Marvel: Salted Fish's Collapsing Plan

Chapter 38: Shi Stark, You Are Diss

It looks like a big octopus with a football-shaped helmet. It may be found that this cruise ship is not food. It quickly dives into the deep sea and disappears without a trace.

Panicked, the captain quickly turned the bow and returned to New York Harbor. Fortunately, the cruise ship just left New York Harbor and stopped nearby. It has not just started sailing around the Americas. After more than two hours, the cruise ship stopped in New York Harbor again.

Under the illumination of the lights, the huge amounts of suction cup marks on the hull can be clearly seen, and there is a depression everywhere.

Fortunately, the hull is relatively strong and was hit twice without damage.

Everyone followed Shi Stark to his villa first.

Shi Stark began to let J.A.R.V.I.S continuously invade the satellite to check the sea surface situation.

"Isn't this a mythical creature that came out of nowhere?"

It’s no wonder that Stark asks this question. Recently, he always meets gods and gods. The first thing he thinks of when he encounters such a big monster is what is the legendary sea monster Kraken.

Because apart from the most famous sea monster that looks like an octopus, I really can't think of any octopus that can grow so big.

Even the largest octopus found now is only ten meters eight meters long including the tentacles, and the largest squid found is no more than twenty meters long.

Even if it is speculated that there are larger animals such as squid and octopus in the deep sea, this sea monster is at least 300 meters long, which has far exceeded the data speculated by humans.

Hela thought for a while and said, "Probably not. The so-called North Sea Giant Monster was killed when Odin came to Midgard to fight the Giants of Jotunheim thousands of years ago, and the North Sea Giant Monster is not so big."

Now even Jiang Bai is getting confused, he really doesn't remember that there is such a thing as a sea monster in the Marvel movie world, even if there is something in the sea, shouldn't it be a hero like Aquaman?

No way, Jiang Bai had to turn to the system for help. Although the system is more salty than him, but the system is born with the database of the heavens and the world, so it must know what this sea monster is.

"System system!!!"

"Do you know what that sea monster was?"


After waiting for a long time, the system did not respond.

"Call system!! System please answer!!"

Finally, under Jiang Bai's tireless inquiry, a sentence came out of the system.

"A meteorite that brings miracles!"


This is the miracle brought by the meteorite? ?

It's my own fault for a long time.

Jiang Bai smiled awkwardly and said, "Okay, whatever monster it is, we are on land and it is in the sea. If it can climb ashore, we can make it into takoyaki."

"You don't need to look for Shi Stark. If there is any danger, there are the Coast Guard and the Navy. You are Iron Man, not Nanny Man!"


The next morning, Phil Coulson showed up at Stark's villa early in the morning.

Before Stark woke up, he saw Phil Coulson standing in the hall: "How did you get in here?"

"Let me introduce to you, Natasha Romanoff, S.H.I.E.L.D agent."

Stark stared blankly at Natasha Romanoff standing behind Phil Coulson.

"You are fired!!"

Phil Coulson said slowly with an amiable look on his face.

"Mr. Stark, Natasha Romanoff's mission has been completed, and she doesn't need to be by your side. We found out that you have been poisoned by palladium, so we specially filmed Natasha Romanoff lurking by your side to monitor your health at any time, ready to rescue at any time."

"But it seems that Mr. Stark no longer needs the help of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"In addition, these are some materials that your father left in S.H.I.E.L.D. You have never intended to go to S.H.I.E.L.D. We had no choice but to send these materials directly. You can really trust us. S.H.I.E.L.D is really a maintenance established by your father. organization of the world."

"Put it there and you can go!!" Shi Stark pointed to the table next to him and shouted loudly.

After Phil Coulson took Natasha Romanoff away, Stark began to sit on the sofa to carefully examine what Howard Stark had left behind.

Among Jiang Bai, except Yan, who could understand what was written on it, Jiang Bai Hela was as dumb as illiterate.

But Jiang Bai knew that this was probably the new element that could replace palladium.

Yan suddenly pointed to a design drawing of an industrial zone and said, "This is the first draft of a new element, and it seems that its efficiency is still higher than that of palladium."

Shi Stark hurriedly took the blueprint and looked at it carefully.

Yiyan's original technological literacy is definitely not wrong.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, project this picture in front of me, I need an operational data model."

"Good sir."

Immediately, a 3D projection of the design of the industrial park appeared in front of everyone.

Shi Stark kept trying to remove some seemingly unnecessary things. After several operations, the whole picture was left with a big pattern that Jiang Bai could not understand at all.

But this guy Jiang Bai will definitely not let people know that he is illiterate and quickly clapped and said.

"Congratulations, Stark, you found the treasure your father left you!!"

Shi Stark looked suspicious: "Can you understand what kind of structure this is?"

"Understood! Why don't you understand? Isn't it a new element that can replace palladium? Don't think that I don't understand science because I am a magician."

"Hurry up and try to make a new Ark reactor."

Before Shi Stark could react, Jiang Bai hurriedly drove Shi Stark away, and if he asked Jiang Bai again, he would reveal his truth.

And when Shi Stark ran into his workshop to make a new Ark reactor.

Justin Hammer has already fished Ivan Vanke out of the detention center through some special means.

At that time, Shi Stark only thought that Ivan Wanke was a lunatic with a brain problem. He didn't check the energy device on Ivan Wanke's simple armor at all, and just crushed it casually and left.

But Stark's competitor, Justin Hammer, found out that the energy source on Ivan Vanke's chest is actually the same as the Ark reactor made by Stark.

It's a huge amounts of opportunity for a guy who's always been Stark's underdog.

Justin Hammer used military connections to fish out Ivan Vanke and decided to let him work for him.

Make yourself your very own Iron Man armor.

No, Justin Hammer's interview has already started to air on TV.

"Story Stark once said in the hearing that his technology cannot be imitated, but today, I will tell you that he is lying."

"The Hammer Group has managed to create their own Iron Man armor, but Stark is still indulged in the glory of the past."

"The Hammer Group will hold a press conference three days later, and will invite the military and Stark to attend at the same time, to show them the world's top technology, the Iron Man Legion of the Hammer Group!!"

"This will be an epoch-making weapon, and the Iron Man armor of the Hammer Group will belong to the highest-end force defending the country!!!"

Speaking of which, Justin Hammer stood up excitedly and raised his hands, as if he owned the whole world.

Jiang Bai quickly turned to Pepper with a smile on his face and said, "Pepper, look, Stark has a challenger. I really didn't expect Stark to have a challenger!"

Pepper covered his mouth and smiled lightly: "Story Stark is a genius inventor, no matter what you say, it's not as bad as you said, but you people are magicians and gods, so you think Shi Stark is not that good."

After speaking, Pepper quickly got up and ran to the workplace to find Shi Stark, and told him about Justin Hammer's invitation to the Hammer Group press conference.

(I can't even find where my book is, but you guys can see it, I admire it!)

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