Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 343 The Heart of the Universe

Luo Bing frowned and thought to himself, feeling more and more strange about this matter.

It is impossible for such a powerful army to appear on this small earth-grey planet for no reason. There is only one reason for them to appear, and that is to hunt Doctor Strange, which is indeed the case. .


Luo Bing's eyes widened instantly, he also thought of a possibility, a possibility that he thought might be the truth!

Heart of the universe!

Yes, how could he forget this treasure in the universe? You must know that Strange also came here following the trail of the heart of the universe, and was hunted.

Then Luo Bing has every reason to believe that the mysterious army is probably also here for the Heart of the Universe, and for that treasure.

As for their encounter with Strange who has the same purpose, it is likely that they only met occasionally, and 14 wanted to kill and silence.

But if both sides were fighting for the heart of the universe, but that army had all been killed, only Strange survived, and he couldn't detect Doctor Strange's aura in a faraway place before.

When these two things are linked together, it is very able to explain certain problems.

"Strange, has the Heart of the Universe already in your hands?" Luo Bing's words directly pointed out the crux of the whole thing.

And this is exactly the goal of the Hulk and Doctor Strange team.

Speaking of this, Strange first looked around cautiously, and after confirming that there were no eyes or ears nearby, he laughed.

"As expected of the boss, I guessed it as soon as I guessed it, yes, when I came to this planet, those people had already obtained the heart of the universe, and they grabbed it after a lot of fighting from me, otherwise they wouldn't be so close. I work hard."

Knowing that the Heart of the Universe has been obtained, Banner is also very happy, and joked: "Actually, Luo Bing, the boss, already guessed that you have obtained the Heart of the Universe on the way here."

"Hey, I know the boss can guess it."

Strange, who has always been calm and calm, smiled, feeling a bit like a chicken thief. Such a contrast made Luo Bing smile and shook his head helplessly.

Luo Bing appreciated: "Strange, you have done a great job, as long as we have the heart of the universe, we will be one step closer to the goal of reproducing the earth, you have made huge amounts of contribute.

Doctor Strange nodded and said: "The heart of the universe was placed in the magic space by me, and I will take it out.

"No." Luo Bing quickly stopped him.

According to legend, the Heart of the Universe is an incomplete part of AAO. Its power is quite powerful. It has the supreme power to destroy the world and turn the universe upside down. Just holding it can make the holder feel that he is everything in the universe. thing.

If this kind of heaven-defying treasure is taken out rashly, its unique aura will definitely attract the attention of various forces.

As the saying goes, the truth is that every man is innocent and he is guilty. Luo Bing still knows it. Although he may not be afraid of others robbing him, it is better to have less than one thing. Who would make trouble for himself when he has nothing to do.

"The boss, we have already obtained the heart of the universe, is it back to the king of sk?"

Banner and Strange kept their eyes on Luo Bing. Obviously, in this small team of three, the two of them knew very well that Luo Bing was the leader.

"Well..." Luo Bing pondered a little and said, "No, you two go back first, I have other things to deal with.

The two said in unison: "What is it, can we both help?"

"It was Peter Parker's team and I felt they were in trouble and needed me to save them."

"Little Spider-Man? What's wrong with that kid, let's go too.

"You?" Luo Bing gave them a funny look and joked: "You two are not badly injured, how can you help me, especially you, Strange, do you go back alone? Don't worry, the two of you must be together.

Banner thought to himself, "This... well. 99

Anyway, in his opinion, as long as Luo Bing goes, little Spider-Man and the others can be sure of their safety. In this case, bringing the two of them is indeed a burden.

Strange asked suspiciously: "Boss, do I need to give you the heart of the universe first?"

"No." Luo Bing shook his head and said, "I'll open a direct space gate for the two of you later that spans 5,000 light-years. After returning to King sk, hand over the heart of the universe to Wanda. ."

"Wanda? 35 Strange wondered, although he was also a magician, he knew how terrible Wanda was, but he still couldn't understand, is it absolutely safe to put the heart of the universe on her.

"That's right. 95 seems to have seen the concerns in Doctor Strange's heart. Luo Bing said firmly: "Don't worry, on the entire SK King, except for me, the heart of the universe is the safest in her hands.

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