Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 322 Body and shield 1ness!

Inside the beach house, Pepper Lorna and others sorted out today's intelligence and clues.

However... what they didn't know was that two figures had already fallen from the sky and landed on the beach outside.

"Is it here?" A man's voice sounded and asked aloud.

"Well, according to the coordinates, it should be here..."

"Hehe... it's really hidden deep enough...

At the a seemingly simple beach house

"The five planets have been sent to Asgard Base One through the space array, and Fury and Phil Coulson have put that thing in secret."

"Also, this is the ration for Guardians of Galaxy this time," Pepper said, took out a large box from the bottom of the bed, opened the box, and filled it with bright red and blue test tubes of liquid.

HP Restoration Potion!

MP Restoration Potion!

Little Morgan looked curiously at the bottom of her mother's bed, she knew that there would be a strange slut from time to time.


Well, that's actually a space teleportation array that leads directly to the secret planet --- Asgard.

Today, the transformed planet of Asgard has become a secret base for the Avengers. He is completely hidden in the void. A group of people living on Asgard are mainly responsible for logistics management, including Fury, Phil Coulson and Hill Natasha Romanoff. et al.

Now, the HP recovery potion is also one of the Avengers' biggest cards. After all, in this universe where you can't die even if you want to die, a bottle of potion that can rejuvenate the bones and grow blood and flesh... Its preciousness is enough to cause a A space war!

Luo Bing manifested a lot in his leisure time, and it was because of his unintentional act that the Avengers have been preserved until now, and they are alive and well.

And the reason why Odin and Frieza were declared dead - that's because the goddess of death in the universe at that time had not disappeared.

"This is a one-year ratio. As we develop more and more members, the resources in our hands are gradually not enough." Pepper carefully closed the box, these pure HP recovery potions are only allocated to real The Avengers Core.

Like general peripheries, they got a lot of 'Robin Miracle One' and 'Robin Miracle Two'

Nonetheless, these two weakened potions also brought a lot of profits to the Avengers, and they became the most sought-after goods in the various legions of the cosmic forces.

"Wait a minute! The air vibration is a little unusual." Skye suddenly closed her eyes and frowned, but when she opened her eyes, her face quickly turned worse.

"Someone is coming! Everyone pay attention!

After saying a word, Skye and Lorna rushed out of the house in an instant.

"Damn... how could someone come here? The coordinates are exposed?" Pepper gritted his silver teeth, quickly pushed the box back to the bottom of the bed, and rang the alarm button of God's Domain for the first time.

Hidden Planet----Asgard.

"The beach No. 2 transit station has triggered the alarm, hurry up! Hurry up! Everyone, gather!" One-eyed Black Braised Egg shouted, behind him, a flashing picture was hundreds of huge beams of light rising into the sky. These are accelerated in time and space, and consume a lot of the earth's resources.

Now it is making a dark universe cycle around SK Wang at a constant speed. Only in the dark universe, their coordinates will not be discovered by others.

Skye and Lorna rushed out of the house for the first time, looking at the two people walking by from a distance, their pretty faces changed dramatically.

"Yes... it's Frieza's army!"

"How did they find it here!

The people who came were two strange-looking guys in armor with a unilateral intelligent combat effectiveness tester.

One is a purple-skinned guy with horns on his head, and the other is a white-haired, red-skinned guy.

Team Ginuit!

Ginyu! Guise!

In Ginyu's hand, an oval Dragon Ball radar was glowing slightly, he frowned suspiciously, looked at the lost Dragon Ball signal, and made a strange "Huh" sound.

"Dragon Ball changed position and disappeared directly into this galaxy? Oh, it's impossible, hey, the trash over there, tell me, where did you hide the Dragon Ball?" Ginyu's expression was exaggerated, and he glanced at him. The data on the combat effectiveness tester covered his stomach ironically.

A group of guys whose combat power has not yet exceeded a thousand... Hahaha, it's really boring.

"Boss Ginyu! They seem to be the group of Avengers!" White Maggis reminded fearfully.

The last time he fought against the Avengers was still vivid in his mind, but it was a bunch of lunatics!

Among them, the green fat man carried his feet for more than ten rounds on the ground! Let him soak in the nutrient solution for several months!

"The Avengers? That's even better, this time I'll kill all the Avengers!" Ginyu smiled arrogantly. The last time he fought, he was in a different universe and had not been retrieved by the king. In his eyes, the natives of this universe are a bunch of garbage.

"Huh..." Pepper flew over in rescue armor and stood beside Lorna and Skye.

"It's the Ginuit team. They have Dragon Ball Radar in their hands. They were attracted by Five Planets. It's really unfortunate. I didn't expect them to be nearby." Skye frowned and said calmly.

The detection of the Dragon Ball radar is far away, and the two people from the Ginuit team can get here so quickly, which shows that they were not far from SK Wangxing at the time.

66~I've informed Steve, he'll be here soon, don't worry, don't wake Wanda yet," Pepper said, looking coldly at the two in front of him.

"Dong dong dong dong..." The soldier from Asgard quickly got out from under the bed, holding a high-grade technology gun in his hand, and stood neatly behind the three women.

Fury's face was covered in haze, and he stepped forward. Obviously, he did not expect that the people of the Ginuit team would find it here.

"They can only be silenced. If the news gets back to Frieza, things will become troublesome then," Fury said with a frown, glancing at the sea in the distance.

Wanda is breaking through, and waking her up at this time is the most irrational decision!

But! If there is no way, it can only wake him up (Noah's good).

The other Avengers are too far away, the closest is Steve with a strong fighting ability alone, and the Guardians of Galaxy still have three days to come.

"Shhh!" After activating the teleport belt continuously, Steve came here quickly, he took a deep breath, shook his head, and the discomfort in the space on his body gradually disappeared.

"I didn't inform SK Wang Sung's army, it's better not to let them know about our affairs here.

"How did these two guys... break through the planet's defense network?"

Steve frowned and looked into the distance, three sharp Vibranium claws slowly growing from the backs of his hands.

Strong and muscular body, without a single weapon on his body, this is Steve now, and he looks as young as he was eighty years ago.

As for shield???

Sorry - Steve is a shield now!

He has... Body and shield oneness!!!.

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