The land of the afterlife, the originally beautiful paradise, was shrouded in gunsmoke at this time, corpses lay on the ground one by one, and the surrounding Chinese-style retro buildings turned into ruins, and the place of the afterlife no longer exists.

In the afterlife, an old man in steel armor is fighting with a silver-skinned young man, these two people are Heart of Steel Rogers and Vibranium Body Allens.

“Peng, Peng.”

Rogers’ two whip legs were easily blocked by Allens’ arms, and the ground began to shake with dozens of tons of strength of the steel armor, but it could not shake Alens’ vibranium body.

“Captain Rogers, are you really old enough to only use these external forces to fight?”

Allens raised his right hand and directly grabbed the left shoulder of the steel suit, and with a slight force on his right hand, the entire mechanical arm was suddenly twisted off like a twist.

“Click, click.”

Pieces of metal elements fell from the left shoulder of the Heart of Steel’s suit, and the entire robotic arm was twisted into twists, even revealing the internal circuit elements.


Rogers controlled his right hand, held the vibranium shield, and directly hit Alens’ chest, and a shockwave erupted, and Alens’ body took a few steps back.

“Come again.”

Allens kicked on the vibranium shield with a whip leg, and although his own power was absorbed by vibranium, the energy wave set off still made the steel armor fall ten meters.

“Peng, Peng, Peng.”

Allens stepped forward and quickly smashed his fists on Rogers’ steel suit, which Rogers could only barely resist with his vibranium shield.


Allens grabbed the vibranium shield with his right hand, and with a strong over-the-shoulder fall, he smashed the steel suit directly into the ground behind him from in front of him.

“Warning, warning, sixty percent damage to the steel suit, Maja Fak, damn Rogers, hurry up and lift the restriction order, I’m leaving, I’m leaving this monster.”

Dr. Zola’s voice sounded inside the Steel Suit, his tone full of trepidation and timidity, and he cursed as he reported the damage to the Heart of Steel.

The entire Heart of Steel armor was submerged into the ground, the metal elements all over the body were crackling, the superalloy metal was broken, and in some places even exposed Rogers’ muscle skin, which looked miserable.

Allens walked in front of Rogers, looking at Rogers’ old face, Allens raised his right foot and stepped directly on Rogers’ chest.

Allens directly stepped on Rogers, leaned over slightly, looked at Rogers with cold and emotionless eyes, raised his right hand, and his mental power became as sharp as a knife, piercing Rogers’ forehead.


Seeing Alens’ actions, Rogers, who had already seen it once, had a look of jealousy on his face, feeling the tingling pain coming from his forehead, and Rogers’ old face showed a painful look.


In a critical moment, Rogers suddenly let out a yell, and when he heard the name, Allens knew that something was wrong.


In the sky, a colorful rainbow bridge fell straight down, and the terrifying power erupted, directly pushing Allens out of a distance of two meters, and the rainbow bridge shrouded Rogers’ body.

“Asgard God Online.”

The terrifying power burst out in an instant, and disappeared in an instant, looking at the circular lines on the ground, Alens’ face showed an icy smile.

Heimdall, the guardian of the Asgard God Domain, has the Eye of Insight that penetrates the nine realms, and also controls the strongest weapon of the Asgard God Domain, the Rainbow Bridge.

“Sure enough, it is the righteous son of God, although the power of Rogers is not worth mentioning, but it can take advantage of the situation, over the years, Rogers looks incognito, and it is only for the earth, Asgard God Domain Holy Father Odin is afraid that he has long known the future Rogers.”

Alens’ eyes flashed, although he still did not kill Rogers this time, but he could be regarded as having achieved his goal, and Asgard God Domain, the lord of the fairy palace, Odin, is a heavenly father-level powerhouse, and now Alens, facing Odin, is still not enough to see.

“Boom, boom, boom.”

While Allens was pondering, a huge fighter in the sky lifted its invisibility, and one missile after another quickly struck towards Alens.

This fighter is S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Airbus fighter, a small space carrier carrying a variety of high-tech weapon systems, intercontinental missiles, Jericho missiles, split bombs, SM·62 Tigershark series, Tomahawk series missiles and so on.

Inside the Airbus fighter, the Coulson team looked seriously at the ground shrouded by the explosion, and everyone’s eyes were filled with jealousy and hope.

“Ho, ho, ho.”

In the fire composed of small mushroom clouds, Alons strolled out, the silver-white vibranium body, absorbing all the explosive energy, Alens’ gaze was cold, his body soared into the air, and flew directly to the opposite of S.H.I.E.L.D. Airbus fighter.


A dazzling electric current was released from Allens’ hands, and the electric current hit the left wing engine of the Airbus fighter, and the entire engine exploded.


The huge Airbus fighter fell from the sky and smashed straight on the ground, and the entire Airbus fighter fuselage was broken in half.

“Ahem, ahem.”

Coulson’s team crawled out of the falling fighter in embarrassment, covered in embarrassment, and Agent Hunter’s right hand was pierced by a spike through the arm, directly injured.

“This is Coulson, we need support, repeat, we need support.”

Coulson’s face was solemn, and the burning fighter behind him made Coulson’s face covered with sweat, and his eyes looked at Allens in the sky in horror, and Coulson pressed his right hand to his ear and directly began to call for support.

“Ahem, Coulson, are you okay.”

Skye, who had completed the transformation, helped Agent Melinda and walked to Coulson’s side, looking at Coulson with a worried tone.

“Damn, what monster are we fighting against.”

Behind Skye, Barbara and Alfonso Mac McKinsey supported Hunter and also walked over, Hunter’s face was painful, but he still did not forget to curse.

“Coulson, what’s going on over there? Why is it shown in my detector that our Airbus base was shot down. ”

In a backup base, the science duo Fitz and Simmons looked at them with panic in their eyes and turned on the communicator directly.

PS: Thank you for the 588 points of the big guy in the four directions and the big guy, the big guy is favored, and Robbie is grateful. Ask for collections, ask for tips, ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for all the support of the big guys. Rogers: Heimdall, quick saving.

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