【Zapdos - a legendary thunderbird, it was born from the place where lightning hits the earth. When a huge lightning falls from the clouds, its golden figure will also emerge with it.

Ability: It is said to be a Pokémon that lives in thunderclouds, can manipulate lightning at will, and can continue to grow with lightning, and even feed on lightning.

Note: Unruliness is its nature, unruly is its only, and it is difficult to tame. It has pride and self-esteem that overrides everything. 】

Very strong, this time it will really explode.

Lu Chen's wandering eyes inadvertently fell on Thor, and he couldn't help but sigh that"stupid" people still have"stupid" luck.

At least, Thor really made a fortune this time by opening such a lightning bird called a"divine beast".

At this moment, Thor, who was very familiar with thunder, seemed to have noticed something, and his eyes suddenly glowed.

Then he stretched out his hands and held this golden egg in his arms.

"Manager, I can feel that this golden egg is pregnant with strong thunder."

Thus, Thor licked his lips habitually and said unexpectedly:

"Is this for me to fry an egg and replenish the thunder in my body?"


In the rare silence, Lu Chen's eyes twitched.

This guy, sometimes when he gets naughty, I really want to beat him to death.


After a dry cough, Lu Chen decided to do his duty and immediately took the initiative to speak:

"Even I envy your luck."

At this point, Lu Chen's eyes turned to the golden giant egg in Thor's arms and introduced it:

"Lightning Bird, a mythical creature that lives in thunderclouds..."

Before he could finish his words, Lu Chen was suddenly interrupted by a cry of surprise.

"Divine beast?"

"Yes, a divine beast."

Nodding, Lu Chen emphasized again.

However, the only thing worth considering is whether the 'divine beast' Thor thought of was the same as the 'divine beast' he was talking about.

However, at this moment,


A very crisp sound suddenly rang out in the store.

Looking for the sound, the golden giant egg still in Tony's arms actually showed a slight crack.

"Is this the rhythm of hatching?"

Thor blinked and subconsciously placed the egg on the ground.

"It seems that it is indeed about to hatch."

On the side, Dr. Banner, the Hulk, also came over and observed.

"Does this mean that I am not far from owning a divine beast?"

Thor licked his lips skillfully, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his lips.

""That should be it."

After a pause, Banner, the Hulk, looked at Lu Chen who was calm and composed not far away and said affirmatively. Since the store manager said so, there shouldn't be any big problem.

But for some reason, seeing Thor's unreliable appearance, Banner, the Hulk, also had a bad premonition in his heart.

However, at this time

"Click, click, click..."

The eggshell slowly broke apart with a series of crisp sounds.

At the same time, a long orange beak emerged from the eggshell.

"Screw, screw, screw..."

The arc spread again, but it was different from Thor's blue lightning.

This time, it was a brilliant golden color.

What was even more surprising was that along with the spread of the golden lightning, faint bird calls suddenly came out from the eggshell.

"Little guy, you can really sparkle."

Thor commented with interest, and crossed his arms, waiting for the little thing that seemed like a pet to be born.

Not long after,


With a sharp cry, a golden bird the size of two palms emerged from the eggshell.

This is a bird with obvious yellow feathers, and its eyes are surrounded by black ring-shaped"eye circles".

The most noticeable thing is that its crown is made up entirely of a large bunch of sharp yellow feathers.

At first glance, it is sharp and sharp, and its appearance alone is extraordinary.

Just looking at this little guy, Thor, the God of Thunder, glanced slightly.

Obviously, this seems to be a little different from what he expected.

Of course, what Thor didn't notice at this time was that there was a flash of sharpness in the eyes of this yellow bird.

Especially when it saw Thor, it revealed a humane coldness.

Turning around silently, in the surprised eyes of Thor and even Lu Chen and others, this yellow bird has begun to peck at the golden eggshell.

"Crunch, crunch..."

As the sound of chewing continued, the body of the golden bird seemed to grow a bit bigger.

"Has it grown up?"

Thor was stunned and asked suspiciously.

"It seems so."

Banner nodded and looked at the yellow bird, which was now the size of a normal person's head, with surprise in his eyes.

At this moment, Thor seemed to have thought of something and stepped forward:

"Your eggshell seems to be able to strengthen the thunder, I will try it too."

Thus said Thor, already bent down.

After a moment,


With an extremely sharp and piercing cry, a golden lightning bolt almost instantly burst out from the body of the lightning bird.


Thor was blown away before he could even react.

Fortunately, as the God of Thunder, he was very resistant to lightning. He just dusted himself off and stood up again.

"You, as a pet, should behave like a pet."

Thunder's face was very ugly during his rare complaints.

Moreover, what made Lu Chen's eyes twitch was that Thor clenched his hands and summoned a blue lightning.

"I advise you not to do that."

After kindly reminding him, Lu Chen said seriously.

Manager, you don't have to worry about it. Don't worry, I will train the pet.���

Thor said this while walking towards the lightning bird that was still eating the eggshell.

"Actually, I am worried about you."

Covering his face, Lu Chen sighed in his heart.

However, looking at the aggressive Thor, he did not say it out loud.

After all, with this guy's proud temperament, if he said this, his temper would be even more explosive.

Of course, the consequences of this are naturally....

"Damn, he ate my thunderbolt"

"Damn, this guy is getting bigger again"....

Amid the angry voices, Lu Chen and Hulk Banner saw that the yellow bird had grown in the wind under the attack of Thor.

In a blink of an eye, it had grown to a huge length of two meters.

What was even more shocking was that the yellow bird, which was harmless to some people and animals, actually revealed a terrifying power.


A sharp cry was heard, like piercing through the clouds and splitting the rocks.

In an instant, the golden lightning spread out even more suddenly.

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