The forging of dwarves requires high-temperature geocentric molten slurry to provide heat.

Everywhere in Watheim, rivers of lava can be seen flowing on the surface, and Lanton’s workshop is accompanied by a line of magma deep in the center of the earth.

Feeling the temperature around him, Langton was very satisfied.

“The temperature here is just right to remove most of the metal impurities.”

“Vibranium can be crafted here, Ulu is a little difficult, but it is enough to forge weapons.”

Hearing Lanton’s words, Louis suddenly said: “What about the metal of the Destroyer’s armor? ”

“There is no way.” Langton shook his head.

The metal body of the destroyer did not change in the slightest under the heat here.

This is a metal beyond Ulu, and even Langton does not know about this metal.

Asgard has many secrets that are not made public.

For example, in the creation of the Destroyer, Asgard has never invited the craftsmen of the dwarves to join them, even if the two worlds have been friendly for generations.

“Mr. Louis, leave it to me here.” Langton said with a smile.

He can’t wait to get up close and personal with these rare metals.

“Is there any way to smelt the metal of the Destroyer’s armor?” Louis was somewhat reluctant.

This kind of metal, which is first-class in the whole universe, can only be watched, but cannot be transformed into strength, which is really uncomfortable.

“What about this? Of course there is, but it may be difficult for Mr. Louis, the most suitable for Ulu metal is to borrow the core of the planet to build, this unknown metal can be created in the same way. ”

“But, Mr. Louis, I can use the planetary core to build, but with Earth’s current technology, it will be very difficult to find the planet’s core.”

Langton didn’t look down on Louis, he just said a fact.

In the whole of Asgard and Waterheim, only Odin and the dwarf king Itri have the strength to do so.

Louis nodded, understanding what Langton meant, to put it bluntly, the technology was not enough to get home.

Leaving the entire Yellowstone National Park to Langton, Louis felt a bit of a loser.

After more than half a month of closure, Yellowstone National Park is open again.

Countless tourists have entered to see what has changed.

However, nothing was found.

Because what Louis needed was never a superficial landscape, but a treasure beneath Yellowstone National Park.

Fury has sent a team of seven agents to investigate the inside of Yellowstone National Park.

But all the news I got was that nothing had changed.

“This Louis, where exactly did he do something?” Fury’s face was gloomy, and every location in Yellowstone National Park was magnified onto the big screen.

“Could it be just for a treasure, a treasure like Mjolnir’s Hammer and the Cosmic Cube?” Coulson also felt that Louie did not feel like a loser who spent money on loneliness.

Without something, there is no way to understand Louis’s behavior.

“It’s possible.” Fury also leaned toward Coulson’s ideas.

Now that Yellowstone National Park is open again, it also shows that Louis seems to have got the treasure.

That made Fury feel bad.

Originally, the Cosmic Cube and Mjolnir should be the wealth of S.H.I.E.L.D., but Louis stepped in sideways.

The Cosmic Cube is gone, and so is Mjolnir.

And Steve’s shield, 450 billion is gone.

This Louis is simply a disaster star of S.H.I.E.L.D.

“What is Louis doing now?” Fury asked suddenly.

It seems that he has not paid attention to Louis’s whereabouts for a long time.

As a dangerous person, Louis’s every action has the potential to cause great harm.

“Louis, who seems to be working with NASA recently, doesn’t know what he’s going to do.” Coulson has a grasp of Louis’s latest situation here.

In fact, Louis had no hidden intentions.

“NASA? Seeing that we guessed correctly, after getting the star map, Louis’s goal was set in the universe. Fury immediately thought of Louis’s intentions.

The previous star map was definitely not a whim, but a long time planned.

“However, that star map only has that one star field, and it has nothing to do with the Milky Way.”

“I don’t know, maybe Louis has other plans.”

Fury now wishes Louis rushed out of Earth and flew into space.

I always feel that as long as it is related to Louis, I will always not be able to please.

“What about Thor, is he ready to return to Asgard?”

“Already went back, I heard that there is something about the throne.”

“Regardless of him, after all, it is still Asgardian, it is impossible to hope that they have feelings for the earth, and can only hope that they will not be hostile to the earth.”

Fury knows very well that non-my race will have different hearts.

Although Thor looks undoubtedly human, he is the god of Asgard, and his tone reveals his pride in being the god of Asgard.

It is impossible to expect Thor to do his best for the Avengers, and the reason why Thor agreed to join the Avengers is just a choice.

After General Ross transformed, he relied on his strong recovery ability to fight Thor back and forth.

Fury suddenly felt that the prototype of the Avengers had already existed, and if you did not consider the failed invitation to Tony and Louis, the Avengers’ vision was not much different from Fury’s original idea.

But why does it feel like everything is not going well?

Compared with the headache Fury, Louis is taking Banner to NASA-R&D Center.

There is also Stark Industries’ investment here, so facing Louis, it can be said that it is facing a rich man.

The treatment is of the highest level.

“Mr. Louis, if you want to build a spaceship that can sail in space, the technology of Stecker Industries is no worse than here.” Banner whispered.

After joining Stark Industries, Banner learned how misunderstood Stark Industries was.

Everyone only knows that Stark Industries manufactures munitions and develops weapons, and no one knows whether Stark Industries is a research and development company with other high-end technologies.

This includes aerospace technology, and Stark Industries has always been at the forefront.

“My purpose is not to build spaceships, I want to make armor that can fight in space, and the enemies we will face in the future are not only on Earth.” Louis explained softly.


Does it have anything to do with my armor?

Banner’s eyes widened, not expecting that Louis’s purpose was actually for this.

But Banner could never have imagined that Louis would actually create combat armor in the universe on a whim.

What Banner didn’t know was that as soon as he walked into NASA, Louis had been feeling some strange breath through space power.

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