Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 52 The End Of The World Of Flames! Terrifying Strength!

When the towering spears condensed, Sirte deep underground suddenly felt locked.

Although his strength was damaged, his intuition was still there. At this moment, Sirte clearly felt that when this sharp and towering spear was activated, no matter where he was in the world of flames, the tip of the spear would die. Chase him to death.

"You forced me!"

Sirte's face was sinister, and he almost said this through gritted teeth.

In Sirte's hand, there is a strange flame.

Rather than a flame, it would be more appropriate to call it a small flame. This flame was taken out from the underground core and kept rolling and jumping in the palm of his hand.

However, this little jumping flame, which seems to be extinguished by the wind at any time, exudes an eternal atmosphere.

If Thrall stood in front of Sirte, he would immediately judge from this breath that the fire was the Eternal Fire.

Definitely, the real Eternal Fire has been taken away from the world of fire by Odin during the divine war thousands of years ago, and is now placed in Odin's treasure house in the divine domain.

This small flame was conceived again after thousands of years of the origin of the world of fire. Only when the fire turns into the real Eternal Fire can it feed back the world of fire and make this world complete again.

This is also the reason why Sirte has been silent for thousands of years without any change.

Originally, Sirte carefully protected and cultivated the eternal fire that was bred again by absorbing the power of the majestic galaxy from the origin of the world, and at the same time strengthened the backbone of the flame world and established a Flame Legion, just to one day take revenge on the divine realm and fulfill Ragnarök's prophecy. .

But now, the Flame Corps he had cultivated for thousands of years had been wiped out by Thrall's blow.

Even he himself was locked by the towering spear condensed by Thrall, and was in danger of being killed at any time.

Having no choice but to be forced into this situation, Sirte decided to fight to the death and took out this eternal fire that was not fully mature.

Before being completely locked by Thrall's condensed towering spear, Sirte let out a roar. The eternal fire jumped in his palm, and he grabbed the horned master and pulled it to the top of his head.

Be a minister.

The moment the originally peaceful eternal fire entered Sirte's crown, a terrifying eternal aura suddenly burst out, and the crown instantly became fiery red.

As the crown changed, Sirte's body was also filled with the blazing red color. The originally weak and weak aura was swept away, and the burning red energy surged wildly in the body.


Sirte, whose momentum changed drastically, let out a roar of pain mixed with joyful anger, causing the entire underground world to fight fiercely.

The change in the ground happened suddenly. Thrall focused on gathering the nebula spear and prepared to penetrate the surface to force Sirte out. For the time being, he could not clearly perceive everything under his feet, but the star had not yet grown.

Already completely solidified.


Following Thrall's cold shout, huge amounts of spears seemed to be grabbed by an invisible hand and driven hard towards the ground.

The power of Nebula's spear exploded, exuding two powerful auras of thickness and sharpness. The sharpness of the spear tip penetrated everything, and the thickness of the spear body gave it the strength of a thousand pounds. When it fell hard, it fell hard before it even touched the ground. It caused the whole land to tremble violently.

At this moment, the world of flames seemed to have truly come to an end.

There are terrible nebula spears falling from the sky, and there are great changes taking place in the center of the earth such as Sirte integrate the eternal fire. One is in the sky and the other is on the earth, making the world tremble.


The Nebula Spear fell so fast that in the blink of an eye the towering black light had already submerged into the earth's surface, completely shattering the earth.

Standing high in the sky, you can only see the devastated land. There is a deep sinkhole that goes straight into the terrain. Dull and violent riots spread from it. Countless huge amounts of cracks are centered on this sinkhole and continue to spread in all directions. Drive away.

...Please give me flowers...

The surface exploded, cracks spread, lava erupted, and the world trembled....

The attack of a towering nebula spear almost completely shattered the land, sinking it into the endless flowing molten river in the center of the earth.

Ignoring this apocalyptic scene, Thrall's perception penetrated the surface of the earth with the nebula spear. Amidst the violent tremors, it had penetrated countless rock layers and reached the center of the earth.

Just when the towering spear was about to penetrate the entire surface of the earth and penetrate deep into the center of the earth where Sirte was, another extremely terrifying aura suddenly erupted in the center of the earth.


"Ant, if you ruin my countless years of plans, you will die!"

This voice, filled with endless anger and deep-seated hatred, resounded throughout the entire world of flames.

Thrall's expression moved slightly. Through the perception attached to the Nebula Spear, he was keenly aware that the indestructible Nebula Spear was blocked by another powerful force.

This power contains the majestic power of fire, which has also reached Level Sub-God Father, and is on par with the energy level of the attack launched by Nebula Particles!

"Oh, the shy turtle is finally willing to show up, but his temper is quite bad. I don't know if he really has the ability to talk big."

Sirte Rage's roar drew Thrall's disdainful glare.

Not to mention that he knew that Sirte's strength was greatly damaged after losing the Eternal Fire. Even if Sirte's strength was not damaged, with Sal's confidence and confidence, Sirte's threat would not be ignored at all.

The towering spear transformed by the nebula particles continued to advance, and the resistance it felt became stronger and stronger. It was obvious that Sirte used his true skills to forcibly intercept the spear.

"Give it to me, explode!"

Sal sneered slightly and shouted in his heart. .

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