Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 440: The Horse faced Thor

"Baby, how did that bastard hit you?"

"Fuck, are you two guys here to fight, or to show your affection? If you want to have a romantic relationship, just get me in the hotel and don't sully the occasion."

When the majestic power gathered in Thor's body, even a figure like Gao Tianzun felt a little bit of fear. As his opponents, Red Skull and Rita Ya also had lingering fears.

Thor roared, and a large amount of thunder power gathered around his body. And in the next few seconds, a huge amount of aperture pierced the night sky in the sky.

"Hmph, don't gloat over here. Now we are a community with a shared future. If the situation is messed up, you won't be much better.

But unfortunately, the equipment that Gao Tianzun gave to Red Skull happened to be a defective product, and it was impossible to fully absorb the billions of volts of thunder.

"God thunder! Be sure to cite it!

Horse face Thor's words made Thor feel a little uncomfortable, and he didn't want to remember that painful memory. What's more, now that the old sister has changed her mind and has a brother-in-law like Luo Bing, it is obviously a stupid way to bring up the past.

"Baby, stand behind me."

"Don't worry, this energy restraint device was given to me by Gao Tianzun, and it can definitely resist Thor's attack."

It was also under such an incentive that Thor's energy broke through the obstacles and fell directly on the Red Skull couple.

"The guy was rude, he yelled at me, hit me with lightning and even tried to touch me.

"You know what happened there too?

Under the influence of anger, wherever Thor passes, there will be devastated and endless thunder and lightning energy.

Following Red Skull's instructions, Litaya immediately snuggled up behind him. Under the action of the powerful magic weapon, the power of thunder in front of them did not penetrate it directly, but produced a kind of resistance.

"It's enough, you dare to struggle even when you are about to die.

Thor's righteous words ended the couple's communication. Instead, it was their verbal counterattack. 967

"Thor, let's stop here on that matter. There are too many details here that you don't understand, so it's best not to comment without authorization."

Thor said with a stunned expression, while Luo Bing in the distance seemed very helpless and muttered unhappily, "There is no end..."

The dazzling light scattered in the field, and the endless energy ran freely. Just when Thor thought that the couple would surely die, a familiar and unfamiliar figure stood in front of him.

Thor roared violently, and immediately poured out the billions of volts in his body. The exaggeration of its energy is beyond Red Skull's cognition. Even when facing Thanos, he had never felt such a panic.

"Thor, do you remember me?" Thor asked patiently.

The resentful Thor (befa) spoke again, and at the same time increased the energy delivery. It's worth mentioning here that if the energy deflector is intact, it must be able to completely stop Thor's offensive.

"What? What a shameless guy who actually does something with other people's girlfriends!

"Dog men and women! Watch me turn you to coke!

"Definitely remember, you are the second Thor, my father's comrade-in-arms and Asgard's hero. Thor responded quickly.

"Humph! With such a stinky mouth, it's no wonder that no one likes you, so you can die alone." Rita Ya said humiliatingly, and as her partner, the ugly Red Skull also laughed.

Red Skull asked Litaya warmly, and the other party responded like a flower bud waiting to bloom after hearing it.

Thor listened to the conversation between Red Skull and Litaya literally. Faced with such a greasy picture, Thor, who was already full of fire, couldn't hold back in an instant.

Such a precise step on the thunder is something Thor can't forgive at all. In order to vent the anger in his heart, he simply did not make any refutation, and directly proved his emotions with actions.

"Haha, it seems that this scene is really difficult to act." Luo Xuan said sarcastically, he liked seeing Luo Bing deflated.

"Husband, can your magic weapon withstand Thor's thunder?" Litaya asked nervously, she didn't want to feel the pain anymore.

"I am ashamed to be a hero. As for Asgard, I am deeply sorry."


"Husband!" Litaya shouted in panic, and Red Skull was also in a panic, and took out the energy absorber that was regarded as a magic weapon.

"Yes, Gao Tianzun has already told me. And Odin... I told him long ago that it is a mistake to spoil my own children too much.

Just as the two of them were arguing, the horse-faced Thor, who had rammed in for a while, had already led Thor into the air.

Just as Red Skull pretended to be calm, Thor, who was ready, suddenly launched a violent attack on the two of them.

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