Looking at the nervous Bullseye, the police officer noticed that the bandage on his body gradually turned red, and it was obvious that the wound had opened again because of his action.

The police officer's name was Ennio.

He was a new police officer who had just joined the job.

He still had a sense of justice as a police officer.

"When will he be able to recover?"

Hearing Ennio's question,

Dr. Denis flipped through the medical records in his hand with an indifferent look on his face.

"His condition is due to excessive shock, and we are not sure when he will recover. Perhaps you can consider hiring a psychologist.

Then, Denis closed the medical records in his hand and turned around to walk out of the ward.

As he was about to walk out of the door, he turned around again as if he had thought of something.

"By the way, please pay for this gentleman's medical expenses. After all, the hospital beds are still very tight."

As he said this, Denis pointed to the bull's eye in the corner and added:

"Friendly reminder, judging from the gentleman's appearance, he should be bandaged again. If necessary, please complete the payment as soon as possible."

After saying that, Denis looked at Ennio, who was a little overwhelmed by his words.

A formal smile appeared on his face, indicating that this was all he had to say.

Then he ignored Ennio's reaction and walked out of the room.

Looking at Denis's back.

Ennio gritted his teeth in hatred.

"These damn vampires."

Although he was very angry, he could do nothing about it...

At this moment, a figure walked in from outside the ward.

It was his superior, Superintendent Guillermo.

Noticing the arrival of Superintendent Guillermo, Ennio stood up straight instantly and saluted Guillermo.


Guillermo waved his hand.

"Thank you for your hard work. The case has been closed and the person who ran the car has turned himself in."

Hearing Guillermo announce the closure of the case, Ennio suddenly became anxious.

"But the wounds on this person were obviously not caused by a car accident.……"

Without waiting for Ennio to finish,

Guillermo interrupted impatiently,"Rookie, I want to tell you one thing, that is - I am the boss! All you have to do is obey orders!"

Hearing Guillermo's stern tone, Ennio saluted subconsciously.

Then he reacted.

Looking at the back of his boss who had already left, he lowered his head in frustration.

Finally, he took a look at the bullseye in the corner.

He slowly moved his feet and walked out of the ward.……........

Guillermo returned to the police car and quietly lit a cigarette.

Looking at the dejected Ennio,

Guillermo took a deep puff of the cigarette in his hand.

"What's wrong, rookie? You can't stand it? Look at you, you are just like a dead bird."

"I don't understand, sir! You've already found some suspicious points, why don't you continue to investigate?!"

Looking at the emotional Ennio,

Guillermo seemed to see himself when he just joined the police station.

He stretched out his left hand without a cigarette and pressed it down.

"Calm down, rookie."

He handed over a cigarette and lit it for Ennio.

He watched him take a big puff.

Then he kept coughing because of the choking, and even his eyes began to turn red.


Guillermo laughed very proudly as if his prank had succeeded.

Then, in Ennio's complaining eyes, he pointed to the car that had just parked in front of the hospital.

Ennio followed Guillermo's finger and noticed the car.

Although he didn't know it, he could feel that the car was very valuable.

However, is there any connection between the car and this case?

Ennio, who was a little confused, turned his attention back to Guillermo.

"That's Fisker Group's car.……"

Seeing Ennio's confused look,

Guillermo set the police car on fire and drove it to a place far away from the hospital.

"Listen, rookie, in this world, the truth is sometimes not necessarily to be found out. Just like the Fisk Group just now, our police uniforms and even our lives depend on their thoughts.……"

After saying that, Guillermo looked at Ennio's unacceptable expression and smiled with relief.

Then he started the police car again and drove back to the police station.

Learn to grow up, rookie.

At least this way you can survive well in this world.……........

At this time in the hospital, a man dressed in a suit and tie, dressed meticulously, walked towards the ward under the leadership of Denis. His attitude was completely different from that in front of Ennio just now.

Now he looked like a lackey. He walked in front respectfully to lead Wesley...

In the ward...

Wesley looked at Bullseye in an abnormal state and the red gauze on his body, and frowned slightly.

"Bullseye, can you hear me?"

After a while, seeing that Bullseye was still trembling and ignored him,

Wesley turned his head and aimed his eyes at Denis.

Waiting for his explanation.


Under Wesley's gaze, Denis kept wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. He hesitated for a long time but could not come up with a reason.

Seeing Denis's guilty look, Wesley did not continue to ask.

He took out a check from his pocket and handed it over.

"No matter what method you use, I want him to recover as soon as possible, otherwise……"

Although Wesley did not continue to talk,

Denis still understood the hidden meaning in his words.

If he could not cure it, he would be in big trouble...

He felt bitter.

He took the check from Wesley's hand tremblingly.

His eyes inadvertently swept over the number on the check.!!!

He rubbed his eyes vigorously to make sure that he was not mistaken. Denis instantly became alert.

Not only did his hands stop shaking, but he also felt warm all over.~

"Please rest assured! I will definitely return it to you intact!"

Sure enough, as long as the money is in place, everyone can be a lay Buddhist with money.

Looking at Denis, whose eyes were fanatical, like a fanatic seeing God.

Wesley didn't say anything else.

With Denis's farewell, he left the hospital directly... and came to the side of the car parked at the entrance of the hospital.

Wesley stopped.

Looking at the slowly rolled down car window, Wesley bent down slightly

"Bullseye is in a state where he cannot communicate. I have already told them that they will restore Bullseye to normal in the shortest possible time." The figure with the cigar in his mouth did not respond to Wesley's words. He just slowly rolled up the window. Seeing this, Wesley straightened up, took two steps, opened the door of the cab and got in. With a slight roar, the car slowly drove forward.


At this time, Bullseye's bed was surrounded by doctors who came for consultation.

The way they looked at Bullseye was not like looking at a patient at all.

Instead, it was like looking at a moving gold mountain.

As long as they could successfully treat him, they could get a generous reward from this gold mountain!

It was really ironic...

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