Marvel: Master Ancient One, I'm Going Down

221 Honest Spider-Man! Superhero Registration Act Failed! (2 More)

"Peter, didn't you sleep last night?"

"Uh, I read some materials last night, aren't I going to participate in the quiz? I also participated in it."

Peter made an excuse.

"However, if you don't rest well, you won't be able to learn knowledge.

If you don't get a good night's rest, your mental state will be very bad today.

What do you do with the daytime lessons?"

Ben Uncle looked worried.

He really knows about the knowledge contest at school.

But I haven't seen Peter working so hard.

"Well, there is no way, the time is coming, I have to study hard.

Ben Uncle, Aunt May, I went to school. "

Peter grabbed a breakfast and rushed out the door.

"Ah, I'm so tired, dancing all night in the city.

Why did Qin imprison me in his magic and not see me?"

Peter hadn't figured it out.

During the daytime class, Peter struggled to finish it.

Back home at night, Peter went back to the bedroom after dinner.

With two big dark circles under his eyes, Peter thought for a long time.

"Tonight, I will go out to have a look, but this time I can't go out through the window."

Peter quietly opened the door and jumped out from another window.


There was another sound of breaking glass.

The entire city turned even more terrifying.

"No, it's coming again!"



"Nine Six Three" Peter had to jump and run constantly in the city.

Prevent falling under tall buildings.

"Qin, what's going on? Say something anyway."

"If you don't tell me, how will I know what's going on?"

"Don't let the city flip over, I'm so tired.

"There's an accident over there, someone is robbing, I'm going to save people."

"No, I'm going to fall."

"Qin, let me go out."

Peter is constantly running and jumping in the mirror dimension.

Just in order not to be dropped by the city.

The feeling of falling and weightlessness terrified Peter.

This is much more troublesome than when he had cobweb in his hand.

City flipped wildly and Peter had to keep shooting cobwebs.

The spinneret on his wrist was quickly consumed.

Until then, a yellow light flashed.

He was thrown back into the bedroom again.

"So tired.

Peter fell asleep.

"Peter, get up, have breakfast, and get ready for school.

Aunt May's voice sounded again.

Peter, who has not slept for thirty or forty hours and has been exercising crazily for a long time, just slept for a few hours.

At the moment, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

The two eyelids seemed to be glued together.

He struggled to get up, and then went to school in a daze.

Even his Spider Telepathy has become a little dull.

I finished class in a daze again.

When I got home at night and had dinner, I went straight to bed and went to sleep.

This time, his spirit finally made up.

At the end of the day's class, he quietly changed into a spider suit at night.

This time, he observed all the windows and even threw something outside.

He didn't find anything unusual before jumping out.


He broke the glass again.

"What the hell is this for?"

Peter just finished complaining, and the whole city kept flipping wildly.

This time, he didn't even have the energy to speak.

Must escape constantly.

If it was a little slower, he would face the whereabouts of more than half an hour.

The terrifying speed made him terrified under his Spider Telepathy.


Crazy escape.

Until his cobweb is completely consumed.

A yellow light flashed, and he was thrown into the bedroom again.

Only when he stopped could he feel the soreness all over his body.

It was a sport that exceeded his physical limits.

"What the hell is going on here? Why was I imprisoned in Qin's magic as soon as I went out?

As long as I don't go out, nothing happens.

Could it be that Qin didn't let me go out?

But, why is that?"

Peter At the moment still doesn't seem to understand why.

For a moment, Peter snored loudly.

It's really tiring.

After a night of rest, the next day is another day full of energy.

At night, Peter struggled.

He wanted to get out, but crawled into Qin's magic again.

He stood by the window and muttered to himself.

"Qin, why don't you let me go out, is there something wrong?

Could it be because of the Hero Registration Act?"

Thinking of this, Peter seemed to understand.

"But why? No one ever told me.

Mr. Stark is not Iron Man, and Captain Ludgers is not the captain of Country M.

Isn't now the time when heroes are lacking?

My Spider-man is perfectly up to the job.

Qin, why do you want to imprison me in your demon king?"

Peter still didn't understand.

Just then, a piece of paper flew down.

Peter took the paper and saw the words on it.

"Are you ready to reveal your identity to the public?

Are you ready for your Uncle Ben and Aunt May to be attacked by terrorists for your heroic actions?"

Peter looked at the two words and his heart trembled.

The shooting of Ben Uncle is still vivid.

Until now, Ben Uncle's body has been obviously affected.

Appetite for food is much worse than before.

It seems that the internal organs have not fully recovered.

His spiritual head is much worse than before.

Even Aunt Mei was haggard a lot.

