Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 301 Superior Otsutsuki 1 Style

" did I meet him!!

"That devil!!"

Toto Otsutsuki, who was named by Luo Bing, had dull eyes and despair written on his face.

Beside him, Otsutsuki's expression became a little weird.

"These...these are from the Otsutsugi clan!! Great! Shiren! Our comrades are here! This is the Otsutsugi Zuxing I told you about! Great! They're here to pick me up!" Yi Shi With enthusiasm and excitement in his eyes.

At the beginning, he and Kaguya, Jin, Taoya and others all came in the same way, and it was destined to be a group of people who were in charge of the route, and Otsutsuki, he came to this planet with the tasks ordered by the elders layer by layer. .

In his heart, he was very unwilling.

But he did not dare to disobey the order, he had no choice, and now, just when he thought that he would die of old age on this backward planet all his life, his clansmen came to him one by one across the gate of time and space!!


So impressed!!!

At the moment, the pride and sense of honor in the heart of Otsutsuki is almost breaking through the sky.

He looked at the crowd behind Uchiha Madara, and the sharp-eyed Otsutsuki recognized many commanding-level heroes in an instant, and immediately rushed up with tears in his eyes.

"Commander Ming! Commander Feng! Commander Wu! It's me!! Otsutsuki Yishi!"

"It's great! I didn't expect to see all the leaders in my lifetime! I'm so happy!!"

"Lord Commander!! Where is the Great Elder! Where is the Great Elder? Is my mission completed? Can I go back to the Ancestral Star!"

"For thousands of years, I have been thinking about Zu Xing, go home! I want to go home!! 35

Otsutsuki started to cry as he spoke, no doubt showing his longing.

Several leaders:

With embarrassed expressions on their faces, several leaders looked at Patriarch Uchiha Madara beside him.

"Uchiha Madara? Hehe, your kid is back in the family now, right? Not bad, the old man has been following you, I can see that you are a talented person, you can rest assured, now that the clan is back, we are unified In this ninja world, I will give advice to the elders, and let the ninja world be yours, what do you think?" Otsutsuki happily patted Madara Uchiha on the shoulder, and in front of many clansmen, at the moment, he seemed extremely of superiority and relaxation.

Uchiha Madara:

"Then I have to thank you for your promotion." With a dark face, Madara looked at Otsutsuki Ichishi indifferently, and the column next to him was holding back his laughter, almost not holding back.

"That's definitely, Madara, you are now aware of the prosperity of our family, I know your heart must be hit hard, but don't worry, everyone came here like this, one day, you will surpass me, first Inspectors and inspectors have worked hard for thousands of years, and after accumulating experience and family contribution to a certain level, you can be promoted."

While speaking, Otsutsuki turned around and looked at Toto Otsutsuki.

"Kid Shiren, you are the same. Your Tenseiyan is a rare ability in our race, and you also have great potential for development..."

Otsutsuki said excitedly, and the Totsuki Otsutsuki on the side had already trembled with fright.

Xie Ren pointed to Luo Bing who was watching the play in the distance, and asked, "He... what's his condition?

Otsutsuki One Style:

In fact... the night that the formula came out, he missed a lot of things in the ninja world. He definitely couldn't stay on the earth and just watch it like this. Since Kaguya was sealed, he has also moved towards the surrounding solar system from time to time. jogging jogging.

After all, he needs to practice hard on his own.

After he came back, the ninja world was already settled, and Luo Bing's group at that time was no longer on this planet.

And the blood-connected clan that Otsutsuki finally found was also Otsutsuki Ile.

However, he knew everything from the 'reliable' records of the ninja world.

Understand the events 'the beginning and the end' of the years he left

As a result, Otsutsuki turned his head and glanced at Luo Bing disdainfully.

"A foreign race, it seems that it has become our worship now, but your kid is also considered a glorious ancestor, and being able to become the worship of the Otsutsuki clan is a blessing that you have cultivated in your life."

"Treasure it well, boy, as long as you concentrate on doing things for Otsutsuki, we will not treat you badly. In the future, when your contribution reaches a certain level, I will ask the elders... I think about it, I am here The planet has learned one thing, that is, intermarriage with an alien, the children born are not necessarily worse than the pure-blooded Otsutsuki people.”

"When the time comes, I will ask the Great Elder to give you a marriage, and I will give you the girl of Datongmu. Hehe, you were also a part of the Datongmu family at that time, haha"

Otsutsuki said in a single manner, and Yuzai flew to Luo Bing's side, and then patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't thank the old man too much, boy, don't get carried away just because of my promise. Everything in the future depends on your own efforts and your contribution to the ethnic group."

"That's all I can do for you, old man."

Otsutsuki said in a style, and Yuzai stroked his chin.

Below—the Ninja World group of people were dumbfounded and looked at all this for unknown reasons.

It seems that a conclusion can be drawn from the words of the nemesis Otsutsuki Ichishi... that is... the current situation seems to be very unfavorable for the ninja world!!

This group of people seems to be like destroying the entire ninja world with such ease!

903 And... Mr. Luo Bing... and Madara... It seems that they also belonged to the Otsutsugi clan!!!

How can this be done!!

How can this be good!!!

Luo Bing:

Uchiha Madara:

Thousands of Hands:


You can sing this one-man show well... the idiots on the side seem to have believed it...

Shiren's impression of Luo Bing was too deep when he was young, it was like a dream demon in his heart, but now, after going through Otsutsuki and the mud, his pressure gradually eased, and the corners of his mouth came naturally. A superior smile appeared.

"Shut up! Don't be disrespectful to Mr. Luo Bing and Patriarch Ban!" Otsutsuki Wood couldn't help it, and immediately shouted angrily.

Several leaders on the side saw that Wood seemed to want to strengthen his power? He couldn't help it anymore, he immediately stood up, waved his hand, and imprisoned Otsutsuki in place, scolding angrily: "The Great Elder is already dead!"

"Now Madame Madara is our patriarch! 35

“And Mr. Luo Bing!! He is the god of our tribe!!

"You know you!!! 35'

In one sentence... the entire ninja world is fried.

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