"I do know about this. Not only do I know, but your girlfriend's father also knows.……"

Matt was not surprised that Natsios knew who the real murderer was.

From Natsios's strange behavior yesterday, it can be seen that he must have received some news in advance.

But the problem arises here.

Natsios's identity is here, and Matt can't continue to ask if he doesn't want to say it.

So he wants to try to get information from Wu Yuyu.

However, Wu Yuyu's next words prompted Matt to make up his mind to find out the truth.……

"I just earned some money from someone, so...if you want to know, do your own research."

"However, I can tell you that before Natsios got into trouble, someone gave him a rose.~"


Hearing Wu Yuyu's words, Matt stood up suddenly and overturned the chair behind him.

His sudden action made Karen and the others think something happened here, so they rushed here quickly.

They protected Matt behind them.

The two of them stared at Wu Yuyu with some dissatisfaction.

"Hey, sir, if you have any complaints, please come to us. It is not gentlemanly to embarrass a blind man."

Faced with the two people's questions, Wu Yuyu calmly drank a sip of water and then stood up.

"That's all I have to say. In addition, a friendly reminder, if a person has had heart surgery, can you still tell whether he is lying?"

After saying this, he ignored the reactions of the three people in front of him.

He walked around them and went straight to the door of the law firm.

"Hey, what do you mean by that?"

Seeing that Wu Yuyu wanted to leave without saying anything clearly,

Nelson stretched out his hand to stop him.

At this moment, a hand pressed down his raised arm.

Nelson looked at Matt in confusion, not understanding what he meant by that.

"What are you doing? I'm helping you!"

Matt's face was serious, and he shook his head slowly and firmly.

After comforting Nelson, Matt looked at Wu Yuyu's figure who was still not far away, and said in a serious tone

"Thank you for the information you provided. If you encounter any problems in your life in the future, whether it is the use of the money or anything else, I can help you for free!"

Wu Yuyu didn't say anything more about Matt's promise, and didn't even stop for a moment.

He just raised his hand and waved, and then walked out of the law firm amid the ringing of a bell...

Standing outside the law firm, he looked up at the clear sky.

"The weather is nice today……"

As Wu Yuyu sighed, a car drove over and blocked his figure. After the car passed, the place where Wu Yuyu had just stood was empty, but no one on the street could notice……........

Wu Yuyu had no idea how Matt treated Nelson and the others after he left.

At this moment, he was already sitting in front of Gu Yi.

After taking a sip of the Coke handed to him by Gu Yi, Wu Yuyu sighed with satisfaction.

Sure enough, he was more suitable for drinking happy water.……

"It's more comfortable here~"

He took out two cushions and handed one to Gu Yi, but was rejected.

Wu Yuyu directly put both cushions behind his back.

He leaned back lazily and drank the Coke in the cup. It can be refilled automatically when it is finished.

This kind of life~

Even a god would not change it!

Looking at Wu Yuyu's lazy appearance, Gu Yi smiled and shook his head

"Become the Supreme Sorcerer, and you can stay here as long as you want."

Hearing Gu Yi's words, Wu Yuyu directly covered his ears with his hands.

"I don't want to listen, even if I'm not the Supreme Mage, can you still kick me out?"

Looking at Wu Yuyu's childish appearance,

Gu Yi couldn't help but chuckle twice and didn't continue the previous topic.

Anyway, she can still do it.

What's more, if you are always nagging, young people will hate you.……........

While enjoying afternoon tea in Kurobutama,

Nielsen and Murdoch Law Firm

"You want to take two days off? What about Duncan's case? No, I don't agree!"

Hearing Nelson's words, Matt hesitated for a moment.

But thinking of the news he got from Wu Yuyu, his hesitant attitude became firm again.

""Sorry, I have to leave for a reason. As for the case, I'll leave it to you. I'll be back as soon as possible!"

Nelson was stunned for a moment.

When he reacted, he looked at Matt in front of him and patted his chest with a serious expression.

"Since it is a very important matter, you can go with peace of mind. I will never let this case fail before you come back. I will bet my status as a law partner!"

Karen on the side also came up.

She said that she would also provide help to Nelson, so that Matt did not need to worry about this and could go about his own business.

‘Looking at the two friends in front of him.

Matt didn't say anything more, he went up to hug them, then turned and walked out of the law firm...

It was time for him to turn into a"devil" and find the real murderer who caused his father's death!

Looking at Matt's back, Karen's eyes were full of worry.

"You say, what's so urgent that he has to do it now?"

Hearing Karen's question

, Nelson rubbed his head and said sadly:"How should I know? I only know that this case is giving me a headache!"

His sad face successfully made Karen laugh.

She patted Nelson's shoulder comfortingly.

She said jokingly:"Thank you for your hard work, our 'big lawyer'’~~Maybe coffee can make you happier?"

Hearing this, Nelson's eyes suddenly lit up and he nodded quickly.

He had been craving Karen's coffee for a long time. In the past, he had to wait for her to make a cup for Matt before he could have one.

This time it was finally his turn to enjoy Karen's service!

Watching Karen's leaving back, Nelson looked at the piles of case materials in front of him.

A flame of fighting spirit ignited in his eyes.

It's just a case, just do it!........

On the other hand, Matt had already put on the uniform that represented his other identity.

Thinking of the roses he found on his father's body, Matt couldn't help but clench his fists.

He gritted his teeth and said,"I will find you!"

He slowly put the mask on his head, and the devil image widely circulated in the New York gangs - Daredevil, came on!

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