Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 205 Shocking Everyone

Mjolnir, as the name suggests, only those with a pure mind can pick up this hammer, which is also a symbol of Odin.

As Thor, it is natural for Thor to pick up this hammer. For Thor, these things were originally normal. He has picked up this hammer for tens of thousands of years.

Frigga looked at Thrall and wanted to pick up the hammer, but he wanted to see if Thrall could pick it up with his strength.

Most people here want to see the Thrall system pick up this hammer. If it can pick it up, that would be the best.

Volstagg also pinched the paper in his hand nervously. He kicked the stone in front of him to see if Thrall's strength was really that powerful.

"Don't force Thrall, just pick it up properly and look at it. Not everyone can pick up Mjolnir." 113

Volstagg also laughed when he said this. His eyes were relaxed and happy, and he glanced at Thrall.

I just feel that if Thrall can really pick up Mjolnir, then all this will be a different story.

Frigga also heard what Volstagg said, and laughed along with Volstagg. They didn't want to laugh at Thrall, but they were in a happy mood.

Sal didn't say that much, only Emma on the side always believed in Sal.

Because for them, this situation can already be explained to themselves, and everything at the moment has such a saying.

The situation in front of them is also closely related to what they said before. The reason why I can say this is because of other key factors.

Thrall has a lot of strength. The Mind Gem in his hand can also detect the true situation of Mjolnir, and he can also absorb Mjolnir's energy.

If Thrall wanted, they could take (cfag) anything in Mjolnir.

Everything that followed at the moment was because of these things that could lead to this situation happening now, and everyone watched it happen.

At the moment when everyone was nervous, everyone saw Thrall and picked up Mjolnir, who was originally sitting here quietly. "But Thor saw Mjolnir's movement.

How can this be?

Thor was very nervous at the moment. He did see Mjolnir move, just when Thrall held Mjolnir tightly.


Thrall smiled when he said this. He easily picked up Mjolnir, held it in his hand and played with it.

"It feels pretty good, and there's still a lot of energy in it. If you can use this energy for your own use, it's indeed a very good weapon."

When Thrall said these words, everyone looked at him dumbfounded. Everyone in Asgard, including Thor, felt very surprised.

Thrall actually picked up Mjolnir in front of everyone. What does this mean?

It's okay if Frigga doesn't know, and it's okay if Volstagg doesn't know, but Thor won't not know what it means.

That proves that Thrall is even stronger than him. Except for Odin, almost no one is his opponent, but how does Thor know that even Odin is afraid of Thrall and does not dare to confront Thrall at all. .

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