Facing Tony's question, Wu Yuyu was silent for a moment, then reached out and patted Pietro on the shoulder.

"Don't you already know it?"

Tony opened his mouth and suddenly felt a dryness in his throat as he watched Wu Yuyu's actions.

With his brain, how could he not see what Wu Yuyu meant?

Swallowing hard, Tony looked at the brother and sister who were staring at him.

He asked tentatively,"You...What do you mean?"

"Just as you thought, the two of them are among the victims of the arms munitions."

Knowing that his guess was correct, Tony's breathing suddenly became heavier.

Closing his eyes, Tony covered his face weakly and fell softly on the sofa.

The scenes he had experienced in the illusion before reappeared in front of him...

Tony couldn't help but doubt himself. Was his original idea really correct?

The purpose of his development of various arms was to seek peace.

But now... the victims of arms have appeared in front of him. Are his weapons really guaranteeing peace?

Tony drew a question mark in his heart.

Looking at Tony, whose faith had collapsed, the eyes of Pietro and his sister were full of complexity.

They have hated Tony Stark for many years. Every time they saw news about him in the news, their past experiences would resurface in their hearts.

But looking at Tony's current appearance, they suddenly felt relieved.

The brother and sister looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths curved at the same time.

Pietro reached out and pulled Wu Yuyu's arm.

"Let's go back."

After hearing Pietro's words, Wu Yuyu noticed the expressions of the brother and sister.

Compared with before, the brother and sister now looked much more sunny.

‘This is completely figured out.……’

Wu Yuyu raised his eyebrows and raised his chin towards Tony.

"What about him?"

Following Wu Yuyu's action, the brother and sister looked at Tony, whose eyes were full of guilt.

But they only glanced at him and then looked away.

"It doesn't matter. He is just a pitiful person on another level."

Hearing the brother and sister's comments, Wu Yuyu looked at Tony with a strange look in his eyes.



Recalling Tony's past experiences, drinking → attracting hatred → picking up girls → attracting hatred...

He, who had handed over all the company's business to Obadiah, seemed to be either attracting hatred or enjoying himself.

It seems, it seems, that he is indeed a little pitiful?

Wu Yuyu shook his head and couldn't make up any more.

He could understand what the brother and sister meant, but he really couldn't associate the Tony in front of him with the word pitiful.

If he didn't know Tony's future, he wouldn't even bother to look at Tony.


The sound of the knife being sheathed appeared again.

The world in front of Tony's eyes shattered instantly. When he opened his eyes again, he was back to the state of holding the model.

"Please wait a moment!"

Tony pushed the model in his arms away and turned to call out to Wu Yuyu and the other two who were about to leave the room.

He walked quickly to the front of the three people and glanced at the mirror flower and water moon in Wu Yuyu's hand with lingering fear.

Then he adjusted his expression and bowed formally.

"Although I don't know what kind of suffering you have suffered, I think it must be very painful. I promise you here that I will definitely get to the bottom of this matter and give everyone an explanation! With the surname Stark!"

Faced with Tony's sincere assurance, Wu Yuyu's mouth corners slightly raised, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Looking at the brother and sister beside him, seeing that they had no intention of responding.

So Wu Yuyu led the two of them to bypass Tony and walked out of the villa, leaving only a bent figure on the spot, motionless for a long time......

Oh no, there is also a model lady sitting on the ground with a confused look on her face........

Wu Yuyu walked out of the villa, and before he could appreciate the surrounding scenery, two more pendants appeared on his body.

Looking at the brother and sister hanging on him, Wu Yuyu rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Hey, this is the only piece of clothing I have. If you dare to dirty it, I will throw you into the sea!"

Facing Wu Yuyu's"threat", the brother and sister looked at the clothes they had wet, made faces in sync, and then ran away.

"Lulu, we are not afraid! Come and catch us if you can!"

Looking at the brother and sister who looked so young, Wu Yuyu couldn't help but shook his head and sighed,"It's great to be young......Eh? No!"

Wu Yuyu suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to be much older than the brother and sister. What was there to sigh about?

He must have been infected by Ancient One!

It's not that he got old!

After throwing the blame on Ancient One, Wu Yuyu suddenly felt a sense of relief.

Looking at the brother and sister who had already run away, a dangerous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"If you want to escape from my palm, go practice for a few more years!"

With a slight movement of his fingers, Tony and the model were thrown out of the mirror space. Then the entire mirror space began to flip, sending the brother and sister who had already run away back to him.

The brother and sister looked at Wu Yuyu's calm expression and smiled awkwardly.

"ha...ha...You caught me."

Wu Yuyu raised his eyebrows and said jokingly,"Why don't you run? If you run a few more steps, I might not be able to catch you~"

The brother and sister rolled their eyes in tacit understanding.

Can't catch?

No one would believe it!

According to Wu Yuyu's personality, they are not sure whether they are awake or not. They may run for a long time and find themselves still standing in the same place!

Thinking of that scene, the brother and sister closed their eyes and did whatever they wanted.

They didn't give Wu Yuyu a chance to perform at all.

Looking at the brother and sister lying flat on their faces, Wu Yuyu smiled and walked towards the brother and sister with his hands rubbed.

"Since you don't want to run, then prepare to swim in the sea~"

Listening to the footsteps of Wu Yuyu approaching, the brother and sister closed their eyes, then held their breath, ready to face the attack of the sea water.

A few minutes later...

The brother and sister who had not been thrown into the sea quietly opened their eyes.

They were shocked to find that Wu Yuyu had walked a long distance away without knowing when.

"Are you still not leaving? If you don't leave now, you'll miss the dinner at Kamar-Taj!"

As if noticing the actions of the brother and sister, Wu Yuyu in the distance raised his arm and shook it, and a voice was carried to their ears by the wind.

"Here they come!"

The brother and sister reacted and quickly quickened their pace, chasing after Wu Yuyu...............

Two sides of the story

"Sir? Why did you suddenly appear in the villa?

An electronic voice appeared in Tony's villa.......

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