Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 151 The Avengers Gather

The HP potion was so successful that it could even be handed over to Tony's robotic assembly line.

Robin Miracle No. 1 can produce about 10,000 bottles in one night, although the amount is still small at present, but it will be more when the scale is expanded and production is increased.

Certainly, every perfect medicine has an accident of ingredient leakage.

But obviously Robin Miracle One can't have this problem.

His main ingredients are still derived from HP recovery potions, and the earth does not have a large number of ingredients on it. It can be said that Robin Miracle One still has to rely on the matrix of HP recovery potions.

But it is probably only the ingredients of a bottle of orthodox HP medicine for the difference of 10,000 bottles.

But this kind of thing, Luo Bing is very free now, and when he is free, he realizes this kind of thing on a large scale in the Warehouse.

The development of HP medicine is very successful, but... MP back to blue medicine is a little worse.

It may also be that magic is too mysterious.

Currently relying on MP to return to the blue medicine, Banner and Zhao Hailun have only developed a small pill that can make people smarter.

Robin Miracle II.

Yes...get smart.

From a sensory point of view, his function is to make people's brains operate quickly, and can achieve a sensitivity of about ten times the normal level, and their memory and cognition have been greatly improved in an all-round way.

But this thing... Luo Bing is not going to make it public for the time being.

Because his effect is a bit like a drug, although it is very powerful, but... it will make people dependent.

I have to say that after taking the drug, you can instantly turn from a diaosi to a genius, and your career line has risen all the way, but it can only last for 24 hours, and you need to take it again after 24 hours.


The feeling of falling from genius to rock bottom again is too bad.

This thing is also very dangerous. If it is obtained by criminals and commits a crime with high IQ, the situation will become worse.

There's one more bonus to Robin's Miracle II.

That is exciting.

Banner's own experiments show that he has been working at a high intensity for two days and two nights in a row. He doesn't want to sleep at all, and his mental energy is very concentrated. Obviously... this may be a higher-intensity energy drink, but it's too much. It is not good for the body, and the normal routine of human beings is still very important.

Luo Bing can also do not sleep for months or even years, but that is undoubtedly irresponsible to the body.

The dovetail of the streamer swept across the city of New York, attracting a large crowd of people to look up and cheer.

That's Tony.

The happiest thing about New York City is seeing the Avengers every day.

Even the number of people moving these days is giving the local governor a headache.

"Guys, I'm here"

Tony landed on the lifting platform of the Avengers Building, the armor on his body faded one by one, and he stood quietly on the side like a loyal steward.

"You're late, Tony" The Avengers gathered, and now a lot of wine has been opened.

"Haha, not everyone is as fast as the boss, I'm a lasting man"

As expected of Tony, how can't he get rid of his bad breath.

Luo Bing pouted, he didn't need to explain at all, he understands people... naturally he understands.

Just look at the expressions of Lorna and Skye at the moment, it is a look of resentment.

This guy Luo a Beast.

"I've got the press conference planned on the way, many new members do we have now?" Stark stepped over, his Wakanda journey was almost over.

It's not that he doesn't want to stay anywhere...

It's really because Little Chili has four or five video communications a day in the past two days.

There is no time at all...

“Quicksilver, Wanda, and Falcon recommended by the captain”

"As for Lorna and Skye, many people already know each other, so it's not necessary," Luo Bing said.

"And me" Peter played truant again today...

Well...he's been turning into a bad student.

However, Aunt Mei already knew his identity, and Peter said that he didn't care about the class. After all, it was too easy for Aunt Mei to guess Parker's identity from Luo Bing.

Luo Bing never wore a mask.

"Why are you following along?" Luo Bing looked at Peter speechlessly.

"I'm only a reservist! Also, I want the world to correct me, my name is Spider-man, not Spider-Boy," Peter Parker said with a resentment.

"Hahaha..." Avengers laughed.


Bifrost's light fell, and Thor landed directly on the lift.

"Hey, guys, it's not fair if you don't call me when you drink." Thor came over with a big laugh. This guy who doesn't like drinking wine is like seeing his wife after seeing the wine.

"God's Domain is busy?" Luo Bing threw a bottle of Romanti over, he knew that this guy never used a small glass to drink. do I say it, I don't know. Originally, my father called me back to tell me something about Ragnarök, but...he said it halfway and then didn't say it again. It seems that the rumor It's fake, it shouldn't be a big problem"

"By the way, I heard that the dark elves have invaded?" Thor asked solemnly.

"Those guys were dealt with within 2 minutes of being in the hands of the boss. By the way, there are still a few survivors who are locked up in Wakanda, send them back to their hometown? We're not killing them. The captives, stay here and feed them." Tony shrugged helplessly.

"Are there still people alive?" Luo Bing asked suspiciously.

"Well, a dozen or so, lying on the ground and playing dead, we found out later when we were cleaning the battlefield," Tony replied.

"I've never heard of dark elf soldiers lying on the ground and pretending to be dead. They are the bravest warriors." Thor touched his chin, a little disbelieving.

"Brave? Well he's brave indeed..."

"But you haven't seen the scene, obviously you don't understand the situation at the time," Stark sighed helplessly.

Who can continue to be brave in such a situation...

"By the way, boss, T'Challa and I expressed our desire to join the Avengers. I forgot to call him when we came, maybe you can go to Wakanda now." Tony suddenly thought of something and said.

"Wait." Luo Bing snapped his fingers.

Wakanda, Black Panther is patrolling the final repair phase of the bubble defense drag.

With Iron Man's help, this progress was made much faster, and a little bit of Tony's tech was added.


Black Panther suddenly found that the surrounding environment has become different.

He looked around, and the Avengers made a move Roar at him.

Black Panther was stunned for a while, then raised his right hand: "Hi..."

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