Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 508 Unable to convey love

"Idiot! Do you think I'll let you do that?"

Nothingness completely revealed his terrible face, and at the critical moment of life and death, he did not intend to continue to disguise. In an instant, the void's body swelled several times, and the black pressure that made people feel desperate filled the entire spiritual world.

"Reynolds, I originally planned to live with you in a peaceful way, but now it seems that I should have gotten rid of that stinky bitch!" Nihilty said viciously, and kept approaching the two in front of him.

"Nothing, in fact, you were wrong from the beginning."

Facing the threat of the other party, Reynolds, who has always been timid, showed extraordinary calmness. He lowered his head silently, as if he was contemplating something.

Such a calm performance made Niwu suddenly feel guilty. Because he and Reynolds 14 are two-in-one symbiosis, he knows Reynolds' potential better than anyone else.

In order to avoid things unfavorable to him, Niwu plans to get rid of Jenny quickly. This forces Reynolds to reveal his dark side, which just happens to encourage the constant growth of nothingness.

"Death to my father!

Nothingness waved his huge amounts of palm, and the strong twitch made the whole space tremble. But despite this, Jenny herself did not show the slightest panic, because she firmly believed that Reynolds would protect her well-being.


The violent impact reversed around, and Reynolds really fell in front of Jenny. At this moment, Reynolds has become Sentry, and the golden light radiating from his body makes the darkness of nothingness even darker.

"How is this possible?" said nothing with a look of astonishment, because in his opinion, Reynolds would never be able to exert any Ability without his own help.

For his doubts, Reynolds himself smiled slightly, he didn't intend to explain anything at all, but talked to Jenny behind him.

"Jenny, it's too dangerous here, I can't let you suffer any more damage." Reynolds said gently, at this moment his state of mind was that he was invincible to the existence of the universe, even stronger than the ruler of the world.

"Reynolds, just as you will never leave me, I will always stand by your side." Jenny responded in the same tone, and that unique sweet feeling once again enhanced Reynolds' Ability .

"Dear Jenny, thank you for your company. But I can't let you continue to bear hardships for me because of my own selfish desires."

Reynolds burst into a more intense light, and when the golden light filled the entire space, Jenny had to close her eyes to avoid the hot energy.

And when she opened her eyes again, she had already returned to her body, completely withdrawn from Reynolds' spiritual world.

"Mr. Luo, Reynolds plans to die with that monster, please help me to enter his world again, I want to tell him that there are other ways to solve this matter.

Jenny asked Luo Bing for help in an almost begging tone, and Luo Bing was also moved after seeing her compassion.

He walked to Professor X's side, hoping that the other party could help Jenny to fulfill that wish. But unfortunately, the answer he got was disappointing.

"I'm sorry to tell you that with my current ability, I can't enter Reynolds' spiritual world again." Professor X said.

"Why?" Luo Bing asked in confusion, and Jenny on the side showed the same expression.

"Because he has separated his spiritual realm, that is to say, unless he himself wants to, I can't get in touch with his existence at all."

Professor X responded helplessly, and this desperate answer also made Jenny collapse. She knows Reynolds' character well, once that guy looks for something, he will definitely do it.

The screen turns.

In the colorful spiritual realm, Reynolds crushed nothingness with absolute advantage. With a dazzling light all over his body, he is an existence that nothing can reach.

"Reynolds, don't be stupid, living is the real redemption. Are you really willing to abandon Jenny?"

In order to survive, he 043 began to bewitched again. And this time, Reynolds, who had made up his mind, did not give him any room for mediation at all.

After nothingness finished expressing his opinion, Reynolds punched the guy in the face. The huge amounts of shock directly dissipated the opponent, and the originally "lively" spiritual world immediately became deserted.

Facing the emptiness, the lonely Reynolds sighed, then muttered: "Sorry Jenny, it's time for it to end."35

It's three o'clock in the morning New York time.

The dazzling golden light shone on the earth, and the afterglow was even hotter than the sun. It was clear to all who lived through the "Sentry incident" that it was Reynolds' final release of energy, a gesture of apology.

He ended his own life in this form, and after burning out the last soul, the huge energy that Reynolds burst out restored everything that had been hurt to its original state.

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