LOW.

"Why does it feel like a rat's nest?" Luo Bing frowned deeply.

Danzo, who heard the news, was very unhappy.

He wouldn't care about a doctor with no chakra!

Not that they were too careless.

"Here it is! This is Yile Ramen, it's delicious!" Naruto pointed to the signboard in front of him and said to Luo Bing next to him.

And he is now a Genin, and the usual quest rewards can barely fill his stomach.

"This mission was done beautifully, Kakashi, but in the future, the review mechanism of the village mission will be strengthened. It is not so lucky every time." .

He is too old, and it is almost time to abdicate. Sarutobi understands this in his heart, but unfortunately the young Konoha generation does not have a suitable candidate in his heart.

Why does it feel more and more wrong... How on earth did he become a boss?

He knew in his heart that the child was going to the Konoha cemetery to pay homage to his friend again. Thinking of this, Sarutobi sighed.

What the hell is that weird fetish...

When a gloomy man approached Luo Bing and offered to buy medicine, Luo Bing decisively refused.

"Is it Anbu? Strange? What are the people from Anbu looking for brother Luo Bing?" Xiao Ying looked over curiously.

However, he is not very interested, mainly because of the medicines in his hands that can heal people's injuries.

"No, it's not Anbu." Sasuke, who was attentive, found the abnormality keenly.

Fortunately, Konoha Street is clean, which makes Luo Bing very comfortable to watch.

The person from the root simply ignored Naruto's questioning and stared at Luo Bing with cold eyes, without a trace of emotion.


No matter how good Taijutsu is, what can you do? No ninjutsu is still a waste, this is the consensus of everyone.

He and Naruto seem to be uncomfortable without bickering for a day.

Danzang himself has a laboratory. When dealing with Orochimaru in the past, many of his subordinates became scientific researchers. For these people, a bottle of medicine that can restore their injuries is very important.

Unlike Sarutobi who didn't care, Danzo had a little interest in the outsider.

Even if he didn't admit it, Sasuke gradually recognized Naruto as a tough guy.

14 Sarutobi glanced at the place where Kakashi left, it was a flower shop.

"Cut...just ramen noodles." Sasuke pouted in disdain.

After walking for a long time, just when Luo Bing's patience was about to wear off, he finally came to a decent place.

Konoha will never have a second Namikaze Minato again.

Certainly no chakra.

On the street of Konoha, Luo Bing, who got the certificate of entering the village, was taken by Naruto to visit the prosperity of Konoha.

For Naruto, Tie Hanhan, it is the coolest thing to invite friends to eat ramen after getting the task reward.

With some small ingredients such as delicate pork bone meat and barbecued pork, the mixture produces a very wonderful chemical reaction.

The technology tree of Naruto World is very strange. When Naruto got married, everyone wore suits, and the Five Shadows Conference was still a video conversation. In the era of bloggers, the whole technology has developed, and there are high-speed rail TV stations.

"I'm done! Please boss another bowl! 35

It should be said that Naruto took the initiative to argue with him. Sasuke never liked to talk to Naruto, but after the last incident, the relationship between the two became more and more unclear.

Maybe this is what it feels like to live and die together with weal and woe.

The entrance of the ramen is very glutinous, and the deliciousness of the soup is completely integrated into each ramen.

"Bring him here" Danzo gave the order.

It's convenient to do anything in the shadows, but this is the only thing that makes Danzo angry.

However, this is just news. Danzang has not seen the authenticity and efficacy of the drug with his own eyes, so he just asked his subordinates to buy a bottle, and his attitude was not particularly strong.

It is because in this era of ninja chakra, people who do not have chakra in their bodies really make them uneasy.

Just an ordinary person.


Luo Bing hadn't even taken out his chopsticks, this guy should have drank so much that he didn't even have any soup left.

In fact, not only Luo Bing, but the shy Sakura and the cold-faced Sasuke were also brought over.

Compared with these two people, Naruto on the side was not so polite, pointed at the person who came and yelled: "Who are you!? A guy dressed so strangely looks like a badass!

"I can guarantee that Ichira ramen is definitely the best food in the world, you can see it! Tebayo~" Naruto said with promise, and gave a thumbs up.

"That's it," Sarutobi decided in his heart, waved his hand, summoned the Shadow Guard, and removed the secret surveillance of Luo Bing.

Compared to the clean streets above, the environment below is a symbol of clutter.

Luo Bing, who had just walked out of the ramen shop, ran into a root person wrapped in black.

No one knows what his danzo is, no!

What should I say...

"Nice ramen" commented by Luo Bing.

Is it worthy of being a seven-generation boss???

Then... he slammed the ramen into his mouth like he hadn't eaten in hundreds of years!

Without waiting for a long time, the smiling girl next door, Ayame, served four large bowls of ramen.

If the ingredients of this bottle of medicine can be perfectly replicated and mass-produced, the future Konoha combat ability will be greatly improved.

Luo Bing had a few black lines on his forehead. He didn't say something like "I'm starting" before eating. He wasn't used to that.

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