Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 549 Stop the riots


With a dull voice, the trident in Namor McKenzie's hand smashed firmly onto the opponent's body. But it was not Black Panther himself who was hit, but his cousin Erik.

As Wakanda's minister, Erik couldn't let Black Panther get hurt. So at that critical moment, he stepped forward and resisted Namor's attack.

"How are you?" Black Panther hurriedly condoled, At the moment he wasn't in the mood to pay attention to Namor.

"Your Majesty, I'm fine. That guy's attack isn't very strong."

Erik got up from the ground. Although he couldn't move normally as usual, he didn't leave any sequelae, but was affected for a short time.

But even so, Black Panther will definitely not tolerate this. As a monarch, his important duty is to protect his subjects.

So after confirming that Erik was fine, he immediately showed his 077 attitude.

"Namo MacKenzie, you will pay for your actions."

Black Panther let out a roar, and immediately counterattacked the guy. And the strength he showed was definitely not a tentative attack, but a real countermeasure.

A series of violent attacks made Namor retreat. The rest of the Illuminati members immediately got involved in the dispute between the two.

The first to intervene was MR.Fantastic, who used his ability to be immune to physical attacks to bind Black Panther's body.

The second shot was Iron Man, who formed a stance around Namor's body through the newly developed magnetic field control device.

Then came Doctor Strange, Professor X, and the taciturn Black Bolt.

In front of the three extraordinary powers, Black Panther and Namor McKenzie could only be caught without the slightest resistance.

"Two, you are really gaffe, there is absolutely no need for this.

Professor X exercised mind control on the two kings, and under his influence, the two berserk men gradually returned to a state of sanity.

"Charles, I know what to do, just get me out of this hell.

Namor said angrily, and looked at Tony who was interfering with him with a look of extreme disgust.

"Okay, but you can assure me that this is the end of the matter." Professor X urged.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in seeing like children." Namor gave a positive answer, and then Tony also lifted his stance and returned his freedom to the other party.

on the other hand.

The restricted Black Panther also gave his attitude, and he said that in the future, as long as he doesn't go out with Namor on the same occasion, he can just give up.

The attitudes of both sides are somewhat reluctant, but it is better than war. Since there is no perfection in the world, accepting the status quo is also a good choice.

As the head of the Illuminati, Professor X (befb) once again urged both parties to abide by the covenant, especially for the guy named Namor MacKenzie, he emphasized.

"Okay, I know what to do, let this farce end.

Namor responded boredly, and then left the scene alone. But it is worth noting that no one is willing to go up to comfort, because that guy's character is really not very flattering.

"T'Challa, I hope you can clear up the past and don't have any thoughts of revenge."

Professor X spoke earnestly, but the other party just nodded after hearing it, and then left the scene without saying a word.

The scene finally calmed down, and no one knew whether this kind of treatment was good or bad. But instead of focusing on this, it is better to hurry up to more important things, such as restoring Mutant's position in the hearts of the rich.

The occurrence of this emergency will inevitably affect the views of those dignitaries. Although they are extremely powerful, they are all flesh and blood after all, and they simply cannot bear the Rage of those supernatural beings.

In order to make up for this series of vicious incidents, Charles intends to hold an emergency meeting immediately, so that he can make plans early.

But before that, he has one more thing to deal with, which is to talk with Luo Bing.

In a blink of an eye, Charles came to Luo Bing and asked politely, "Mr. Luo Bing, you told me that you have something to explain before, what is it?"

Facing Charles' question, Luo Bing seemed a little flustered. Now that the incident has been resolved, it is obviously a wrong approach to self-destruct.

"Oh, not too big of a deal, just wanted to ask if you've seen Tony Stark.

Luo Bing's words left Charles without the slightest suspicion. He just shrugged helplessly and replied, "He's right in front of him. If there is anything between you, please talk about it as soon as possible."

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