Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 179 Are you shopping online?

Each of the six Infinite Gems represents a powerful direction of power.

And Mind Gem is even weirder and more powerful.

It seems that in Tonytwo's world, this gem has a living human being.

Driven by Mind Gem, Jin Bing and the others did not have any resistance at all, they were controlled by the power of the gem and obediently turned into puppets.

This is awesome.

Hawkeye watched in horror.

He has been controlled by this thing before. The feeling of being controlled is not pleasant, and it will not affect the IQ and scheming of the accused, but can stimulate their potential to some extent.

Allows the accused person to be more focused when performing tasks.

In the past, when the Mind Gem was embedded on the scepter, it required physical contact to capture the hearts of the people, but now it is only necessary to clench the fist and stimulate the power of the gem to control the person "827" from a distance.

This is obviously a big change from before, at least the way of 'hitting' has become more bizarre.

At least it was possible to dodge before.

but now...

how to hide???

In fact, Mind Gem has a usage distance, but only Luo Bing knows this.

"And this thing" Luo Bing took out Deadpool's teleport belt from the Shenwei space, and then threw it to Tonytwo.

Tony has a bunch of stuff to do right now, launches, weddings, but it's okay, there are two Tonys in this world right now.

"I have already upgraded him, and I will transmit the production principles and process to you later, and the duplication and copying will be handed over to you. As for the materials, don't worry, I have everything here," Luo Bing said with a smile.

"This thing... have you upgraded? And have the knowledge of crafting?""

"How did you do it?" Tonytwo looked at Luo Bing suspiciously, is he also a scientist?

"Well... the upgrade uses other methods. As for the production process... I just took the time to take a look across it, and then I saw the scene when it was born." Luo Bing shrugged.

Strange on the side covered his face helplessly when he heard this.


It turned out to be Time Gem's Ability.


Just taking a look at the production process across time will not affect the original history, so it's okay.

Even if something happened, maybe it was just a small problem in front of Senior Luo.

Strange shrugged, he is not as trite as Ancient One magician, he has his own judgment on some issues that violate the holy place regulations.

Luo Bing stepped forward, put his index finger on TonyTwo's forehead, and some of the images he saw turned into memory data and transmitted to TonyTwo's mind.

After bringing four Infinite Gems, Luo Bing seems to have unlocked a lot of tricks.

Ability reserves in all aspects are even better.

"Well, I should understand, but the key part of production requires a raw material called 'space stone', which seems to be very rare in the universe, can you get it?" Tonytwo asked suspiciously.

"Hey, buddy, you don't know about Big Brother Luo's collection ability first." Tony One walked over, patted Tonytwo on the shoulder, smiled meaningfully, and then looked at Luo Bing expectantly.

That's pretty clear.

The technology of teleporting mobile devices!

I also want.

Luo Bing was helpless, and performed the same operation on Tony again, and then drove him away impatiently.

Get ready for your launch...

"Don't worry about the material, Space Gem, right? How much?" Luo Bing asked.

"Not much, just three carats. Three carats can provide the most basic thousand teleport energy for the belt. I checked carefully and the remaining Space Gem on this belt is only 0.8 carats," TonyTwo replied.

"I heard from the captain that you are establishing diplomatic relations with Nova Corps now, maybe we can inquire if there is a Space Gem there, and the Power Gem is also there." Tonytwo's suggestion is very strong, and Nova Corps may really have a Space Gem there.


Obviously Luo Bing's way of obtaining materials is not so 'difficult'.

"Don't be so troublesome," Luo Bing said, and made a tribute table.

Then he took out an ashtray, three cigarettes, lit it with a hammer, and then put his hands together.

"I want a small planet composed of Space Gems"

Yang Koi's prayer records this.

The blessing of Miss Luck began to communicate.

Senior White's smile delivered the courier a minute later on time.

Three times the lucky halo is turned on at the same time, which is extremely terrifying...


A meteorite with a radius of 100 meters fell from the sky and smashed straight towards the Avengers Building. However, before it landed, Luo Bing waved his hand towards the sky, and Shenwei Space opened a crack in nothingness, instantly sending the meteorite in mid-air to the sky. swallowed.

Luo Bing opened the door of Shenwei Space by his side, and easily cut out a small piece of Space Gem with a space cutter, handed it to Tonytwo, and asked softly: "Look if it is this thing.



A kind of Avengers onlookers:

Spider-man from Otherworld:

Everyone fell into contemplation collectively, and after a while, Peter couldn't help scratching his head.

"Brother Luo... Did you just... shop online?"

Luo Bing glared at him, Peter stopped talking for a moment, and secretly memorized Luo Bing's operation process just now, ready to try it himself later.

"This... looks like a Space Gem..."

"But... isn't this thing very rare? 39'

"And... how did he just appear on the earth, does it mean that he has been floating around the earth all the time? Then he was 'summoned' by you?" Tonytwo couldn't understand why, he wanted to ask too many questions .

"About this... I didn't know much about it before, but after wearing the Space gem, I seem to understand that in 5.0, this guy should have been in a very far place and passed through a few wormholes, it should be Five times, and then coincidentally fell over the earth." Luo Bing returned.

"That's such a coincidence..." TonyTwo's stomach full of complaints was abruptly suppressed.

There are so many flaws, I really don't know where to start.

No wonder the earth in this world is so powerful... With such a bug-like master, it's too much to think about being strong...

Originally, TonyTwo still despised himself in this world in his heart.

Calling him 'big guy' or 'boss' at every turn is simply too cheap, not his style at all.

But now... he understands...

The big guy is bullshit!

At the moment, Tonytwo has a headache for Thanos of this world.

You are so sad....

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