Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 122 They're g1!!

Early the next morning, the group went to participate in the competition.

The fiery storm Famira gathered tourists from all over the world. In addition, the entire event was broadcast live to the outside world, which can be said to be huge.

"This year's Storm Farmila is hotter than usual," the horned audience sighed in the stands.

"Definitely, I heard that the prize this time is a very rare super-space engine. This kind of engine is not even available in the Interstellar Alliance. It is a treasure that Mr. Medici accidentally obtained." Another audience member replied.

With thousands of fireworks in full bloom, the attention-grabbing Storm Farmila finally begins!!

The audience cheered Roar, and with the constant announcement of the host, the whole stadium gave out bursts of warm applause.

"Let me introduce the rules of the first game this year"

"Superspace racing contest!

"The players of each team are provided with the most basic universe racing cars from this venue, definitely, players can also bring their favorite racing cars. 39

"The total length of the track is 100 kilometers, with a total of 100 teams divided into four competition areas"

"The top five players are competed in each arena, that is to say, there will be twenty players approaching the next round, and the remaining eighty teams will face brutal elimination!

"Okay! Without further ado, let 14 introduce the players at the scene for you!"

The large screen began to be divided into 100 small areas, and there was a specific large screen in the center, which was almost a kilometer high.

"Now what we see is the king and his entourage team, they are assigned to the B area, all the members are, King Gudong, Ramen Kid McDonald, Blue-haired Princess Diya"

"Radish le!! They are all looking at me, dear people, I love you" Gu Dong waved his hands, and then the camera did not focus on him at all, and the focus was all on Diya.

"Wow, what a beautiful girl"

The audience at the scene let out a startled Roar, and some even whistled.

It seems that the field control is very understanding, only these handsome guys and beauties can arouse the emotions of this group of people.

Dia was in a good mood and smiled slowly at the camera, causing a mad roar again.

As for McDonald, at the moment he was holding the back of his head and laughing.

"OK! Next! Our last defending champion! Sugar cube!!! That's right! Your favorite Aurora is back on the field again! So is he the champion this time? Haha! Looking forward to him bringing us more great shots!

The host touted it a little.

There was a louder Roar shout from the scene.

"Lord Aurora!! Wow! So handsome, Lord Aurora!!" The girls let out a scream that pierced their eardrums.

"Okay, next is the King's Knights team, the members of the team are Miss Loshiki, the princess of the Oort Nebula country! Mr. Joe River I, the prince of the Oort Nebula country! Mr. Woskin, the prince of the Oort Nebula country !! They are also divided into B area, let us look forward to the performance of these princesses and princes!! 35 The host's voice is high, but unfortunately the response at the scene is very dull.

For these strange-looking princes and princesses... the audience isn't very impressed.

However, they don't seem to know it yet.

"Meow! I can't stop taking selfies before the victory!" Princess Cat kept taking selfies with her mobile phone.

"Hmph, it's me who got the most hits!" Prince Mushroom Head was also taking a selfie.

"Gorgeous filters are the stunt to get attention." The fat prince shook his hair, gave himself a top view, and snapped his fingers to discharge towards the audience.

The arena was silent.

The host coughed awkwardly and continued to introduce: "Next, our Fire Alliance warriors! Fight Angel Alita and her team!!! I don't know what the heroic Fire Alliance warriors will bring us in the arena. Such a style! They were assigned to Zone C!!"

"Next person......"

The host was long-winded for most of the day and whetted the audience's appetite.

Just when Luo Bing was impatient, he finally heard his name from the scene.

"Okay last one!! The team name is... uh... I hate the team with the team name, Captain Black Knight! The team has surprises... invisible monsters... well that's something we haven't heard of The team, especially one of their team members, is invisible! The host embarrassedly read the script.

He didn't even know what to say, and couldn't understand why Lord Medici arranged for this team to appear last.

But then!

The cheers of the audience let him know the purpose of this arrangement!

"very handsome!!!!"

"So handsome!!! I love you!!!!"


"How can such a handsome man exist! Woohoo... Lord Jiguang, please forgive me, I betrayed me"

"No, I want a refund! I shouldn't have brought my wife to watch the game!!!" A male creature protested firmly.

The excited roar of the girls almost broke through the sky, and the chaos gradually subsided under the constant comfort of the host.

"As for what..." Ms. Surprise wiped her cold sweat silently.

"Brother, come on!!" Dia waved happily.

Old Gao, who was standing beside him with a pouting mouth, whispered, "This king was so handsome before."

The Fire Alliance warrior Alita looked curiously in Luo Bing's direction. The team they were in happened to be in the same area as herself.

"Cut..." Jiguang darkened his face in depression.

"Meow, my Prince Charming is also a contestant!!" Princess Cat's eyes blushed with excitement.

Backstage, Medici touched his chin proudly. Everything was as he expected. The handsome man really shocked the audience. His judgment was not wrong. Make use of it.

Luo Bing is very calm, holding his chest with both hands, competition or something...

No fun at all for him.

"Okay! Don't talk nonsense about 810! The race starts in a minute! Please get on the racers!""



Luo Bing leisurely got on the motorboat, which is the car provided in the arena.

Carroll, who was beside him, also got on a motorboat, spreading his divine power over the racing car.

Luo Bing smiled, it seemed that she thought the same as herself.


It's so boring, just end it quickly!


"Game start!

"Boom..." A golden light flashed, and Ms. Surprise burst out with divine power, rushing to her death like a ray of light.

"Huh..." Luo Bing's spatial perception instantly locked the end point, and disappeared instantly together with the person and the car!

"Duang... 35

The magic crystal at the end was instantly broken by both of them.

At the same time! The big screen in the arena displayed a number that shocked all the audience, including the contestants!!


0.01 is the game over!!!!

The host's microphone fell on the ground, and it took a long time to react, and the big screen locked the two people who came out of the finish line.

"Appeared!!! Fastest speed ever!!! I hate naming squads the most!!! Omg!! It's amazing! How did they do it!! They got fucked!!


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