Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 348 Breaking through the narrowness of time (2)

Wade was about to say a word when he heard little Spider-Man continue: "One more thing, when did I say that you would be the godfather of little Spider-Man, tell you, I don't Hope the little Spider-Man is broken by you!"

Gwen didn't speak, but she could see in her eyes that she and Peter Parker were thinking the same thing.

At the moment, outside the narrowness of time, Luo Bing stood quietly in the void with his hands on his back, his eyes were closed, his face was calm, and he looked like he was asleep.

Luo Bing let out a long sigh of turbidity, opened his eyes slowly, and vaguely, there seemed to be two golden lights blooming in an instant.

It was like rippling water, and there were not too many ripples, but it did happen to him.

After saying that, he raised his head and glanced above the unknown, with a confident look on his face.

" you you you!" Wade blushed instantly, and in Avengers, he could have a 14-point fight with him, except for the Guardians of Galaxy group, which was Shi Stark and little Spider-Man.

Gwen nodded approvingly and said, "Well, Parker, I actually think so too."

"Hehe." The corners of Luo Bing's mouth twitched, trusting a little bit more about the guess just now.

As soon as he thought about it, Luo Bing no longer hesitation, and directly sent more pure energy than before, to touch the weak point, slowly but not stop corroding the structure of narrow time.

Being stared at by the eyes of the two, Wade sighed and said, "Alas, you two make me too sad, but fortunately, something good happened to me today, so I'll forgive you for the time being.

Wade wanted to refute a few words at first, but after hearing this, his eyes widened and he said, "Hey, Parker, this is your fault, in the entire Avengers, who else is qualified except me? Being the godfather of little Spider-Man, and also, how can you say that little Spider-Man was brought down by me, I have such a strong sense of justice, you are right.""

Absolutely no escape this time!

This force looks soft, but it is actually soft and strong. As long as it is determined that the 920 place is the weak point of the narrow time, there must be a gap to open the entire time narrow prison.

"You? A sense of justice?" Peter Parker squinted at Deadpool, and the meaning of those eyes was very clear: I don't believe it!

For that person, he and the entire Avengers have always had absolute confidence that as long as that person is there, all problems will not be a problem.

However, from the light radiating from every pore on his body, Luo Bing at the moment is not as calm as it seems on the surface, he is preparing to break the narrowness of time.

Through thousands of studies just now, Luo Bing already has a different feeling about this time-limited time.

But these are just a conjecture in his heart after all, some theories, if theories are to become reality, they always need to be practiced.

Facts have proved that he seems to have successfully found the weak point judging from the golden light that burst out from his eyes just now.

Peter Parker shook his head and said, "Gwen, let's keep trying to figure it out, you know, this guy Wade has always been a lunatic."

"Now that we've found some cobweb tracks, let's start with you.

little Spider-Man and Gwen looked at each other, obviously not understanding what was happening all of a sudden Deadpool was smoking.


Deadpool pretended to be mysterious and said, "Hey, you two will find out later."

Seeing this situation, Luo Bing showed joy. Just from the momentary fluctuations just now, he could perceive that that place was the weak point he had been looking for.

He cast his gaze in an instant, and as his gaze reached, he only saw a golden light penetrating into the void, and disappeared in a flash.

Hard work is definitely not going to work. As for soft ones, Luo Bing has made some discoveries that might be feasible.

The method is very simple. He compares this huge time narrowness to a glass, but this is an indestructible glass, but in an indestructible glass, there will always be a weak point.

Deadpool looked happy at the thought that he might be out of trouble soon.

When Luo Bing's energy was close to the time limit, as expected and unexpected, when the energy just touched that place, he saw the plane rippling, and the energy disappeared.

Luo Bing unfolded The God's Telekinesis, and the Wushou Immortal Body also radiated light, slowly reaching out a hand, wrapped in a soft power, and probed towards the place that was just discovered.

"It really worked!"

And Luo Bing's persevering investigation just now is trying to find that weak point, so that it will be defeated with one blow!

Luo Bing was attentive, and his glasses stared at the place without blinking....

Peter Parker and Gwen said in unison: "Good thing? What good thing?"

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