Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 306 Hello Mr Stark, J.A.R.V.I.S is here for you.

Marvel Special Universe 1027.

Go back in time to the moment when Luo Bing was ready to follow TonyTWO to his world.

"I don't like saying goodbye very much, maybe we'll meet again later" Tonytwo waved at the crowd, especially in the direction of his parents.

Howard-Shi Stark knew that his son in another world was going to leave, and came here specially to say goodbye.

"I hope your world also has a perfect ending." Tony patted Tonytwo on the shoulder, the two looked at each other, although they often quarreled with each other and couldn't see each other, but at the moment there was a sense of sympathy.

After all, he was in another parallel world, and Tony's feelings in his heart were even more complicated.

"I want to be as perfect as possible, but I don't admit that it's the end. The story will always continue. When I read fairy tales, I often think that at the end of the story, the prince and princess lived happily together. nice ending"

"and then?"

"When the story stops and the author draws the end, what will the world of the story be like? Will it collapse? Or will it remain in that moment forever?" TonyTwo asked with a smile.

"You know that kind of thing." Luo Bing smiled, patted Tuo 14 Ni two on the shoulder, and waved to the partner behind him. The two gradually disappeared in front of the tide of time and space.

"Finally gone... That guy, to be honest, sometimes I really annoy him, don't you think he's arrogant?" Tony let out a long Roar sigh and turned to look at the big guy behind him .

"Come on, Tony, aren't you conceited?" Thor rolled his eyes silently, shook the Meow Hammer in his right hand, and frowned.

"It's time for us to go back too. To be honest, although I'm very reluctant to let this world go, but...after all, we still have to go home." The blond Gwen girl Spider-man stretched her waist and faced everyone around her. The guy waved his hand.

"Well, it's better for me to go back to my own black and white universe." Shadow Spider-man took off his hat very gentlemanly and bowed to the big guy.

"Goodbye everyone, hee hee" from the future universe of 14512 Penny Parker sat on her mechanical spider armor, and beside her, the 'Spider Man' who hummed also put his cartoon hammer in it in the dimensional pocket.








Everyone looked at the direction of the cosmos channel with a puzzled look, and frowned.

"Something's wrong... Logically speaking, Captain Luo Bing will return in five seconds? This is... an accident?" Dr. Banner raised his eyes in confusion.

"No one is more reliable than my brother-in-law, and he will definitely not be surprised," Thor said, putting down the wine glass in his hand, and his face became dignified.

Spider-man from the parallel universe looked hesitantly at the Void Passage that had not been closed.

According to the plan, after Luo Bing went to Tonytwo's world, he would return to the main world here in five seconds, and then send them back to the parallel universe in turn, but now... obviously something went wrong.

"This guy... won't be in other worlds?" Skye took a few steps forward, frowning at the edge of the entrance of the dimension passage.

Polaris, Wanda and the others held Roar's breath, and their worried expressions became more and more solemn.

"Everyone... there must be something wrong, no, I'm going to Tonytwo's universe to see, wait for me to come back!" Tony's cynical face also took a bit of decisiveness, he glanced at the supporter beside him Er and Surprise, then nodded to Qiqi, and then slammed into the world channel.

"Wait! Tony!" Natasha Romanoff shouted, about to follow in his footsteps.

However, the moment Tony just walked into the world channel!!!


The whole world...has become different...

[When the story no longer continues and the author draws a full stop, what will the story world look like? It collapses? Or will it remain in that moment forever...]

"This...this is...where??? Tony took off his helmet with difficulty, his smart control system was completely paralyzed, and J.A.R.V.I.S also lost any sound.


There were tiny electric arcs all over his body, which was the sequelae after he came out of the cosmic tunnel.

It was the same with Tonytwo at the time. Basically, 80% of the whole body armor has been damaged. Now, Tony himself has experienced this feeling, and even... his state is not as good as Tonytwo at that time!

The yellow sand rolled into the eyes, and various dilapidated buildings appeared in front of Tony either leaning or collapsing.

"cough cough..."

The sand was so strong that it poured into Tony's entire Roar's inhalation for a while, and he struggled to tear off a piece of it, blocking his nostrils.

"Ahem...this...this is Avengers Mansion...'

After a long while, when Tony gradually woke up, he realized the situation in front of him in a trance.

Tony couldn't believe the dilapidated scene in front of him. The whole city seemed to have turned into a dead city. He climbed into the side building with both hands on the ground, coughing non-stop, and just after he entered the rock mass, a A new storm swept through the ruined city again, and all the way to the distance.

"Squeak... oops..." The thick foundation of the Avengers Building made a distorted sound, as if the old building would collapse at some point.

"What happened in Tonytwo's world? Did the boss's plan fail?" Tony resisted the nausea and nausea, and walked deeper step by step.

He was going to the basement, where he knew the supplies he needed.

"Found..." Tony activated the old-fashioned ground-sink button, and despite years of storms, some parts of the facility were well-stocked.


Descending all the way down to the material storage room on the sixth underground floor, Tony threw the rags in his hand aside, and the greedy Roar sucked in the air here.

903 "It's weird... the layout here is exactly the same as the Avengers Building in my world"

"Maybe this is the parallel space similarities..."

While muttering, Tony came to his own steel base. According to his thoughts, his fingerprints and pupils were exactly the same as those of Tonytwo, and he had permission to enter here.

However, the base did not let him down. Tony relied on pupil recognition to enter his exclusive space, looked at the various Mark series armors and sports cars placed in the glass case, and smiled softly while thinking about it.

"This Tonytwo...going into keeping some of the little habits of life exactly the same as mine is scary..."

Looking at several sets of Mark series armors that disappeared from the display case, as well as the broken cabinet, Tony rubbed his eyebrows, feeling more and more how bad this world was.

Where is the boss?

Why is the world like this?

Boss still didn't stop Thanos in this world...

"J.A.R.V.I.S? The J.A.R.V.I.S of this world? Are you still there? 35

"Oh... by the way, Tonytwo doesn't use J.A.R.V.I.S, it's Friday, hey, Friday? Friday? Are you there?" Tony shouted towards the open space.


The sound of electric current came out, and the lights in the display cabinets all turned on.

At the same time, Tony also heard the voice that was very familiar to him.

"Mr. Stark...Hello, J.A.R.V.I.S is at your service...

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