Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 297 Bo and Zorana\r

Bo Feng Boren, a new generation of supernova in Konoha Village.

The Seventh Hokage is his father, the Fourth Hokage is his grandfather, he is the disciple of the Sixth Hokage, the disciple of the Third Hokage...

It can be said that it is a veritable second and third generation of fire, and it is a collection of thousands of pets.

But the blogger doesn't want to be a Hokage like Dad and Grandpa!

It may be that their family has produced too many Hokage, making this baby feel that there is no challenge.

It is also possible that the appearance of dad and grandpa sitting in the office all day processing documents stimulated young bloggers.

So---Bofeng Boren was determined to be a free ninja like Mr. Luo Bing since he was a child.

Obviously, he's thinking about farting, but who can't have a little dream?

On the majestic Hokage Rock, Bo Ren read the book in his hand with a straw in his mouth, and his face became more and more blush, definitely... This is not the one that Uncle Kakashi gave him, that It was confiscated by my mother long ago, and since then my mother's face has changed when she looks at the former Hokage.

Almost put him on the no-entry list.


All this is still a sin.

Grandma Kushina also smashed the door of his courtyard.

And the book that Bo Ren is reading now is called "Luo Bing Biography".

Simple and rude, the man who single-handedly pacified the ninja world and changed the pattern of the world. Since his legend spread, the most indispensable thing in the entire ninja world is his autobiography.

Although many are suspected of exaggerating ginseng water, there are nine out of ten biographies that are true.

They didn't dare to write nonsense or make up rumors, but they just retouched the writing and so on, which directly brought the mysterious existence of Luo Bing to the sky.

But that's it... When the author named Kishimoto released this book, a large number of ninjas from all over the world complained that he was not enough!

Far from enough!!!

What are you doing?

Didn't portray Luo Tianshen's demeanor at all?

go to hell

Stop insulting my idol!!!

Kishimoto was very helpless, he wanted to cry without tears.

He swears that he has racked his brains to tout, portray, and elevate the role of Luo Bing, but he still can't satisfy the big guy, who's to blame... I can only blame the person who invented the text for not inventing a better one adjective.

"Hey, Boren, you're reading that book again. You've read it dozens of times." A girl with red spectacles jumped over from a distance, with black hair and wearing a Uchiha clan. serve.

Uchiha Sasuke's daughter----Uchiha Sasuke

Maybe the father used his eyes too much... Daughter Sarana was born with myopia.

As a Uchiha family... I was born with short-sightedness, and no one has this gene.

Perhaps this scene is very common on Otsutsuki Muzu, but in Konoha Village, it is indeed a very rare thing.

"Yo, Xiaona, good morning~" Boren licked his fingers, flipped the pages of the paper, turned his head and said Roar with a smile at Zoriana.

Blonde hair comes from the powerful genes of the wave family. Unlike Naruto, Bo Ren has been cute since he was a child, at least he is much more handsome than his own father. He never wears shabby clothes, but prefers to dress up. Go to Uncle Kakashi's goal.

This is a ninja... the hair has to be swayed.

Look at Uncle Sasuke, how handsome!

enmmm...Although the current Uncle Sasuke doesn't care much about his hair, his temperament is developing more and more in the direction of Uncle Madara.

Zorana, who was affectionately called Roar "Xiao Na" by bloggers, blushed slightly, and she couldn't help thinking of the jokes she made at her parents' gathering when she was young.

Said to order a doll to kiss or something...

Zorana's memory is very good. Although she didn't understand what a baby girl meant at that time, she now knows what she should know.

"'s noon now..." Zoriana silently supported her forehead, and three black lines appeared on her head.

"Quack quack..." The three crows flew across the sky, seeming to be muttering the old lines again.

stupid stupid stupid...

"Don't worry about so many details, by the way, Xiaona, has the teacher returned from the mission? I just have a problem in ninjutsu and want to ask him for advice." The blogger sorted out the books, put a bookmark on it, and put it on his own ninja Inside the bag, he looked at Sarana with a look of hope.

Since there is no such man in the ninja world, Boren chose to study with Sasuke, who is similar in style to that man, and became his disciple.

It is said that the styles are similar... In fact, it is because Sasuke has been aiming at that man and chasing after him.

I have to admit that... Sakura likes this type!!!

66~ Dad and Uncle Itachi have not heard from them for half a month"

"Oh, by the way, Uncle Obito seems to have gone to the Hokage office a few days ago, and he should have brought the latest news."

"Speaking of... Boren, you ask me about this kind of thing... Why don't you ask the Seventh Hokage-sama, my dad, huh... he doesn't care about his family at all" Zoriana said, her face full of resentment .

"Don't mention it, my dad doesn't tell me anything. In his eyes, I'm just a little kid who will never grow up. Che, it's boring."

"Well...but I'm getting used to it."

"After all----a man who can endure loneliness is the best ninja!" Bo Ren extended his thumb and read the lines with pride.

"The name of the famous phrase in the second paragraph of Chapter 35 of Luo Bing Biography, right?" Zoriana was speechless.

"Ah? Have you seen it too?" The blogger looked surprised.

"My mother reads it every night. (Nuo's good) there is a legend of Sasuke on the market, but I have never seen her buy it." Zoryana raised her forehead again.

"Sometimes I wonder, whose daughter-in-law am I even"

The blogger laughed awkwardly, but the movement of scratching his head was surprisingly consistent with Naruto's childhood.

Sarana Psst smiled and took out the bento box from behind.

"Didn't have lunch, uh...I made too much to"

"Thank you so much Xiaona, my stomach has been growling!" The blogger unceremoniously ended up with the bento box, and then ate it in big gulps.

At the moment, the wind was very quiet and sweet, and Zoriana looked at the blogger who was gulps in front of her, and a trace of joy flashed in her heart.


The sweet moment didn't last long at all.

The sky... gradually... darkened.

At first it was dim, was pitch black....

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