Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 110 "The Death of Luo Bing"

The golden light rushed to the time-space wormhole, pierced the darkness, and killed the starry sky on the other side.

Flight is no longer a problem for Luo Bing, who now has the Super Space Ability.

Wushou Immortal Body's domineering can allow him to survive in the harshest environment in the universe.

"There's an alien mothership ahead." Luo Bing plunged into the black hole, and in front of him was a dense army of Kiritas.

Compared with the tip of the iceberg of the army on earth, here is the glacier hidden under the sea level of the Titan Nick route.

In the abyss of the starry sky, a steel battleship is constantly swallowing Chiryta soldiers. It is about 150,000 meters long, 60,000 meters wide, and 20,000 meters high, covering an area of ​​nearly 900 square kilometers.

Like a small planet lying in the abyss of the starry sky.

At the moment, in the large central control room of the integrated ship, a curved virtual display panel 500 meters long and 100 meters wide suddenly lights up, and a large number of data streams start to refresh at a rate of dozens of screens per second.

After a few seconds, the display screen is divided into nearly a thousand virtual small screens, and each small screen displays the various function parts of the mothership and related data.

There are also green lights that go off and on constantly, each signal representing a Kirita soldier.

However, this is only one unit of Thanos Legion!

"Fortunately, the space gate is too small. With such military power not far away, the Earth can't hold back." Luo Bing was secretly shocked.

Luckily he didn't come too late.

When Luo Bing rushed out of the gate of space, a large number of Kirita soldiers rushed towards him frantically, and the giant beast opened its mouth and devoured the starry sky.

The densely packed Kirita Legion quickly guarded the mothership, and a powerful firepower net covered the entire void in front.

Tens of thousands of laser beams hit Luo Bing.

Luo Bing didn't dare to be careless, he teleported dexterously and landed directly on top of the mothership across hundreds of kilometers.

The 100-meter-high golden giant is like an ant on the mothership.

The golden giant sword swept across, and after crushing the small ants in a circle, it slammed directly into the thick defensive shell of the mothership!


The golden giant sword wrapped in Amaterasu's black flames cut a hole in the belly of the steel behemoth, and Luo Bing jumped in.

"Boom boom boom!!

Luo Bing is not stupid enough to fight the mothership directly outside, that would be irrational!

on the contrary!

Instead, this big guy's abdomen is the weakest part of his body.

The golden giant started to slaughter. He broke through the defensive gates one after another. With the silence strike effect of the silence command, Luo Bing was invincible. His body flickered wildly inside the 900-square-kilometer mothership, destroying one terminal after another. system.


Many Kirita soldiers lost their skills all over their bodies, and their eyes fell darkly into the depths of the universe.

Kirita soldiers have a fatal flaw!

Then all their physical functions and mobility are provided by the mothership!

If the mothership is directly destroyed, no amount of soldiers will have the ability to resist!

And Luo Bing keenly observed this, frantically destroying the electronic control terminal inside the mothership, and clouds of fireworks rose from the tail of this steel behemoth to the head!

Over a distance of 900 square kilometers, Luo Bing didn't know how many times he swung the giant sword, and his silence skill CD was used again just after the end.

The Anti-Void Engine can overturn the conservation of energy, as well as the conservation of dark energy.

The Kirita soldiers were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, completely powerless to resist.

"It seems that your biggest mistake is not letting the Avengers close the space portal in time"

Luo Bing sneered, he had come to the most central area, and several top scientists in Kirita who were wearing white coats had no power to restrain chickens, and roared at him like a bug.

Luo Bing's kindness is never left to opponents, and Amaterasu's flames continue to burn constantly.

The dimensional slash from the golden giant sword split the muscles of the inch-inch steel behemoth into all directions of the universe.

Luo Bing did not leave behind the idea of ​​pulling the mothership back to Earth for research.

He can't.

not to mention.

If the mothership is not destroyed, the Kirita army will not disappear.

"It seems that I should have come to the energy area from the beginning." Luo Bing shook his head, but that's all.

Amaterasu climbed directly onto the Void Engine, and the fiery black flame ignited the entire spaceship like a fuse.

Luo Bing drilled into Shenwei space and appeared very far away.

Blazing flames swept through the void! The power of the mothership's explosion was beyond Luo Bing's imagination.

That mighty impact spreads all around, rushing towards the wide open space channel!

"Crap..." Luo Bing frowned.

"Boom Dragon Dragon!!!" The violent explosion seemed to want to destroy everything, roaring like a hell dragon!

It was just the aftermath of the explosion that flew thousands of Kirita soldiers who had lost their body functions and floated in the void.

The huge amount of fireworks was like the end of the day, and a small planet not far away was directly ignited and turned into bright fireworks in the universe.

If this energy is allowed to rush into the earth! The consequences are unimaginable!

Luo Bing carried the Kirita behemoth to block the edge of the space passage. Under this impact, the heavy Kirita beast was directly crushed into a pile of fly ash.

"Damn... ah..."

Luo Bing's Susa armor disappeared after holding on for a while.

Wushou Immortal Body exudes a dazzling golden light, and the huge divine power blooms from every cell of Luo Bing's body!

That terrifying power, even the surrounding time has been distorted.

Luo Bing couldn't find time to look back at all, and he couldn't do it either...

"Stark! If there is any way! Close the space passage!! Luo Bing firmly held the edge of the space passage.

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・・0

The terrifying explosive force was split under the shroud of his divine power, turning into two parts, one up and one down, and rushing behind him.


At the moment the battle is over, and the surviving Kirita army has also lost their bodily functions under the destruction of the mothership.

Black Dwarf was finally defeated by the Avengers, and was shattered by Thor's mighty hammer.

Loki was trapped in a cobweb.

The scepter in his hand was snatched by Natasha Romanoff.

They have already asked Loki how to close the space door, and now they are just waiting for Luo Bing to come back.

"Stark! If there is any way! Close the space channel!!

The golden figure blocked the space passage, and his tiny body was enduring the power of Wan Jun.

A familiar voice resounded in everyone's communication.

"What are you going to do!!" Stark yelled at the sky, shooting flames from the soles of his feet, charging straight towards the void.

"Leave me alone! Quick!!!"

After saying this, Luo Bing's clothes started to burn, and the communicator was overwhelmed and burned directly.

Luo Bing stimulates the divine power of the body, and the power of the explosion is stronger than the wave...

He can't stand it anymore...

"Close the space door!!!" Stark was repelled by the heat wave, clenching his teeth and shouting loudly.

He needs to make a choice.

He can't have any more hesitation!

At the moment the sky of New York has been burned to fiery red,

Everyone watched this scene.

Looking at the man who resisted the end of the space passage with his own strength comparable to that of a god, his eyes suddenly became moist.

‘Natasha Romanoff!!!

"Close the door to space!!!39

Natasha Romanoff's eyes turned red, then sharpened, and pressed the scepter directly on the space door.


The gap in the sky healed quickly.

Luo Bing's power is almost exhausted.

Glancing behind him, he wanted to use the power of space in his entire body to escape.

It's just... the surrounding space has been distorted by the heat wave.

His divine power space was only closed.

Now he has only one end.


Getting into the distorted space of the void, I don't know where to exile, I don't know if he can survive in the turbulent space with this remnant body.


Depleted of divine power, destroyed by this horrific destruction...

Luo Bing has already made a duel.

However... at the moment!

A streak of golden light approached Luo Bing at a speed that was incomparably close to the speed of light, hugging his half-naked body and flying into the distance.

That is.

A teenage girl with blond hair and a perfect face. .

Surprise! And.

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