Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 520 Investigate

"Mr. Tony, it's like this, I heard that you have a personal relationship with Nick Fury, the Nick Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, right?" Finks asked humbly.

With the appearance of Tony and the two, there was a burst of joy in the school. Because the two people in front of them are treasures in the scientific research world, although the subjects they study are different, this does not prevent them from admiring the two Tonys.

"Mr. Tony, Mr. Richards, what wind brought you two here?" Principal Damon asked cheerfully. After he received the notification, he came to the playground non-stop.

As the video content ended, both Tony and Richards were silent (befb) for a long time. Because during the whole process, they only saw Luo Bing's destructiveness, but did not feel the affinity that Professor X said.

"Funks, wasn't the soundtrack of the video recorded?" Tony asked, turning around.

"Oh? How did you know that?" Tony asked, and at the same time Richards, who was sitting next to him, became interested.

The disclosure of this information made Tony, who is a member of the Illuminati, feel a wave of anxiety. It was in such an environment that Richards, a comrade-in-arms, also joined the conversation.

"Brother Finks, do whatever you want. If you want, there are some unopened wines in my wine cabinet, which should be enough for you."

Tony was deliberately vague about his relationship with Nick Fury, lest the other have anything to get rid of him. However, he didn't expect that the other party didn't care about this at all, and what Finks cared about was just a channel to contact.

"Yes, I believe that as long as you watch it, you will understand what I mean." Finks responded quickly.

10 minutes later.

043 As soon as Finks said this, Tony immediately became alert. He put down the wine glass in his hand, and said with a serious face: "This kind of thing should be handled by the FBI or the CIA?

After waiting for a while, several big men in black came to the door of Stark Industry. And after a simple negotiation, the information was presented to Tony and the others.

"According to common sense, it should be like this. But those two guys are a bit special, they are both powerful ability users.

"The terrorists I'm talking about are these two guys. They suddenly broke into the school and wrapped me up. Fortunately, the school staff came out, otherwise I don't know what to do."5

And Finks, who was left behind, stood on the spot and got angry, wishing to smash all of Tony's hidden wine.

"Why are these two guys here?" Tony muttered with a look on his face.

"I heard what my dad said, shouldn't it be fake?" Finks replied calmly.

"Mr. Tony, as long as you can talk is enough. Please help me deliver a message to the other party that a terrorist has infiltrated the territory."

"Mr. Tony, what should I do now?" Finks asked unwisely, he hadn't fully understood the other party's intentions.

Tony had J.A.R.V.I.S switch modes, and the contents of that disk were played. With the appearance of Luo Bing and Thor, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became much quieter.

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have run here." After Finks finished speaking, he took out the phone in his pocket, and he asked his subordinates to fetch the campus surveillance disk so that they could read it to Tony.

As for the "reported" Finks, he was isolated and had no chance to participate. Because in Tony's eyes, that guy only affects how he understands things.

Tony opened the dome of the room after he finished speaking, and Richards, who was standing beside him, naturally moved forward together.

After all, Tony and Richards got on a private plane and started to move to the place where the incident occurred without air traffic control.

"Finks, there is a testimonial video on this disk?" Tony asked curiously.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements."

"Then I can only go to your school again. If I just watch the video, I can't make a reasonable judgment. I hope you can understand."

"No, it may be that the corresponding equipment is not installed." Finks replied.

"Hmph, old Finks knows a lot of things. I do have some contacts with S.H.I.E.L.D, but it's only about the arms trade, and it's not as close as you think.

"Sir, is there any basis for what you said just now?" Richards asked Finks.

The roar produced by the propeller surprised the teachers and students of the whole school, and they all stuck out their heads to watch, wanting to see who was so arrogant.

Finks misinterpreted the whole process, but Tony wasn't interested at all. All his attention was on Luo Bing, trying to see the other party's intentions.

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