Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 552 Everything is the arrangement of the script

The system prompt slammed into Luo Bing's head like a bolt from the blue. His eyes widened, Roar sucking like a dying patient.

He could never imagine that because of one of his wrong choices, it would cause such an exaggerated chain reaction. In order to clarify the matter, Luo Bing immediately asked back.

"Hey! What's wrong with those two guys? Didn't the previous suspicions have been settled?" Luo Bing looked a little impatient.

"Sorry, the question you asked is not within the scope of my answer. In short, the task has been triggered, please keep an eye on it.


Another buzzing sounded, Luo Bing returned to the real world. He looked around in astonishment, the previous joy no longer existed.

"Brother-in-law, are you like this?" Thor asked curiously, he saw the change in the other party.

"I received a new mission just now, Black Panther and Namor are likely to start a war. 14. Luo Bing answered quickly.

"What? These two guys are kings, can they be that stupid?" Thor looked suspicious.

"I thought so at first, but since the system has notified me, it means that things will definitely develop in that direction.

Thor was also stunned for Luo Bing's answer. I don't know how long it took, the guy who seemed to be nervous finally spoke.

"Brother-in-law, I have something I don't know whether to ask or not.

"Tell me, there's no need for this between you and me. 99

"I've always wondered, what exactly is the system you're talking about?"

The doubts buried in Thor's heart were finally released at this time. As for his question, Luo Bing didn't know how to explain it to him.

The situation suddenly fell into an awkward state. As a leader, Luo Bing felt helpless for the first time.

"Thor, this matter is extremely complicated, so you can treat it as a god's play. 33 Luo Bing said in a dull tone, in fact, he didn't want to know the answer.

After listening to Luo Bing's response, Thor also gave up his plan to dig deeper. After all, in this vast universe, anything bizarre can happen.

Since there is such an incredible existence as OAA, it is not surprising that Luo Bing obtained the ability of a prophet.

"Brother-in-law, what shall we do next?"

Although Thor gave up on questioning the system, he still did not give up on the issue of Black Panther and Namor.

"I can't make a decision before it happens. But it's not a good choice to let it develop freely. The most important thing right now is to explain it to those guys, so as to make a complete preparation. 35

Thor agreed with Luo Bing, and the two returned to the base of the Illuminati.

On the other hand.

Inside Wakanda, Erik is debriefing with his true master.

White Wolf, whose real name is Hunter. He is the only white man in the Wakanda royal family and the half-brother of Black Panther. As a member of the royal family, he has always been haunted by the succession of T'Challa.

Out of personal ambition, Hunter, the white wolf, launched a coup d'etat. However, due to being isolated by the tribes at the time, they fled without backup.

But today, a chance for him to come back has finally come, and that is the conflict between Black Panther and Namor.

When the white wolf carefully listened to Erik's report, the guy who looked very sinister suddenly showed a terrifying smile.

He thought of a near-perfect evil plan that, if successful, would provoke Atlantis' national revenge against Wakanda.

"Erik, I need you to go to Atlantis." White Wolf said fiercely, so that he didn't need to say his intentions.

"Yes master, but how should I get there? That sea country has always been isolated from the outside world." Erik asked in confusion.

"This is easy to do, my latest Vibranium device, which synchronizes the water flow, so you can be protected from water pressure. As for the route, it's not difficult.

As the white wolf spoke, he took out a compass from the box behind him, and continued to introduce: "I took this nautical needle out of the national treasury.

When the ambassador of Atlantis came to visit us, he left this thing as a gift to show the friendship between the two countries.

After saying that, White Wolf handed the nautical needle to Erik's hand, and then asked the rest of his subordinates to bring out the set of mechas that were good for diving.

"Erik, you put on this equipment, and with the instructions of the nautical needle, you will be able to reach Atlantis."

"Okay, master. I'll know what to do when I get there."

"Don't let me down, when this is done, the glory that belongs to us will come back. At that time, I will promote you to be the prime minister of the country and let you rule the country's affairs.

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