Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 161 Little Pepper's Pregnancy Thanks to Me

Luo Bing chatted with Phil Coulson for a few words, and then went offline. This interstellar communication method consumes resources. For now, they can save as much as they can.

But as long as the Nova Corps' batch arrives on Earth, Tony and the others can mass-produce it themselves.

In terms of talents, although the earth is not big, it is also full of talents.

The Avengers are busy every day now, but in the past two weeks, the black crime incidents on earth have dropped by 99%, which is a rare and valuable news.

"Is there any other arrangements recently?" Luo Bing and Tony crossed the wormhole door and came directly to the Avengers Building.

Yes, stable wormhole doors, which is also a brand new technology.

The creator is Luo Bing.

Uh... It's not so much a creation, it's actually a divine domain for reference.

God's Domain's Bifrost technology is too huge. At present, Earth's technology has not yet been replicated. However, relying on the space ability of Time Gem and Luo Bing, there is still no problem with the two-way short-distance space gate technology.

Speaking of God's Domain...

It's been so lively there lately.

There is only one reason, the girl from hell has returned.


Luo Bing couldn't imagine the scene where Hela and his old father-in-law were torn apart, but generally speaking, it wasn't too much trouble, which was a surprise.

After all... that girl has been imprisoned in hell for thousands of years, and she is already very stable without going crazy and massacring everything.

"There are two things in these two days." Tony smiled mysteriously.

"The first thing, the United Nations wants you to be an honorary president, asking for your opinion," Tony said.

The United Nations does not have a president. There are only five permanent members and members of parliament. It doesn't matter whether the honorary president is elected or not. After all, Luo Bing has basically become the master of the earth.

Moreover, this is also the will of the people.

If the earth wants to choose a leader, it must be Luo Bing not running.

Look how much he has contributed to the earth.

Now, this matter has finally been finalized.

"Can you not go? I'm so annoyed with those media conferences" Luo Bing sighed, to tell the truth, he really has a headache right now, maybe it was a novelty to attend the conference at first, but not anymore , he would rather throw himself in the universe to help Tony be a porter than go to those conferences.

Although every meeting is related to the development of the earth's large and small file size, Luo Bing felt that he was really not suitable for this kind of meeting, and he could not give any advice.

But helpless...

The presidents of various countries have cordially invited him again and again, and he is really annoying.

People greeted him with a smile on his face, he couldn't refuse them all, could he?

"Hey, this is the President of the Earth. It's beautiful, but it's actually not too much trouble. A ceremony and an acceptance speech are the same as winning the lottery." Tony rolled his eyes and snickered in his heart.

"I hate speaking, I'm almost out of words." Luo Bing smiled helplessly, and made a move to Roar, who was passing by.

"I hate it too, just get used to it" Steve sighed helplessly and glanced at Luo Bing, hero cherish hero.

Compared with Steve, Luo Bing is quite easy.

That guy is busy recording chicken soup every day now...

Yes, that's right.

As a superhero, he is now busy recording chicken soup videos every day.

It's the kind of educational video, in various forms, for example, if you leave early in class, make a mistake, and get detained, the school will pull you into a separate classroom and play Captain America's video to baptize you.

Then, Steve nodded to Tony and headed off to the next studio battle.

Tony's smile faded away.

The relationship between the two has been a little tricky recently.

It's a bit complicated to say, it's not that he and the captain are in conflict, they found Winter Soldier sleeping in the laboratory when they were clearing the HYDRA remnants.

Steve was naturally excited to see his old friend alive.


In the aftermath of the data retrieval, Tony knew the real cause of death of his father, and it all became subtle.


Tony's father was killed by Winter Soldier, even though he had been brainwashed by HYDRA at that time, but Tony couldn't let it go.

That's why Tony has been so obsessed with his work lately.

Luo Bing patted Tony on the shoulder and didn't say anything. Emotional matters were the biggest headache for him, and Tony would handle it himself.

"One more thing?" Luo Bing asked.

"Well, I won't forgive you for not being there." Tony smiled mysteriously, the haze on his face gradually receding.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Luo Bing frowned curiously.

"I'm getting married" Tony whistled, spreading his hands.

".~ Getting married? When?" Luo Bing was a little surprised. He didn't expect Tony to get married. This was a big deal, and he would definitely be there.

"Well, the date is set in a week, so... Boss, I have to take a marriage leave these days," Tony said with a smile.

The boss just called Roar jokingly. Luo Bing usually doesn't care about the operation of the Stark Group at all, and even Avengers didn't pay much attention to it, and naturally he didn't ask for leave.

"So hasty?" Luo Bing was a little surprised.

It's too hasty. Generally speaking, things like weddings can't be sloppy, especially Stark's wedding, which must be a big scene.

This can be seen by looking at his sassy personality.

"There's no way... Little Pepper is pregnant, and the baby in her belly has been more than a month old." Tony took a deep breath of Roar again, and it could be seen that he was a little nervous, and he was also going to be a father.

"Ah? Pregnant? Is it yours?" Luo Bing asked with a smirk.

"Fuck you" Tony rolled his eyes silently, and punched Luo Bing on the shoulder.

His fist didn't hurt or itchy, Luo Bing didn't feel it at all.

"I've thought about it, whether it's a boy or a girl, I want him to recognize you as his godfather, and you must never refuse." Tony pursed his lips and looked at the rising sun in the distance.

"Definitely, after all, Xiao Chili's pregnancy also has my credit." Luo Bing nodded and Phi.

"What? No, how can you get credit for it!!?? I need an explanation!" Tony's eyes widened, feeling the sun at the moment turning green slightly.

"If it weren't for me, the relationship between the two of you might not have been confirmed yet, why? Isn't that my credit?" Luo Bing pouted and explained.

Tony rolled his eyes silently.

For a moment, I was terrified.

MMP...just can't have a good chat with this guy.

To communicate with him, you must always have a quick-acting heart-saving pill.

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