Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 198 When the Family Planning Commissi1r Met the Director of the Birth Office

You can imagine in front of the two armies, when both sides are at war with each other.

Did the leader of the dark elephant world in a good situation suddenly say what it was like to withdraw?

It's like the mouse meets the cat.

Everyone was stunned by this sentence from Thanos' mouth.

The four generals of Hei Yao, countless bugs, and even Lao Dai and a group of new star warriors on the opposite side all looked at Thanos in surprise.

Is this still the overlord of the Across the Universe?

Is it the wrong way to open today?


Hei Yaosi looked at his master hesitantly, not understanding what was going on.

Even if that person is the Earthling who killed Black Dwarf, there is no need to be so afraid...

It's not scientific, it's not the character of Thanos.

What the hell is going on here?

Thanos' face was blue, and he didn't want to try the feeling of being pregnant just now. For Thanos, it was not only the physical torture, but also the psychological torture.

Especially after seeing with his own eyes that his worm army really gave birth and split up the next little worms, Thanos' whole person is not to mention more scumbags.

He is a man!

Does he really want to have a baby!!!

No! Not even dead!!!

At this moment, Thanos has the worst nightmare of his life, even though it's all just a misunderstanding.

But when the family planning committee met the director of the Birth Office, the consequences can be said to be quite powerful.

Without further ado, Thanos immediately returned to his fleet, without any intention of waiting for others, he drove his main ship and fled frantically towards the Xandar star, even using means such as the acceleration of the space-time engine. .

In Xandar Star, Hei Yaosi and his group looked at each other in dismay. They didn't know that in just a few minutes, each of them died on average twice. At this time, they were at a loss.

Seeing that the fire is about to start, and the planet is about to be invaded.

But critical moments...

Why did the leader run away??

Moreover, 100,000 hurriedly slipped away without even giving an explanation, which made the generals and troops present very embarrassed.

"This is not the style of the leader, it must be that he expected some danger, go, we also withdraw" Proxima Midnight's trust in Thanos is beyond doubt, without a word, he immediately waved his hand and called Roar to his troops Withdrew towards the battleship.

Corvus Glaive, the slaying lord, doesn't admit this style.

In its view, this is Thanos' cowardice! Very disappointed in him!

No matter what the reason, the two armies escaped because of a bug from the earth, hum, this is really a shameful thing.

Proxima Midnight glanced at Corvus Glaive, and there was a faint crack in the relationship between the two.

But now is not the time for them to flirt with family ethics dramas.

Ebony Maw is wily, obviously analyzing something from Thanos' expression just now, without saying a word, he immediately turned and flew towards the fleet.

At the moment, Supergiant is still standing there, this unresponsive woman doesn't know what happened, only one thing.

In her mind, Thanos, who is incomparably powerful and invincible in the universe.



Before her brain cells could react to what was going on, she suddenly felt a beam of golden light shoot out in their direction.

It is a strong identification technique!

Luo Bing narrowed the release range this time, and projected directly in the direction of the four generals of Hei Yao.

He didn't want to launch in the direction of the army of bugs, that would undoubtedly increase the workload for him.


"what happened!!""

In addition to Proxima Midnight and the wily Ebony Maw who slipped away at the beginning, Supergiant and Corvus Glaive among the four black fighters, as well as the soldiers within his range, were instantly attacked and lay on the ground in pain.

The far side of the starry sky.

Thanos looked at the projection on the big screen of the spaceship and cursed an idiot.

At the same time, he was also thinking, frowning tightly, and smashed the office chair beside him with a fist.

And the projection in front of him naturally disappeared completely.

"Damn it!

"Why! Why is it so hard for me to save the universe!"

·For flowers.....0

"That guy... the human of the Earth! What a demon! His eyes can impregnate anything and leave babies in a short time!

"Damn it!!!!"

"This guy is the destroyer of the universe!"

"What should I do! He's too strong!"

"That guy is like a harbinger of the destruction of the universe, what can I do to stop him"

For the first time, family planning commissioner Mr. Thanos felt the biggest trouble in his life and career!

And it's the last thing he wants to see!!

He invaded planets and killed half of the lives for what!

Not yet to control the universe's expanding population!

When the population of this universe is increasing and the resources are exhausted because of insufficient resources, the competition between races for resources will inevitably lead to a great chaos in the whole universe.

At that time, the universe will also perish because of this.

The devil!!!

What a great way!!!

Thanos can no longer be calm. Since he was born, there has been a voice in his ear urging him and warning him, and Thanos also firmly believes that he is the one chosen by the will of the universe.

The one who is destined to fulfill his destiny.

But now!

What does he have to do to live up to the expectations of the will of the universe...

It's so hard... I'm so hard...

And in the other direction, there is a woman who has been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years. At the moment, her brows are also frowned.

"Damn it... it was destroyed by him again"

"Every time! Every time! He's always going against the flow of time and saving the damned."

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"This person has violated the cosmic time and space rules many times! Eternity! Infinity! Life court! What are you doing!!

The oldest in the universe...the most mysterious and unpredictable no-man's land, came the roar of the death of one of the five ancient gods.

And the destiny in Thanos' mouth.

In fact, it has never been the will of the universe.


The earnest induction of the goddess of death and.

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