“Uh-huh… Please, don’t do that… Please…”

The solid diamond was breaking inch by inch, Creel’s body was crumbling, and after a trace of broken diamond, Creel began to wail in pain, and his voice was full of pleading.

“Kala, ka-la.”

Under Alens’ mental power cut, even the special diamonds were shattered piece by piece, but even if the diamond skull was shattered, Creel’s body still did not shed a drop of blood.

“It’s a fun superpower, but that’s the end of it.”

Alens’ gaze was full of playfulness, the index finger of his right hand hooked slightly, and the obelisk in Rena’s hand instantly flew out and appeared in front of Creel.

“Damn, what the hell is this guy trying to do?”

The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. floating in mid-air all widened their eyes at this time, but because their bodies were within the scope of mental power, they could not move at all, and these people could only watch Alens’ movements just like that.

“Fitz, find out who this guy is? I had a hunch that a new enemy had appeared in S.H.I.E.L.D. ”

In the Airbus Base of S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson’s face also faintly sweated down, his eyes were very cautious, and the mysterious person who suddenly appeared in front of him simply made Coulson more solemn than ever.

At Coulson’s side, Fez quickly manipulated the search program in the base, implanted Alens’ face into the information database, and began to match.

“Found it. Alens, an Asian, aged 27, had a very mundane resume 27 years ago, but after July 2007, Alans disappeared. ”

Looking at the dense display of information on the screen in front of him, Fitz quickly reported.

“Ahrens? Disappeared in ’07? ”

The file was unremarkable, unable to explain the power of Allens in the picture, which made Coulson frown, and what shocked Coulson even more was what was now being shown on the screen.

Carl Crell struggled frantically, but after being strengthened by the super soldier serum, Alens’ mental power was also strengthened, and with Karl Creel’s strength, he could not break free from Alens’ mental power.

The sharp pain on his forehead made Karl Crell wail madly, but what frightened Carl Crell even more was the obelisk that appeared in front of him.

“No, no, please, don’t do this, please.”

Carl Creel’s eyes were full of pleading, but Alens, who was standing opposite him, was not moved at all, and the ticking sound in his mind had already sounded, like the law of the operation of everything, which made Alans a little intoxicated.


The obelisk directly touched Carl Creel’s right arm under the power of Allens, Carl Creel’s superpower can absorb and transform any contact substance, so that his body can obtain the characteristics of this substance, when the obelisk touches Creel’s arm, because there are Inhuman genes in the body, the power of Obelisk Creel can not resist at all.


The body shone like a tide, and then turned into rubber, stone, wood, one by one the substances that had been absorbed appeared on Karl Creel’s body, and finally his right arm turned into rubber, wrapping the obelisk, and Creel’s body regained the human body.

“The genes of the Inhumans will make you strong and are the source of your restraint.”

The smile on Alens’ face changed from a smile to an excited smile, and finally even a little rampant, and the index finger of his left hand began to cut his mind again.

As Alens’ mental power cut, Creel wailed again, but this time, without any obstruction, Allens easily cut Creel’s skull open.


The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. floating in mid-air couldn’t believe their eyes, and the mysterious person in front of him actually cut Creel’s skull open, and Baihuahua’s brain was exposed to the air.

“Let me see how your superpowers work.”

Alens’ left index finger gently brushed over the crease of Creel’s brain groove, as if admiring a work of art, or studying a complex machine, the index finger gently flicked over the left brain, stopping at a brain circuit node in the lower half of the right brain.

“Found it.”

The corners of Alens’ mouth hooked a smile, although in the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, it was like a demon’s smile, but Allens didn’t care at all, clapped his hands, stood up, and Allens turned his head to look at Rena.

“Beautiful little flower, don’t you want to see my power? Then let you see. ”

A smile appeared at the corner of Alens’ mouth, his right hand opened, starting from the tip of Alens’ right finger, a circle of ripples spread to Allens’ whole body, and Alens’ body instantly turned into a diamond form.

“Carl Creel’s ability to absorb and transform anything that comes into contact with it, now, is mine.”

Allens’ palm of the diamond was placed in front of him, calmly admiring the colorful light of the diamond refracted by the sun, leaning over slightly, and pressing his right hand on the ground.


ho, ho”

With Allens’ movements, starting from the ground touched by his right palm, Allens’ right hand turned into a concrete structure, and Allens smashed a punch on the ground, and the entire ground instantly dented a large piece.

Using the superpower to see through the operation laws of everything, Allens finally got his second superpower, and it is the absorption and transformation superpower of absorbing people, and the most satisfying thing for Allens is that from Karl Creel’s brain, Allens saw the substances that Karl Crell had absorbed, which allowed Allens to directly obtain all the transformed forms of Creel.

“It’s incredible. It’s really beautiful. ”

Standing behind Alens, Rena looked at Allens with amazement, the talent shown by Allens is simply incredible, breaking Rena’s limitations all along, and making Rena fully realize what is really different.

“Don’t move, don’t move.”

Just when Rena and the others were exclaimed and frightened, the Hydra agents were belated, and dozens of agents belonging to Hydra came to the alien battlefield shrouded in Alens’ illusion, and the guns in their hands were aimed at Alens.

“Exactly, experiment with newly acquired abilities.”

Alens’ gaze flashed with a killing intent, whether these guys are S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra, since they dare to stop themselves, it is these idiots who seek their own death.

PS: Ask for collections, ask for tips, ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for all the support of the big guys. Allens is about to transform, scattering flowers. Allens: Ask for votes, or else pull them all to cut their brains.

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