Once you are exposed, will you really face the day of being threatened?

"Even Mr. Stark and Captain Rogers chose to retire directly in the face of the Hero Registration Act.

I, a high school student, actually wanted to be a hero about this.

Those agents tracked me down and knew everything about me by then.

Threatening me to do something with Ben Uncle and Aunt May.

Can I choose not to do it?

Crazy, I want to be a hero because I want to be crazy.

I never thought about such serious consequences.

Isn't the reason I wear a mask so that people don't know my identity?

I didn't think of such an easy thing to think of. "

This time Peter Parker completely understood.

The impact of the Hero Registration Act has exceeded his imagination.

"I see, Qin, I will study hard recently."

Peter chose to go straight to bed.

In the days that followed, there was no longer a superhero in the entire street.

Originally the Daily Bugle also constantly blacked out Spider-man.

Because Spider-man is being hunted by agents.

But now even Spider-man is gone.

They can't hack Spider-man even if they want to.

All the people began to discover the news of superheroes thoroughly.

And those criminals At the moment secretly delighted.

Robbery, shooting, theft...

Numerous crimes keep a group of policemen busy.

The whole city seems to have become a criminal's paradise.

This is a burst that has been suppressed by superheroes for too long.

This sudden outburst has put huge amounts of pressure on the coalition government.

And that's just in the city.

Further afield, remoter places, more chaotic places are now chaotic.

Terrorist attacks occurred frequently, and people died continuously.

Calls for the removal of the coalition government have grown louder.

No one knows whether there are people from the Global Security Committee behind this.

The coalition government was beaten back to its original place just after it was established...

This has disappointed many who had originally hoped to get a share of the pie.

The government without support directly showed an incomparable decline.

Those at the moment know that the Global Security Council has been established for so long.

They are really deep-rooted and unfathomable.

Even if S.H.I.E.L.D is infiltrated by HYDRA and becomes a sieve.

Their strength is still unfathomable.

The most important thing is that the coalition government made a psychological profile of all superheroes.

They believe that these heroes will not disappear collectively.

As long as there are still two superheroes supporting the Hero Registration Act.

They can live on face.

At least the psychological profile of Captain Rogers shows that he will never give up the justice in his heart.

Never give up on the safety of the people.

Even Iron Man Tony's profile suggests that the Heroes Registration Act shouldn't be bothered.

Because he was originally known by everyone.

It doesn't really matter if you register or not.

But unexpectedly, these two people were the first to quit.

why is that?

Everyone in the Coalition government is asking that question.

They didn't know that there was something that both Rogers and Tony were interested in and attracted them.

Change the past!

return to the past!

Tony wants to save his father.

The fault Jace wanted.

He even wanted to see Peggy.

In addition, Nick Furui and Qin Hao secretly played tricks.

All superheroes disappeared overnight.

Originally there was also an anonymous Spider-man.

It has also disappeared completely these days.

This time, the coalition government's superhero registration bill has completely become a laughing stock.

Countless newspapers began to rush to report the event.

The superhero registration act wiped out all heroes

"Coalition government, is the government of HYDRA?"

"Destroy heroes, what HYDRA failed to do, the coalition government did"

"Eliminate all superheroes, who will save us?"

Even the Daily Bugle has been black Spider-man, At the moment wrote a big report.

"We suspected Spider-man was a criminal, but the Coalition seems to have us confirming that Spider-man is a hero"

It even uses a counterexample.

Spider-man isn't a hero, so he wouldn't disappear from the Heroes Registration Act.

He's gone now, proving he's a 4.1 hero.

Anyway, for the sake of sales, James, the boss of the Daily Bugle, didn't want any shame.

Even he himself was thinking, when Spider-man came out, he was continuing to blackmail the opponent.

Now is the time to oppose the coalition government.

If they don't object, there will be no sales.

At the moment is maverick and even arouses the resentment of countless people.

This is no other time.

Under such tremendous pressure, the coalition government finally had to make a compromise.

The superhero registration act is cancelled!

The bill was originally to come into effect a month after the date of its announcement.

As a result, the bill was canceled directly before the implementation began.

Hearing this news, everyone rejoiced.

They think they have succeeded.

They think a superhero will appear soon.

The superhero will appear again in the city.

Iron Man will be back.

Captain Rogers will be back too.

Even the masked Spider-man returns.

However, they were disappointed.

Superheroes are still missing even after the superhero registration act was repealed.

"Why? Why did the bill get canceled and the superhero didn't show up?"

A big question appeared in everyone's mind.

"Superhero is secretly investigating the background of all members of the coalition government!"

One report set off an endless storm. .

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