Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 293 The situation is urgent, Luo Bing takes action!\r

Ningri Otsutsuki's words hurt Kaguya's heart.

Kaguya knew that her uncle gave up her dignity so completely to protect her. More than a thousand years have passed, but Kaguya's impression of family affection will never be erased.

She clearly remembered that her uncle was a person who loved face and was very dignified.

But it was such a person who knelt down twice in front of the Great Elder, not to mention this time in front of his clansmen, and even in front of his subordinates!

"Uncle..." Kaguya burst into tears.

Yu Yi, who was beside him, looked at this uncle and grandfather he had never seen before, and the string in his heart was also touched.

At the moment, let alone Yui, even Madara was furious.

From the original point of view, Otsutsuki Ningri is also regarded as Madara Uchiha's grandfather. Seeing his own family being so humiliated, Madara Uchiha couldn't swallow this breath at all.

"Enough, what are you laughing at, you little bastards, it's just that you are a little older than me and have more resources than me, what's so good about it?"

"Give me a few more decades, and I, Madara Uchiha, will beat your fathers even if they don't know each other."

Uchiha Madara said cursing for the first time.

"It's a don't have decades, and you don't even have time for today." The sixth elder was not angry at all, and smiled and stroked his white beard.

"Yes!" Uchiha nodded and said in a low voice, "I also give this sentence to you, this immortal."

The sixth elder's brows jumped, and the corners of his mouth raised a dangerous arc: "The mouth is arrogant and stubborn, it seems that there is no need to talk nonsense with you."

"Come on! Take them all to me!"

With the order of the sixth elder, the situation changed in an instant, thunder and lightning surged, and a Datongmu clansman covered with thunder and lightning flashed away from the crowd, flew out, and immediately rushed to the area where the six Luo Bing were located. .

"I can't beat it, it's up to you, Boss Luo." Ban's mouth glanced at the corners of his mouth and looked at Luo Bing, who was beside him.

This big boss is their confidence!

"Don't worry, little meaning" Luo Bing nodded and twisted his neck.

at this time!!!

Otsutsuki Kaneki's eyes lit up: "I can't handle that much anymore!"



A golden shadow suddenly flashed out of the void, Jinmu's eyes locked on Kaguya, and he stretched out his hands to grab it in her direction.

"Who!!??" The elder's expression changed, and he discovered the strange qualitative change in the space.

Immediately afterwards, a red light burst out from the palace's recuperation room, and the red devil disappeared in a flash, his face ferocious, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura.

"Traitor!!! Still alive!!!" Otsutsuki Yan teleported towards Jinmu at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

His speed was too fast, even before his voice came out, the whole person had already reached Jinmu's side.

"It's too late! Brother Kaneki!!" Otsutsugi Genji watched nervously in the inner world.

Just in that moment.

"Tear..." The sound of clothes being torn to pieces came out...

"Success!!" Jinmu's face showed cold sweat, and at the most critical time, he returned to the inner world with a figure wrapped in it!!!

"Damn it!" The Otsutsuki flame space domain was completely released, grabbed a node in an instant, and then the whole person turned into a red glow and swooped away.


The entire space node was closed, and the red devil slammed into the void, directly ripping apart all the nearby space, but... he still lost the shadow of Jinmu in the end.

The space attribute of Jinmu is really special. He does not exist in the interlayer with space, and his space range is completely within the inner space of the entire world!

"Great! It worked!" Genji shook his fist in surprise, and then he looked at Kaneki excitedly.



Otsutsuki Genji was completely stunned in place.

Jinmu, who was on the side, saw his expression, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Then, he looked at the person who was rescued beside him in disbelief.

Seeing this, he almost didn't react on the spot.


"That handsome guy!! How can this happen???"

Jinmu looked at the man beside him in confusion, although the situation was urgent just now, he still clearly remembered that he did not catch the wrong target???

This is how the same thing???

"Hey, I admire a man like you who praises me as handsome as soon as we meet." Luo Bing waved at Jinmu in front of him.


Genji: "

outside world...

The dazed Ban looked at Luo Bing's disappearing shadow, and his whole body instantly crashed.

"Wait!!! Big Brother Luo slipped away!!

"What the hell!!!

"No way!!!"

With Madara's eyesight, although he had just discovered a strange spatial fluctuation, he had no idea what happened at that moment. Madara's eyes rolled, and his heart began to beat drums in an instant.

If Boss Luo... just ran away...

Then they...are they dead???

"Damn traitor!! The planet is blocked and martial law!! I want to dig them out inch by inch!!!" Otsutsuki Yan's anger spurted, condensed the real form, and the people present saw a side composed of blood and energy. of the sea.

The overwhelming pressure swept through the sky, and in that instant, many low-level soldiers couldn't bear it and vomited blood and died.



Madara Uchiha waved his arms, and as soon as he reached the invisible aura formed around him, it turned into an aura wall, which could resist the leaked blood sea phantom.

This is the skill he learned in the pirate world, no one is more suitable for using domineering than Madara, but he has never used it before.

This was the first time it was used in actual combat, but the situation was quite reluctant. Drops of sweat quickly appeared on Madara's forehead. Under the monstrous blood, he couldn't hold on for long.

"It's over... It's all over... I actually saved the wrong person." Jin Mu's eyes were dull, and he gritted his teeth fiercely.

"Then what should we do? Brother Jinmu" Genji was also anxiously beside him.

"There's no other way. In order to prevent the red devil from breaking into this place, I have already opened the rule for the next life. Now we won't be able to get out for at least a hundred years, not even me!" Jinmu gasped heavily. , there was a flash of unbearableness in the eyes.


Just as Genji and Jinmu were chatting eagerly, Luo Bing narrowed his eyes, stepped out of the inner space, and instantly came to the Red Devil's side.

reach out...

It grabbed his neck in an instant!

"Hey, put away your disgusting body odor, you scared my friend..."

Luo Bing's eyes were cold, looking at Otsutsuki Muyan in front of him as if he were looking at a dead thing.

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