“Reduce the area of structural armor, use it only in lethal parts.”

“The rest of the parts are made of polymer nanomaterials to ensure mobility.”

“At least it has to be able to block bullets.”

“Internally, I plan to still use non-Newtonian fluids as buffers.”

“But keep the thickness as low as possible.”

Louis swiped at the image in the air, and he was discussing with Tony.

It is not difficult to make “pure”.

But to ensure quality and mass production, this requires Tony’s help.

“What about weapons? High-frequency vibrating swords are not suitable for such lightweight armor, and howitzers are not suitable. Tony was inspecting the weapon system designed by Louis when he found a blank.

“Didn’t you plan to design weapons for this armor?”

“Of course, equipping a standard armor with a dedicated weapon? Am I idle and bored? The standard weapons of the army are very good, let them choose whatever they want. ”

Louis did not intend to design exclusive weapons from the beginning.

With that spare time, he can upgrade the G3 to the G3-X.

Anyway, it is all standard armor, and you can sweep through the crowd with a submachine gun, and the exclusive weapon is just the icing on the cake.

In Louis’s words: nothing is useful!

“Don’t worry, Tony, our goal is to cut costs, which is also the idea of the army.” Louis saw Tony’s concern and comforted.

Turn the image by an angle with both hands.

“Tony, I think the back armor needs to be thickened a little more.” Louis said.

“It will affect the action.” Tony disapproves of thickening back armor.

“I plan to increase the reserve energy in the back armor space.” Louis suddenly came up with another interesting design.

“Reserve energy?” Tony shook his head, unsure of Louis’s intentions.

At least in Tony’s opinion, this is a stupid idea.

If it is energy, is it bad to put it in the original energy pool? After all, reserve energy is a spare tire, and it is rarely useful.

If you give up your own action power in order to reserve energy, this is undoubtedly giving up the cost to the end.

“No, Tony, I mean, this reserve energy is for dying.”

Louis added several energy ducts to the “pure” body in the image, which were connected from the inside to the armored limbs.

When the energy in the back armor is transmitted to the limbs, the state of the limbs obviously begins to operate overloaded.

This is even more terrifying than the original 1.5 times the state of the outbreak, reaching or even exceeding twice the warning line.

It is hard to imagine how terrifying such a war machine would be if it appeared on the battlefield.

Normal state, load state, overload state.

After the overload is over, it directly detonates the body and dies with the enemy.

It can be said that this is the most suitable armor for the army.

Louis’s brain circuitry was simply born for war.

Since Louis made the G3, Tony has felt that he can’t see through Louis more and more.

Ding dong!

“Dr. Ethan is here.” Jarvis remembered Ethan’s appearance in his storage.

So the moment Ethan arrived, Tony and Louis were reminded.

“Open the door and let Ethan in.” Tony shouted.

“Is Ethan here? It just so happens that it will be easier for me to familiarize myself with the G3 with him first, and then participate in pure R&D. ”

Louis had long thought about how to arrange Ethan’s work.

When a newbie comes up, just one word – dismantle.

After taking it apart and looking at it, I understood everything.

As soon as Ethan walked into the lab, Louis threw a complete set of G3s to Ethan.

“Dismantle it, put it back on, figure it out and then participate in pure research and development.”

Then Ethan began his own painstaking disassembly work.

Seeing that Louis was on track here, Tony also felt that he was going to start the development of the Mark 2.

After seeing Louis’s G3 and Chun, Tony has a new understanding of the production of Mark2.

As for Mark1, alas, the drawings have long been left in the cave.

However, Mark 1 is a thing of the past, and Mark 2 will be even stronger, and Tony is confident about this.

Mark 1: I dnmd!

Seeing Tony build the appearance of the Mark 2 on the virtual projection, Louis thief came over.

“Tony, is this your Mark 2? It doesn’t look good. Louis taunted.

“Hmph, Bibi will know by then, Mark2 is definitely stronger than G3.”

Tony ignored Louis’s taunts, but was interested in pitting Mark2 and G3 against each other.

“Well, don’t cry then, I remember the last time you cried at me was not long ago.”

With that said, Tony wanted to grab a wrench and beat Louis violently.

Ignoring Tony, Louis taunted and returned to his workspace.

First use three-dimensional construction, the “pure” armor solid is built, and then the finishing of the parts is done.

Louie also had a sense of urgency in his heart, and the Mark 2 was much higher in parameters than the G3.

The only way to defeat Mark 2 is to build “pure” armor as soon as possible and upgrade the G3 to the G3-X.

But at the time, I want to let Tony feel what is called the beating of society.

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