Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 510 Supreme Meeting

In the luxurious office, all the members of the Illuminati gathered together. But what is different from the past is that some non-organizational members were mixed in this meeting.

S.H.I.E.L.D chief Nick Fury spoke the key, and just after his words fell, Iron Man Tony, who had always been quiet, suddenly stood up.

After a period of adjustment, Doctor Strange finally stopped at a node, and looked at the people in front of him and said: "Everyone, now this scene is the scene where I fight with Reynolds, please pay attention to the one called Luo Bing. dude, what the hell did he do (befb).39

After Doctor Strange said these words extremely seriously, he waved his fingers again. With his continuous manipulation, the picture in the projection also began to change.

Professor X spoke very politely, and it was difficult for others to refuse his amiable face. It is for this reason that Namor, who has a distinct personality, finally calmed down, but still held hostility to the personnel of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Everyone, I have had a relationship with this guy. He is unstable and doesn't seem to care about moral constraints.

The voice at the moment is Namor, who is a quintessential personality who embraces a policy of honorable isolation. If it weren't for his old friendship with Charles, he wouldn't even be on this occasion.

As the host of the conference, Doctor Strange spoke in a straight-forward manner. He rarely showed such seriousness, so when he finished saying these words, no one showed any dissent at all. Even a guy like Namor chose to accept it.

For Namor's question, Professor X could only helplessly shrug his shoulders. After thinking for a while, he showed the original to the other party.

Tony's words are inductive, and the reason why he came to such a conclusion is entirely based on Luo Bing's performance in the underground boxing match that day.

They all discussed in private, and most of the voices revolved around Luo Bing.

Under the urging of Doctor Strange, everyone naturally focused their attention on Luo Bing, and they all wanted to see what that guy could do.

And with everyone's constant attention, a projection that appeared out of thin air caught everyone's attention.

"Charles, I don't recall any partnership with S.H.I.E.L.D."

Doctor Strange waved his fingers, analyzing the movements he made in the air, it should be some kind of magic.

"Namo, although this cooperation has not been approved by you, due to the urgency of time, I have to make such a choice. As for what to discuss, please listen patiently before making a decision."

"Okay, thank you for your understanding, then let's get to the point."

"Stephen, who is this guy in the picture?" A man wearing a blindfold asked Doctor Strange.

In Tony's eyes, Luo Bing is an eclectic prodigal son, as long as he wants to do one thing, he can do whatever he can.

"Oh? Forgive my ignorance, I really didn't see anything special about him." Nick Fury said bluntly.

"Stephen, I think I understand what you mean. Let's all come over to the meeting this time, just to evaluate this guy in front of me, right? 35

"Nick Director Nick Fury, this guy is the core of this meeting." Doctor Strange said politely, and he still respected the man in front of him.

He is an outstanding scientist, especially after receiving the "supernatural theory counseling", he has a whole new view of everything in this world.

After Doctor Strange explained the function of the Power Stone, the originally quiet venue suddenly became bustling.

"Ladies and gentlemen, since you can all sit together, it shows the seriousness of this meeting. In order to save unnecessary time, please allow me to drop the introduction of your identities and let us focus directly on the problem, okay?'

"Stephen, is the red gem in that guy's hand the same magnitude as the Time Gem you're wearing on your chest?" It was MR.Fantastic Richards who asked the question this time.

"Yes, the red gem in Luo Bing's hand symbolizes power. It is a strange gem that can infinitely increase physical abilities. The most different thing from the Time Gem in my hand is that the power gem can be used to increase all artifacts. Special gems that can be used in a variety of ways.35

With the continuous playback of the picture, the pupils of the observers also dilate along with it. The scene that made everyone stunned was the moment Luo Bing took out the power gem.


"Yes, it's really hard to see what's special about this yellow race if you analyze it based on appearance alone. But the pictures I'm going to show next may let you re-understand his awesomeness."

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