Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 480 I Want To See Your Boss

Luo Bing's words were misinterpreted by the group of Mexicans, who mistook them for trouble. So when Luo Bing asked to meet the behind-the-scenes boss, they each pulled out their weapons, and there was a great fight.

"Yellow-skinned monkey, don't you understand the rules? If we can kindly sell you chicken rolls, we have already taken care of you." A man with a characteristic beard said cursingly to Luo Bing.

And on the semi-automatic pistol he held in his hand, there were 6 stars engraved on the seal. If nothing else, it should be the number of people killed by him.

"Hey, watch your words!

When Thor heard that the other party called Luo Bing a yellow-skinned monkey, he was also directly angry. After all, Luo Bing is also Asgard's uncle, a clan of Asgard's god domain, how can he be defiled by mere mortals.

But just when Thor was preparing to fight for his reputation, Luo Bing stopped Thor and mentioned an important message to the Mexican who was the leader.

"My friend, I'm not here to ask for trouble. The drug gang recently lost something, and they set their sights on you."

Luo Bing showed his hole card, and that hole card happened to be the key to the turn of events.

When Mexicans heard the word "drug gang", the originally tense atmosphere suddenly became strange. Their eyes widened, and some of them even left beads of sweat.

From the way they behave, you can tell that these guys definitely have something to do with that item. That is, they made contact with Reynolds.

"Who the hell are you? If you don't tell the truth, I'll just smash your head!

The guy in the lead put the gun on Luo Bing's head, but this bluffing threat could not have any effect on Luo Bing at all.

"Okay, don't play such little tricks, I'm here to discuss cooperation sincerely."

Luo Bing said with a smile, and at the same time looked at Thor behind him. His intention is obvious, that is, to let the anger in his heart be released by the guy who has been repressed.


Thor suddenly shouted, and then released a blue thunder from his entire body. Under the influence of his Ability, the group of drug dealers immediately felt awe.

They all knelt aside, begging Thor not to kill him, and using the name Roar as a god to please Thor.

"Hmph, you vampires, now you know to beg for mercy?"

Thor said nonchalantly, and prepared to inflict heavenly punishment on those guys. But just when he was gathering Thunder, Luo Bing stopped that guy again.

"You can't do it." Luo Bing said indifferently, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

"Brother-in-law, why is this? Didn't we say we could get it before?" Thor looked at the other party suspiciously, not planning to stop.

"Thor, listen to my arrangement, and I will give you a reasonable explanation afterwards.

Luo Bing's answer made Befb extremely depressed, but he finally obeyed the other party's arrangement, put away the power of thunder, and sat angrily on the bench beside him.

As for those drug dealers, after seeing such exaggerated scenes, they also realized the gap between themselves and the other party. In order to save their lives, each of them handed over their weapons and said that they would not have two hearts.

"Sir, your subordinates have made the right choice. What choice are you going to make?"

Luo Bing said with a smile, he had absolute dominance.

"Haha, isn't this obvious, I definitely choose to cooperate with you.

The man in the lead was also a man of current affairs. After he showed his determination, he led Luo Bing to the back of the kitchen. That place is the entrance to the workshop and the habitat of their boss.

"The boss is inside, if you have anything, just go to him directly.

"Oh? Is it that simple?

"No, it was originally meant to be a gift... but if it was you, I don't think it would be necessary. 35

Luo Bing laughed out loud, he really enjoyed the feeling of being respected. Especially when seeing the contrast shown by the fierce people, it is simply a kind of supreme happiness.

"Very well, you are a wise man, but unfortunately, you have chosen a path that is not wise.

Luo Bing patted the man on the shoulder, then walked into the claustrophobic tunnel with Thor.

When the two of them disappeared, the drug dealers in the restaurant finally put their hanging hearts back into their stomachs, but the guy who had negotiated with Luo Bing was always depressed and unhappy. looks like.

inside the tunnel.

Luo Bing put his hands on his back, and in the rare "two-person world", he explained to Thor the reason for stopping him just now.

It turned out that Luo Bing planned to use the hands of the Mexicans to declare war with the drug gang. After letting their dog bite the dog, they reap the benefits of the fisherman, and immediately exterminate them in one fell swoop.

In this way, it can not only keep Jenny and Reynolds safe, but also punish the drug dealers and the network. Compared with the former two, the most important thing is that Luo Bing can get extra rewards.

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