“That was—what?”

Langton took the forging hammer in his hand and looked warily at the wormhole in the sky.

This is clearly not a natural formation.

The resulting fluctuations are too great.

This is artificial.

If you want to know such a large wormhole, the technology of the earth will definitely not be able to do it.

Asgard is possible, but Asgard basically relies on rainbow bridges to teleport.

“This is Zitauri’s army.” Louis said in a deep voice.

He had already seen the space fleet full of Zitari style, huge motherships, and dozens of dragon-shaped warships around him.

These are the main combat forces of Zitauri’s army, and in the original play, if it weren’t for Tony blowing up the mothership with a nuclear bomb, I’m afraid there would be no Avengers.

This is a fleet that has always had sufficient destructive power.

Originally, Louis was still wondering how Loki and Zitauri’s army would attack Earth.

But I didn’t expect that the first stopping place of this fleet was actually on Mars.

It should be that you haven’t got the space gem yet, and there is no way to teleport long-distance, so it is temporarily docked here.

“Let’s hide our breath.” Louis said softly.

Here is the breath of his battle with the will of Mars, which is easy to discover.

I never thought that there would be other creatures on Mars.

“Yes.” Langton also knew the priorities.

Such an army, although not comparable to the combat forces in Asgard, is also absolutely powerful.

He and Louis are really not rivals.

Louis Langton hid his breath and watched as he observed Zitauri’s army.

The other party did not seem to perceive what had happened on Mars.

It seems to be a simple stop.

But Louis knew that the time of the invasion was not too far away.

Back in the underspace, Louis gave the will of Mars to Lanton.

“Integrate the Will of Mars into the core of that armor, and I want it to gain the power to grow infinitely.” Louis said in a deep voice.

Langton carefully took the will of this Mars, which is a rare treasure in the universe, how terrifying will the armor created in this way be?

“I’m going back to Earth, you are keeping an eye on Zitauri’s army here, and notify me immediately of some changes.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll build a small Yuanwang magic array.”

For Langton, who does not drink, Louis is still relatively relieved.

Waving his hand opened the door of space, ready to leave.

But Langton suddenly called out to Louis and said: Sir, this suit of armor – what is its name? ”

Langton had actually wanted to ask for a long time, and Louis couldn’t have built a set of armor with a name.

But I never had a chance to ask, and now there is only a matter of time before this set is completed, and there is also the bonus of Mars’ will.

Langton didn’t feel at all that the price cap of this suit would be weaker than the Destroyer armor.

So, its name?

Such armor must have a resounding name.

Langton looked at Louis expectantly, wanting an answer.

Louis smiled and said, “Evolto, Kamen Rider Evolto!” ”

The Gate of Space disappeared, leaving only Langton chanting the name, which he believed would shock the universe later.

Louis reappeared in the Stark Building.

Tony and Ethan have not returned yet, and it seems that the space carrier has also reached its most critical moment now

Banner and Casillas put their food and lodging in the lab.

Casillas, who was accustomed to the ascetic life, did not have much problem, and Banner’s physique was completely acceptable.

As early as five months ago, Casillas figured out the magic alchemy array, and at this speed, it is no wonder that Casillas has a special talent for understanding the Dark God Book in the original play.

Banner also completely completed the basic form of the Fourz and began to add it to the development of new armor.

Louis also put the drawings in the archive of the main console.

As soon as you enter the laboratory, a set of armor floats on the virtual sandbox, which has already materialized the armor.

“It seems that during my absence, you finished quickly.”

Louis looked at the two men with satisfaction, and Banner was doing the accuracy calculations.

Casillas is drawing a magic array.

Hearing Louis’s voice, the two reacted, and Louis returned.

“Mr. Louis!” The two said at the same time, but the work at hand did not stop at all.

“How’s it done?” Louis asked.

“Still doing the calculation after the armor combination, the armor of the combined form is too difficult, and the difficulty of the calculation is much more than before.” Banner spoke bitterly, but his eyes were bright.

The more difficult it is, the higher your worth?

Banner has now found his worth, and that is to finish the armor.

The main thing is that this armor of multiple forms combined makes Banner too crazy.

“What about Casillas?” Louis looked at Casillas again.

Casillas did not speak, drawing a magic array on the part of the armor and stitching it together with another part.

The magic array lit up, but lasted less than thirty seconds before going out again.

Casillas shook his head helplessly and said, “The combination of parts, the magic array also needs to be combined, especially the area of the core coin, the combination of the three core coins The magic array is too cumbersome.” ”

“I couldn’t resonate at first, but now I can last for 30 seconds.”

Louis saw Casillas’ efforts and could only comfort: “It’s already good, go ahead.” ”

For these, there is not much that Louie can help with, unless Louie opens up the acceleration space.

But Loki will inevitably become the first marcher of Zitari to Earth, and Louis will not let his guard down so easily.

“Banner, Casillas, I’ll leave it to you here.” Louis said in a deep voice.

It was a test for him for Banner and Casillas.

At least for now, both of them have done a good job.

“I see, Mr. Louis, can you get Jarvis back? The amount of computation of the subsystem he left behind was too small. Banner complained.

Jarvis’s basic calculations are in the main system, but the main system is now by Tony’s side, helping to calculate the space carrier.

But the armor that Louis wants to build, the Kamen Rider 000, is no less computationally intensive than an aerospace carrier.

Louis was also stunned for a moment, but he ignored this.

Louis said a little apologetically: “Leave it to me, I’ll go talk to Tony and see if I can bring Jarvis back.” ”

“Tony they haven’t come back once for so long?” Louis frowned.

He remembered Tony and Ethan there, and should be considered very free.

“Yes, I asked, but the answer was that R&D has entered the most critical time.” Banner replied.

Louis’s eyes darkened.

S.H.I.E.L.D., you’re narrowing the way. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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