Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 118 What a terrifying killer move!

Luo Bing turned Kakashi's dead fish eyes, ignoring the screaming rabbit.

Why should he explain anything to a rabbit?

He walked straight to the co-pilot, put his legs on the driving instrument, and yawned lazily.

"Friday, log in"

The lights inside the spaceship with the outer shell of the Beetle flickered, and suddenly a sweet girl's voice came: "Okay, Mr. Luo Bing, the login is complete, and we're heading to Ganesh"

Afterwards, the entire spacecraft ran at full speed and headed towards the destination.

"What kind of radishes are these two humans?"

Gu Dong looked at the black-haired man with Erlang's legs crossed on the co-pilot, and the blond woman who was communicating with Diya, with two big carrots in his heart.

Then the rabbit turned and looked at McDonald expectantly.

For Gu Dong, although his cook usually looks silly, he is most reassuring at critical moments.

"Okay! Storm Familla! Here we are!" McDonald smiled brightly, as if he didn't care that there were two more unfamiliar passengers on the spacecraft.

"I'm looking forward to a carrot from you!

Gary Star.

This is a planet similar to the earth. The original products of the planet are not rich, and all the goods here need to be transported by other planets.

There is a major development of tourism here, bringing together people from all planets.

Luo Bing met many races along the way, those with horns on their heads, those with small wings on their backs, blue-skinned Cree people, red-skinned gorillas, all kinds and many kinds.

"Meow, look at that handsome man, he's the Prince Charming in Ben Meow's mind."

On the way Luo Bing was missed by a talking cat.

This was what he had never thought of.

"Carol, we want to buy some food, does this place accept Domora gold payment?" Luo Bing asked, they just got a small Domora gold planet of about 200 meters, the money is not needed I'm worried.

"Hum, stupid human, the currency here is U coins, what kind of radish is Domora Gold?" Gu Dong shook his ears and took out a dozen gold coins with a proud face.

"Become this king's bodyguard, how can a handsome king not have two powerful knights, follow this king, and make sure that you are both popular and spicy, and you will not have to worry about it all your life,

Rabbit is talking to himself..

But no one cared about him

"Well, the geographical location here is too remote, and generally the low-level currency such as gold coins is still used."

"But it doesn't matter, any planet has a currency exchange office, we can go to the exchange office to exchange some, the ratio is about 10,000 U coins per gram, and a gold coin is 100 U," Carroll explained.


"Is it this universal gold coin?"

Luo Bing swiped the space, and the dazzling gold coins instantly piled up into a small mound, burying the self-talking rabbit below, revealing only a rabbit's arm.

"Wow! A lot of money!" McDonald's eyes sparkled with stars.

"Radish, what's pressing on this king!" The rabbit angrily ripped off the weight on his body, and then the two rabbit eyes couldn't move for a moment.

"Are you also a prince, I knew we were traveling together, hehe, Prince Bingbing, add your contact information?" Rabbit looked at the gold coins with a fortune-telling eye, and took out something similar to a mobile phone from his pocket.

Diya on the side smiled awkwardly.


"Prince Bingbing?? Hahahahaha" Carol laughed without any scruples.

The laughter made Luo Bing's head full of black lines.

"If you can't find something delicious tonight, just eat rabbit meat." Luo Bing put away the gold coins and raised the rabbit ears with one hand.

"Ah, ah, radish, don't eat this king, McDonald! Come and save this king!" The rabbit rubbed its teeth and kicked its feet.

"Let go of Gu Dong, come to me if you have anything!" The boy with the monkey-like hairstyle looked directly at Luo Bing, his eyes full of seriousness and unwillingness to admit defeat.

It looks like the two are going to clash like this?


What Luo Bing didn't expect was...

"After all, I'm the best at making bento! I'm sure you'll be satisfied! McDonald's smiled brightly and gave a thumbs up.

Diya on the side smiled awkwardly, she was used to it...

Luo Bing had a black line on his forehead, the corners of his eyes jumped, and finally let go of the rabbit speechlessly.

Why does it feel like it's mixed in with other dimensions, and the brain circuits of cosmic people are different...

market center

"A lot of ingredients I have never seen before!!

"Fantastic!!" McDonald twisted his butt, which was a mood that others didn't quite understand.

Good cooks meet good ingredients.

Luo Bing invested the money, but he wanted to see what kind of cooking skills this little guy from Blue Star had.

"I've inquired about it. The prize for this Storm Famira competition is a hyperspace engine. This is good news. We can stably travel through the black hole with it." Carroll smiled and fluttered her long blonde hair. .

"I said it's a small problem, don't worry, we'll be back to Earth within half a month."

"But now there is a problem, they won't sell it, this thing is a prize for the Storm Farmira competition, maybe we can try to win it back," Carroll said.

~ It's so troublesome, just grab it back." Luo Bing had a black line on his face, and was very unfamiliar with the game.

"It's not good to grab it directly. We will be wanted. This is the jurisdiction of the Interstellar Alliance. Besides... you are a hero of the earth, not a robber." Carroll rolled his eyes.

Obviously, she wouldn't make that kind of direct grab.

"Whatever you want, I'll go get the qualifications for the competition," Luo Bing said, walking towards the front alone.

Two burly-looking people with white faces and dark circles have been arguing there since the very beginning.

But from their conversations, they seem to be the contestants of this competition.

"Blame me?"

"Blame me?"

Some people are really unreasonable strange repeaters, just like the two guys in front of them, their quarrels are so weird.

"Hey, give me the qualifications in your hands." Luo Bing walked over, (Zhao Nuohao) expressionless and indifferent.

"Huh?" Super Chestnut Brother turned his head angrily.

That ferocious expression was enough to frighten many children to cry.

"Are you going to shoot?" Dea looked at the mysterious man curiously. She could feel that he was very powerful, but she didn't know what the definition of power was.

"Well, it seems that the super-ability that I still have hidden is about to be used." Luo Bing frowned.

Until the critical moment, he really didn't want to use this trick.

after all...

This is...

Money Ability!!!

After a minute...

"Thank you for your patronage, thank you for your patronage!!" The Super Chestnut Brothers left with a silly face holding the gold coins.

Luo Bing was calm, holding the competition certificate in his hand, and helplessly raised it in his hand.


Dia: Hundreds of Homes Play"

What a terrifying killer move!!!.

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