Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 133 Fighting the Alliance together at night

Compared to Hela, who is constantly 'it hurts' and 'want to kiss and hug'.

Luo Bing at least prefers the previous domineering queen.


It seems that she has some personality splits. One second she was a weak and sickly girl, and the next second she turned into a queen and trampled people under her feet.


Driving this kid crazy.

It was nothing before, after all, when I was alone, I couldn't notice the passage of time at all.

It's different now.

Since she has a mobile phone, Hela has become more and more longing for the outside world. Now she has no interest in conquering the universe. It is better to browse the website and play the "Glory King".


Most of the hundreds of photos Hela sent to Luo Bing were screenshots of her rank promotion, as well as her record of more than 300 stars.

Luo Bing was speechless.

Take pictures when you take pictures!

What are you doing with that time show.

Show me something else...


Luo Bing, a pure child, was gradually broken by the old driver Hela...

"What you want." Luo Bing snapped his fingers, and he embodied notebooks, digital cameras, and even some scattered daily necessities.

There are also cosmetics specially requested by Hela.

"You're so kind, it would be great if you could take me out." Hela smiled and looked at the large number of items in front of her.

There are also beds and quilts inside, it is simply a small home.

"Stop dreaming, when you don't want to kill people casually, maybe I'll think about it." Luo Bing waved his hand, he didn't want to cause trouble.

"Hmph, my stupid father is dying anyway, I'll wait a few hundred more years" Hela Tsundere turned her head.

Hundreds of years... is almost dead???

I'm afraid it is... For these gods whose lifespan can exceed ten thousand, a few hundred years is really about to die.


Luo Bing sighed, thinking that he must never give birth to a daughter like this in the future.

Luo Bing felt a headache for Odin, and didn't know what the old guy was thinking.

"I'm leaving." Luo Bing made a move. Roar, turned around.

"Let's play the league together tonight!" Hela warmly invited.

Luo Bing had a black line on his face, did not answer the call, and returned to the earth through the space node in an instant.

Hela, who was left in hell, looked a little lonely, but soon recovered her vigor, licked the corner of her mouth, and the corner of her mouth rose to a charming extent, and then began to sort out the sundries in front of her.

"and many more!!"

"You forgot to add me as a member!!!"

Hela suddenly thought of something and shouted, but unfortunately... Luo Bing could no longer hear.


After rushing to the membership, this woman is afraid to buy skins...

Even if it is a god, if you enter the pit of an old horse, you will still be pitted...

Luo Bing washed briefly, ate breakfast, and pushed open a door to the Avengers Building.

"Are you awake? Now Stark they are fighting HYDRA"

"But... it seems that the situation has changed, HYDRA seems to have a special super speed super ability," Fury ran over and said.

They are already used to the elusive Luo Bing.

"What are the coordinates, let me see"

Luo Bing had no hesitation, and immediately disappeared in place after learning the spatial coordinates.

Deep in the jungle.

"Stark, what happened to the breakthrough?" Thor swung his hammer and instantly lifted a HYDRA tank.

The power of thunder flickered on him.

The captain on the side ran rampant in the firepower net holding his shield.

Carroll blasted tank after tank, but her favorite thing to do was destroying flight and fighter jets in the sky.

"I've found it," Tony said, and an energy cannon hit the weakest point of the entire defense bubble, instantly tearing through the defense of the HYDRA base.

"Bang..." Tony, who was slightly careless, was knocked to the ground by a silver lightning.

"That guy has appeared again, watch out for his speed," Thor shouted into the communicator.

But he shouted too slowly.

Quicksilver knocked over the Captain again in an instant, and Hawkeye's arrows were not aimed at him at all.

Even Thor was stunned by this strange speed, and the hammer let go.

"Hmph, Avenger, it's just that."

Quicksilver, who entered Super Speed, grabbed the hammer that was flying towards him in the air.

Immediately after...

"Ah ah ah..."

He was taken to the sky by the Meow Hammer.

"It's a kid!" Carroll glanced at Quicksilver with a blank expression, and shot him down with a blast of power, and fell to the ground.

Quicksilver is very fast, but he is still a human body. If it is not for the protection of the combat uniform on him, his body will collapse when he moves fast.

very fragile.

Peter shoots a lot of cobweb, tying up the fallen Quicksilver firmly.

.~ Hey... man, what did you just say?" Thor retracted his hammer and smiled contemptuously.

Want to get his hammer by hand?

I thought everyone was a brother-in-law!

Weird space fluctuations.

Luo Bing appeared beside Thor, but he was startled by this fierce man, and he thought his heart was exposed.

"This kid... silver hair?" Luo Bing frowned, having some thoughts in his mind.

Super Ability genes are rare, and judging from his age, he is probably somewhat similar to the younger siblings that Polaris said.

Things are not impossible.

The previous S.H.I.E.L.D contained a large number of HYDRA agents, and there were also a lot of people lost (money gained) in the follow-up tasks that day.

Maybe... the silver-haired boy in front of him is Polaris' younger brother?

Luo Bing sensed the spatial coordinates of Polaris and moved instantly again.

"Ah...!" Polaris shyly covered his body with the towel on the side.

Luo Bing:Jingjing""

"Sorry, I'll find you later"

After speaking, his heart beat faster and he returned to the battlefield.

"Brother-in-law, why are you blushing?"

"To shut up!"

Thor touched his head suspiciously, eh? Is my brother-in-law in a bad mood today?

Luo Bing coughed twice and returned to normal.

"Take care of this guy first, I'm going to support Tony Tow"

With that said, Luo Bing entered the state of speed force and swept forward in an instant.

The scene I just saw...

His mind will never forget...

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