Loki is forced to unlock the magic illusion.

Banner and Casillas, who had regained their composure, watched coldly.

Fourze’s current is also gradually coming to an end, and Loki, who carries all the current damage, is unconscious by the electricity.

Among the Avengers who were rushing to New York, Thor suddenly had a bad premonition and jerked all over.

The hammer subconsciously held it in his hand and glared angrily ahead.

Thor’s reaction startled everyone.

“What’s going on?”

“What’s the situation?”

Everyone was a little confused, not knowing what Thor perceived.

“Thor, what’s wrong?” Fury asked with concern.

“Sorry, I have a bad feeling, I always feel back to when I was electrocuted.” Thor said in a deep voice, and glanced at the original culprit, Coulson.

Coulson shivered, he had said that he had released his previous suspicions, should Thor want to settle the account again?

Fury also persuaded: “Thor, it’s okay, it may just be your illusion.” ”

Thor moved his body and found that there was nothing wrong.

Now that he has recovered his divine power, the current will not affect him at all.

Perhaps, it’s really just an illusion.

Stark Building, Laboratory.

Loki’s body had automatically detached from Fourze, steaming hot, and there was a faint sound of roasting meat in the air.

Loki’s body twitched from time to time.

Neither Banner nor Casillas dared to get close, and Banner used a robotic arm to take Fourze back.

Each of Louie’s armor suits is equipped with detection devices, and as long as the shapeshifter is not Louis, he will be attacked.

This identification device and attack device were designed by Louis himself, and Banner was only responsible for installing it, but he did not expect it to be so terrifying.

Banner had palpitations, fortunately he didn’t have the idea of putting on armor.

While Banner and Casillas are struggling with what to do with Loki.

Louis walked out of the space, fell from the sky, and with one foot –

Stepped on Loki’s handsome and damned face and twisted.

Louis absolutely did not admit that he was retaliating.

Seeing the familiar figure, Banner and Casillas were alert.

Casillas was the first to confirm Louis’s identity because of his faith in Louis.

“Mr. Louis, you are finally back.” Casillas said.

Banner also followed to confirm Louis’s identity.

“Mr. Louis, this person impersonated you, but was stunned by Fourze’s self-protection device.” Banner said as he pointed to Loki to the end.

Louis moved his feet away and looked at Loki, who had a scorched face, and was also speechless for a while.

Originally, Louis planned to delay Loki as long as he could, but he did not expect Luki to die himself.

It’s not that Louis didn’t want to arrest Loki, but Loki, who has a psychic scepter, is really not easy to deal with.

Space Gems and Time Gems are not masters who can deal with Mind Gems, mainly because the three have different directions, and if Loki uses the Psychic Scepter to control Louis, Louis can only barely maintain his mind.

However, since Loki himself died, Louis was not polite.

Louis picked up Loki’s dropped psychic scepter and smiled.

“This thing, now it’s mine.” Louis unceremoniously pocketed the psychic scepter.

Six Infinity Stones, three of which are now in their hands.

Gathering his joy, Louis looked at Loki, who had passed out in a coma, with a bad smile at the corner of his mouth, and the Mind Gem he just got immediately came into play.

The Psychic Scepter, like the Cosmic Cube and the Eye of Agomoto, has a fondness for Louis.

Louis is now weird.

Controlling the psychic scepter, Louis controlled the power of the psychic to invade Loki’s brain, as a magician or a frost giant, Loki’s brain protection is remarkable.

But in the face of one of the incarnations of the universe, the Mind Gem, all of Loki’s defenses are self-defeating.

Loki in a coma, his brain’s defenses are brittle like a piece of paper.

Louis modifies Loki’s memories through the Mind Gem.

Both Banner and Casillas unanimously chose not to disturb Louis.

The yellow light gradually dissipated, and Louis also woke up during the operation and breathed a long sigh of relief.

To control Loki, Louis needs to pay full attention, but fortunately, it has succeeded.

“Take him to the treatment room, I’ve got him under control.” Louis said.

Banner was stunned, and Casillas’s adoration of Louis grew deeper and deeper.

This is Louis, this is faith, casually controlling others.

Casillas sent Loki to the treatment room as Louis’s entourage, and he was duty-bound for such a trifle.

Banner looked at Louis and said a little ashamedly: “Mr. Louis, I’m sorry, I didn’t identify him.” ”

Louis waved his hand and said uncaringly: “It’s okay, it’s not your fault, even I can tell the difference.” ”

Moreover, if it weren’t for Banner’s mistake, Louie really wouldn’t have such a good chance to take Loki down in one fell swoop, and it can only be said that he was a mistake.

Louis takes the three Infinity Stones to another laboratory, which even Tony is not qualified to enter.

Fully enclosed laboratories can only be accessed through space teleportation.

This is a trap prepared by Louis for Loki, and he did not expect that Loki was actually solved by Banner’s mistake.

Louis unleashed the Eye of Agomo and the Psychic Scepter.

Three treasures, each of which is an artifact in the universe, not to mention, they are also carriers of the Infinity Stones.

Blue, green, yellow, the three rays of light echo each other, and the three gemstones are also sensing each other.

These three gemstones are relatively gentle, there will be no conflict between forces, and in the mutual guidance, the three infinity stones appear from their own carriers and are suspended in space.

Louis takes away the three artifacts, and the three Infinity Stones circle around Louis.

Finally, the light converged and fell quietly into Louis’s hands, looking like an ordinary gem.

Louis included them in his space.

With these three gems as the foundation, it is a foregone conclusion that he and Thanos will fight against him, and if he wants to fight Thanos, Louis still needs more powerful power.

Louis’s body passed through space without using the Suspension Ring, and the Mind Gem strengthened Louis’s soul defenses and also strengthened Louis’s magic, and Louis now does not use the Suspension Ring and can freely use space magic.

Louie appeared in the treatment room, and Loki’s vital signs seemed to be fairly stable.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a descendant of the Frost Giants.

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